Dance Fundamentals - Adult Level Performances


The Elkton High School recitals will be held on Saturday, June 15 at 10:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm and Sunday, June 16 at 1:00pm and 5:00pm. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you check the day and time of your recital assignment. Each show is approximately two hours and fifteen minutes. Please double check which show/s your student is participating in and be sure your dancer arrives 20 minutes prior to the start of the show so that they can find their dressing room and take care of last minute details.

To find what recital day/time your child's performing, click here for our reference chart.

To find your dancer's class placement in the order of recital routines for each day, click here.

For a summary of important times for your child's rehearsals and performances, click here. More details are also provided in this newsletter.


Elkton High School is located at 110 James Street in Elkton across from Gilpin Manor Elementary School on Elkton-Newark Road (Route 279). As you approach the building, please look for the marked entrance to the auditorium wing which is the second to the last set of double doors to the right. The auditorium is at the end of the hallway. Seating is located on the right as you enter and ushers will be available for the performances.


Tickets are $17.00 per person and will be sold online; however, all dance accounts must be current with a zero balance due prior to purchasing any recital tickets. A link will be emailed on Friday, May 31 for online purchases. Want to get your tickets early? Consider volunteering at our recital to get the best seats! See the volunteer section of this newsletter for details.

Recital seating is by reservation; this means you will need to select your seats at the time of your purchase. Online ticket sales will be available the day of the show up to 30 minutes after show time. Remember, the earlier you buy your tickets, the better the seat selection. 

  • What does the $17 admission cover?  Your admission fee affords us to rent the school for seven days along with paying the custodial fees. We also pay our teachers, administrative staff and technical crew for that week. Other expenses include recital programs, trophies and awards, lighting design, and many other incidentals that are too numerous to itemize.  


Female dancers should wear make-up that is heavier than street make-up. Students should ask their instructor about tights and how their hair should be worn. Tights and hair nets (for buns) are available at The Dance Station located next to Studio C. If a dancer is uncomfortable changing from costume to costume in the dressing rooms, we recommend wearing a body liner which may also be purchased at The Dance Station.  

  • Check out this video link (click here) on how to make a beautiful hair bun!


Dancers may pick up their trophy either Saturday or Sunday (NOT BOTH!) and have their picture taken with their teacher in the cafeteria after the recital performances. Students who have been dancing for five or ten years will receive both an award and a trophy. 


Students will have a stage rehearsal at EHS (June 10 - 13) for each class in which he/she will be performing. Students should wear normal dance attire for this rehearsal. The stage rehearsal schedule is posted in the lobbies or see the link below. Since this rehearsal is only 15 minutes per class, we ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your start time.

Click here for the STAGE rehearsal schedule.


Dress rehearsal is at EHS on Friday, June 14. An adult must accompany each child to dress rehearsal, as there will not be any other supervision available. Due to space limitations, we recommend that siblings not attend. Dress rehearsal is run just like the real show except the dancers sit in the auditorium instead of waiting in their assigned dressing rooms. Students should wear or bring their costumes to this rehearsal and may use one of the dressing rooms to change if needed. Remember that the order of dances will be different from the real show as all classes will perform in the dress rehearsal. Students may leave as soon as their dance/dances are performed; however, please keep in mind that this will be your child's only opportunity to see all of the dances unless you purchase tickets for a show your child is not in. The dress rehearsal schedule is posted in each lobby or you may click the link below for the schedule. 

Click here for the DRESS rehearsal schedule.


We will have food trucks stationed in the front of the school from 4:00pm - 8:00pm at dress rehearsal and families may enjoy their dinner in the cafeteria. Waffle 'n Joe, Uncle John's BBQ, and Kona Ice will all be available.


To find your child's stage rehearsal, dress rehearsal and recital show assignments in one easy chart, please use this "cheat sheet" which highlights all of this information for each class. Click here for our chart.


During the recital, students are asked to remain in their dressing rooms until called for their performance. Dancers will have to stay in their designated dressing room for the entire show. No food or drinks (except water) will be allowed in the dressing rooms. Parents are encouraged to send games, toys, etc. to help pass the time. Please review the dressing room list for your child's dressing room assignment that is posted on the lobby bulletin boards or follow the link below.  Please note: if your dancer is in multiple shows, dressing room assignments are specific for each show and may change based on room capacity so please review carefully.

