Issue: 409             
April 16, 2020 
In This Issue

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Message from the Director
Schöne Grüße von Herrn Anderson

As we conclude our second week of Distance Learning, Herr Anderson shares some thoughts about how we - TCGIS staff and families - are partners in our school's mission: innovative education of the whole child through German immersion

Videogruß vom Direktor 16. April 2020
Videogruß vom Direktor 16. April 2020
School Board Announcements
Herzlichen Dank: another fundraising milestone reached!

The Covid-19 crisis has made our lives as we know them come to a grinding halt. But there is some great news to report! 

As of April 1 we've raised $75,987 towards our Annual Fund Campaign target of $125,000! Herzlichen Dank to our generous community!!

Especially significant is that this number includes $13,752 in monthly contributions through employee-giving programs and parent donations that are matched by their employers That is fantastic news and we are thrilled to have so many parents and family members take advantage of employee-giving and matching-fund programs. 

Did you know? Numerous corporations are  increasing  their matching gift donations in light of the pandemic. Maybe your employer is doing the same, or is on  this list  of corporations increasing their matching gift donations? (Medtronic is not on this list but recently announced they are also increasing their matching donations by 2:1 during this time.) If a donation to TCGIS is something your family can consider right now, you can make a donation here

In other great news:  we've unlocked the All-School Dress Up Day challenge by reaching our $75,000 milestone! We will have a VIRTUAL all-school dress up day for both staff and students; we'll send out details for  when  to dress up, and  how  to submit your photos, soon - stay tuned!   
Nominations & Applications to the School Board due April 18

By serving on the TCGIS School Board, YOU can help our school, strengthen connections within our community, and make important decisions that affect the future.The work of the Board ensures that TCGIS provides a meaningful education and experience for all students.

This year, the community will elect FIVE board members to each serve a three year term . We seek any interested persons ( parents, teachers, and community members ), especially those with experience in management & leadership, diversity & inclusion, financial compliance, education, board governance, legal matters, and marketing & development. 

If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve, all details and forms are available through the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.

If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member about the role, responsibilities, and expectations, feel free to contact any of the current Board members . Send your nominations or applications to Stephanie Forsland (sforsland@tcgis.org) .

Important Dates
April 18 : All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm. Send via email to Stephanie Forsland ( sforsland@tcgis.org ) or drop off in the school office. 
TBD: Meet the Candidates Forum
May 11-15: Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 15. 

Board Elections FAQ 2020 (including detailed timeline)
Share the TCGIS message in different langauges!  

In an effort to promote our school's goal of increasing diversity, the TCGIS school board Communications Committee wants to use videos in languages other than German and English to share what makes our school great. We are seeking volunteers to speak for the school in languages commonly spoken in Twin Cities immigrant communities such as  Amharic,  Arabic, Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese, etc.  Please contact Rich Iwen at  riwen@tcgis.org if you can participate in this outreach program. 
Upcoming Committee Meetings

Here are the scheduled upcoming committee meetings.  Please contact the committee chair for meeting login details.  Meetings will be virtual until further notice.

Diversity Task Force: Tues April 21, 3:45pm, contact riwen@tcgis.org
Finance & Facilities Committee: Tues April 21, 6:30pm, contact rheid@tcgis.org
Executive Committee: Wed April 22, 6:30pm, contact jalkatout@tcgis.org
April school board meeting: Thurs April 30, 6:30pm, contact jalkatout@tcgis.org
School Information
All-School Updates: Feedback Survey and important links 

We have almost completed our second week of distance-learning - and we'd still like to hear how it's going for your family. If you haven't already, please take moment to fill out this survey to let us know what's working and what areas need more work. Your feedback helps us form a complete picture of how things are working school-wide so we can make necessary changes and keep improving distance-learning for students, families and teachers. Vielen Dank! 

Here are links to useful pages you may wish to bookmark for easy reference: 

In case you missed any of the email updates in the last month, find them here:

Moving to Weekly Attendance next week

Vielen, vielen Dank for taking daily attendance for your child(ren) these last two weeks. By reporting attendance through the form, you are saving our teachers this significant administrative task, allowing them to focus on educating your child(ren). 

We have been assessing the attendance procedure over the last two weeks and we now have almost 10 days of attendance data, providing us a good overview of where students and families are at. We have decided to streamline the process even further  next week by moving  to taking  attendance once a week  on Fridays  

The new form, in which you will enter weekly attendance for your child(ren), will be available Friday-Sunday (it opens Friday morning and closes 11:59 P.M. Sunday night). If your child has attended school everyday, you will have a simple yes/no option. If your child missed any days that week, you'll have the option to check off which days they were absent and a space to tell us the reason (required for accurate attendance reporting).  If you forget to enter attendance, let the front office know by emailing info@tcgis.org

If you would like to receive a weekly email reminder to enter attendance on Fridays, you can opt in to reminder emails by filling out a brief form here .   (If you already signed up for the daily reminder, we will continue to email you this weekly reminder, until you email Katharina to be removed from the list.)

