The Elkton High School recitals will be held on Saturday, June 15 at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm and Sunday, June 16 at 1:00pm and 5:00pm. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you check the day and time of your recital assignment. Each show is approximately two hours and fifteen minutes. Please double check which show/s your student is participating in and be sure your dancer arrives 20 minutes prior to the start of the show so that they can find their dressing room and take care of last minute details.
To find what recital day/time your child's performing, click here for our reference chart.
To find your dancer's class placement in the order of recital routines for each day, click here.
For a summary of important times for your child's rehearsals and performances, click here. More details are also provided in this newsletter.
Elkton High School is located at 110 James Street in Elkton across from Gilpin Manor Elementary School on Elkton-Newark Road (Route 279). As you approach the building, please look for the marked entrance to the auditorium wing which is the second to the last set of double doors to the right. The auditorium is at the end of the hallway. Seating is located on the right as you enter and ushers will be available for the performances.
Tickets are $17.00 per person and will be sold online; however, all dance accounts must be current with a zero balance due prior to purchasing any recital tickets. A link will be emailed on Friday, May 31 for online purchases. Want to get your tickets early? Consider volunteering at our recital to get the best seats! See the volunteer section of this newsletter for details.
Recital seating is by reservation; this means you will need to select your seats at the time of your purchase. Online ticket sales will be available the day of the show up to 30 minutes after show time. Remember, the earlier you buy your tickets, the better the seat selection.
What does the $17 admission cover? Your admission fee affords us to rent the school for seven days along with paying the custodial fees. We also pay our teachers, administrative staff and technical crew for that week. Other expenses include recital programs, trophies and awards, lighting design, and many other incidentals that are too numerous to itemize.
Female dancers should wear make-up that is heavier than street make-up. Students should ask their instructor about tights and how their hair should be worn. Tights and hair nets (for buns) are available at The Dance Station located next to Studio C. If a dancer is uncomfortable changing from costume to costume in the dressing rooms, we recommend wearing a body liner which may also be purchased at The Dance Station.
Check out this video link (click here) on how to make a beautiful hair bun!
Dancers may pick up their trophy either Saturday or Sunday (NOT BOTH!) and have their picture taken with their teacher in the cafeteria after the recital performances. Students who have been dancing for five or ten years will receive both an award and a trophy.