Click here for the dressing room assignments.


We are looking for volunteer parents for a variety of roles including set up, clean up, and supervising the students during the recital. PLEASE NOTE: We will NOT be able to allow males to volunteer in an all-girl dressing room. (If you are a dad/grandfather/uncle/etc. consider volunteering in the boys' dressing room if you have a daughter performing.) Volunteers will need to stay in their designated dressing room during the entire show except to watch their child perform. Consider volunteering for a show in which your child is not performing if you would like to sit in the audience with family during your child's performance. *Volunteers have the benefit of purchasing recital tickets early as a bonus for their help. An early access code will be sent to the email on file and will only be valid for ONE use so please make sure you have the right show and number of tickets needed when you buy early.

To sign up to help, please register online via this link: https://signup.com/go/QaoOgEX


Upon arrival to a performance, only one adult may escort their dancer to their dressing room. At that time, the parent/guardian will check-in their dancer and will receive a wrist band that they will need to wear in order to pick-up their child at the end of the show. Once the show begins, only adults with wrist bands will be permitted backstage (regardless of your child’s age). More details will be available closer to the performance.


Would you like to surprise your dancer with a beautiful bouquet of flowers after his/her performance? As a fundraiser, Cecil Dance Theatre, our senior performing company, is selling arrangements from Fair Hill Florist for our recital students. The flower order form is available on lobby tables or click here. Orders are due by Saturday, June 1.



Cecil Dancenter will be videotaping the Elkton High School recitals. Recital DVD's are Blu-Ray only and available for $42 (includes sales tax) per show. Order forms are available on lobby tables or click here. Orders will not be accepted without payment in full.



Each year Cecil Dancenter offers an opportunity for your dancer to have their picture taken in their recital costume/s. On Wednesday, June 19 Amorin Photography will be at Studio B to take portraits of your child in his/her dance costume. To schedule an appointment, you may select from the available times via this link: https://signup.com/go/ffWeAHx. Dancers may come to the photo shoot with a pose/s in mind or staff will help your child with a pose. Families will be able to view and order their photos on-line. For your convenience, picture packages will be mailed directly to your home. To see some of Tom Amorin's work click here. Package options and pricing information is on the lobby table or click here.  If you have any questions, please contact Amorin Photography directly at thomas@amorinphotography.com.



2024 Recital T-shirts are available for sale. These T-shirts list all dancers participating in the Elkton High School and Creative Dance/Dance Basics studio recitals enrolled by February 22. T-shirts are $22 (includes tax). Copies of the order forms are available on lobby tables or click here.

Memories For A Lifetime
Order Your DVD Today.
Make Your Dancer Feel Special!
Reward your dancer with a flower bouquet while supporting our senior performing company!

We've Got Your Back Covered!

T-shirts are available for your dancer to wear with pride!


Congratulations to these students celebrating five or ten years and to our graduating seniors!  if your child's name should be listed and is not here (or is listed here in error), please call our office so that we may check our records.


Dahlia Barclay

Alyssa Bennethum

Rose Brehany

Semira Breitkreutz

Carolina Burns

Natalie Burns

Lexie Credille

Isabelle Dahl

Peyton DiPaola

Rebecca Ditmore

Phoenix Doll

Rebecca Dolly

Calvin Dugan

Emily Evans

Maelynn Ford

Kylie Heath

Sierra Kachel

Katherine Kelly

Hadley Kibler

Kara Leffew

Georgia Lidy

Geneva Lightcap

Yoselin Lopez

Quinn Maresca

Amelia Martino

Kayleigh McArthur

Emily McGowan

Josie Middlemiss

Sophia Negosta

Lucia O’Connell

Genevieve Patterson

Scarlett Reed

Evelyn “Evie” Roden

Molly Rodriguez

Alaina Schneider

Becca Small

Elizabeth Smallwood

Olivia Stinson

Lillian Strojny

Victoria Ulrich

Abigail Wakefield

Cash Walpole-McWilliams

Alison Warholak

Caitlyn Watts


Madalyn Estep

Noelle Malin

Olivia Pelachick

Bridget Reardon

Alana Warner


Lilly Beverung

Claire Hash

Grace Ingram

Emily Jackson

Grayson Jones

Gracie Milanoski

Rachel Saacks

Victoria Ulrich

Riley Wachter

Cecil Dancenter | www.cecildancenter.com.