Attendance data will be entered into PowerSchool the following Monday by front office staff. If you opted to receive attendance notifications for your child(ren) from PowerSchool, these notifications will now be for the week prior

Thank you for adapting to this new process with us. Taking attendance gives us the ability to say to the State of Minnesota what our participation rate is. The collaboration between parents and the front office staff can provide this crucial information and allow teachers to focus on instruction.  Thank you for supporting TCGIS this way.
Weekly Meal Pick-up for Qualifying Families 

TCGIS will continue to provide meals to qualifying families with weekly pick-up on Mondays. If your family is experiencing loss of income due to the Covid-19 pandemic, your child/ren may qualify for free or reduced price lunches. To apply, please complete an Application for Educational Benefits  and contact Alex Weeding at  aweeding@tcgis.org . Should your family qualify, we will add you to our weekly meal distribution at our OPC cafeteria.
Kinderclub Updates for April 2020 

TCGIS will continue to provide care for students of Emergency Workers, First Responders and Essential Workers starting April 6th. You may review the list of eligible workers  here

If you will continue or need to start care at TCGIS please fill out this form  by Monday, April 20 .  As a reminder we will provide care for your school-aged students between the ages of 5-12.
Checking in with the Parent Council  

The Parent Council met (via Zoom) on April 13. Not surprisingly, the bulk of our discussion centered around distance learning. It's safe to say that parents, students, and staff are all being stretched. School representatives reiterated that they understand parents are juggling homeschooling with working at home and other demands; they don't expect things to be done perfectly and are allowing "space and grace" during this time.

Elementary and middle school coordinators provided feedback at the meeting, expressing gratitude for parents' support and asking for continued patience and understanding as they adapt to this new educational landscape. Middle school teachers face particular challenges to connecting with students in the same way as elementary school teachers, simply because they have more students. Middle school teachers are looking for more ways to connect with students as distance learning continues.  

Parent feedback on distance learning is welcome; if you haven't had a chance to provide your feedback, please do so here. Additionally, there are some great resources on the TCGIS website, including links to the school's distance learning information, German enrichment information, COVID-19 resources, and some recently added information on stress management.

The parent council will meet again in May. If you have concerns about issues you'd like us to address, get in touch with your class's Parent Council representative.   
Construction Updates  

We're happy to report construction is moving forward as planned. We anticipate they will pour more of the concrete floors next week. We have some new views of the construction site to share witth you this week. 

Andy Nesset
TCGIS Facilities and Grounds

3rd Floor East View 4-16-20
3rd Floor East View 4-16-20

3rd Floor West to East - 4-16-20
3rd Floor West to East - 4-16-20

Neue Sporthalle (facing east, panning from south to north) 4-16-20
Neue Sporthalle / New Gymnasium
(facing east, panning from south to north) 4-16-20
PASCH Competition Winner for Cross-Country Meet

Congratulations, TCGIS!

TCGIS won $5000 in this year's
PASCH Competition of "Overcoming Boundaries" for the 30th Anniversary of German Reunification from the German Consulate and the German Federal Foreign Office to host a cross-country meet in the fall 2020 season:  Immer Sportlich Cross-Country Invitational Meet .

In our application, we connected running to German and "Overcoming Boundaries". Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics . Eliud Kipchoge holds the current marathon world record in Berlin and ran the world's first sub-2-hour marathon in German-speaking Vienna. Overcoming boundaries - be it personal records, hitting the wall in the marathon, or proving what is humanly possible - is what each athlete strives to achieve. Through this invitational meet, we want to cultivate stronger ties between German and running.

The invitational will be open to middle school cross-country teams throughout the Twin Cities in order to promote our school and the German language and culture. Our cross-country and track-and-field program is also very interested in offering races for elementary school students, high schoolers and the wider community at this event.
New Middle School Athletics Page  

Please check out the brand new webpage and information regarding Middle School Athletics at TCGIS. It is located in the Extracurricular Activities section under the Family Resources tab, and also here: www.tcgis.org/athletics

Yearbook Orders due May 8th

There is less than one month to order your yearbook! The price is $25 until May 8th. Order your yearbook today at  jostens.com!
Health Office Update for 11 year-old Students:
Current Vaccination Records Needed

If your child is 11 years old and/or entering 7th grade next school year, Minnesota State Statute 121A.15 requires your student to have a dose of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine to return to school. If you choose to opt out you may file a medical exemption signed by a health care provider or a non-medical exemption signed by a parent/guardian, and notarized (vaccine needs to be specified). Please return completed immunization documentation to TCGIS once available, but not later than August 15th, 2020 via: 
  • email to info@tcgis.org
  • U.S. mail to school (1031 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103) ATTN : Monika Avery
Vielen Dank!
Monika Avery, Health Services
Re-Enrollment Survey: Please Respond

Please respond to our 2020-2021  re-enrollment survey  if you have not done so already. Even/especially if your plans are not yet finalized or you will not be returning to TCGIS next year; there is a "maybe" option provided. Thank you so much to those of you who have responded, we're only missing about 100 students! This survey is enormously helpful for TCGIS in planning our class compositions.
Enrichment Activities Spring Session

If you have not yet received a cancellation email and a refund, then your class is continuing remotely and the instructor should have been in touch with you about organizing that. If you would prefer not to participate in the activity remotely or if you have any questions, please contact info@tcgis.org, ATTN: Clarissa Herman and we will refund your registration promptly. 
Attention St. Paul Residents: 
Applications now available for the Saint Paul Bridge Fund

Applications are now open for the Saint Paul Bridge Fund, which will provide emergency relief for families and small businesses most impacted by COVID-19.  Apply by April 19 at 5 p.m. at   stpaul.gov/bridge-fund  

Grant Application Guidelines and Process 

Eligibility for Families 

Grants to residents are targeted to ensure families can remain in secure and stable housing. Eligible families include those who: 
  • Live in Saint Paul; 
  • Have incomes at or below 40% of area median income (or $40,000 annually for a family of four) before a COVID-19-related change in employment; 
  • Have at least one minor child under 18 present in the household; and 
  • Have experienced a significant loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
Additional resources
The Saint Paul Bridge Fund includes funds provided by The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and private donors including the Baird, Bush Foundation, Ecolab Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Securian Foundation, Minnesota United FC, Minnesota Wild, the Saint Paul &  Minnesota Foundation, and the Xcel Energy Foundation.   
PTO Updates 
Open PTO Exec Team Positions for 2020-2021 School Year 

For the 2020-2021 school year, there will be a some positions opening on the Exec team! Are you interested in getting more involved? Do you have expertise in marketing, finance, education or fundraising? We would love to get in touch with you! Email  tcgispto@gmail.com  if you are interested!

TCGIS Maskenball 2020 - More info coming. 
Community Events: Updates 
GAI: New Courses and Events for Adults
Oberstufe LK C+ advanced class
Von Goethe, Grass, und Grönemeyer-Gedichte 
Schon seit Jahrhunderten drücken Menschen ihre Regungen in Form von Lyrik aus. Lyrik kann aber auch gesellschaftskritisch und politisch sein, und allem voran - ein Sprachexperiment. In dem Lyrik-Kurs überbrücken wir Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und befassen uns in einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Poemen, Gedichten und Liedern. 
Instructor: Valentin Solachau

Dieser Kurs ist für Fortgeschittene-Niveau B2 oder höher
Sat 4/18-6/13 , 10:00 a.m.-noon , 8 weeks

NOTE: GAI language classes beginning in April will be offered in an online / live video format until it is safe to resume in-person sessions. 

Kaddish: Reflections on the Holocaust in Music and Words, by MPR Classical Music host Mindy Ratner
To honor Holocaust Remembrance Day, or "Yom Hashoah" on April 21, the GAI is offering special online programming to the community that will be available throughout the month. More information at  gai-mn.org/event-3808672

NOW ONLINE: Happy Hour auf Deutsch-Freitag Feierabend 
Friday, April 24 | 5:30-6:30 PM
Now in the comfort of your home! Bring a beer or wine to your computer or smartphone and join in the conversation, led by a GAI language instructor. Register at  gai-mn.org/Freitag-Feierabend
Parent &  Family Resources 
NEW: Stress Management Resources at tcgis.org
In collaboration with school psychologist, Carol Mecklenburg, and our team of mental health providers and interns at TCGIS, Jessie Kember, Sydney Carlson and Danielle Becker, we have created a  new resource page  for TCGIS families.

Resources include:  videos and apps for guided meditation, yoga and breathing exercises; tips for talking about the stress of the pandemic with children and teens; ideas for adapting daily life to these extraordinary circumstances; and many more.

You can find links to this new page on the  homepage , the  Distance Learning page , and here:  http://www.tcgis.org/stress-management-resources.html

Family Resources 

These and more resources can be found on this new page on our website:

German Enrichment Resources  

Looking for ways to keep your child(ren) engaged in German? Check out this new webpage with resources in various media and subject-areas. Check back often for the Video des Tages!