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November 03, 2020
Happy November!

Halloween week was so fun! We loved seeing all the creative costumes, dancing to fun themed music and hearing the squeals of delight when the candy came out. Thank you to all our dancers for participating. We love our traditions!

Holiday Travel

The upcoming Holiday Season may bring about larger family gatherings and possible travel. I have been asked what the studio's policy is for travel and return to work for staff and teachers. I understand and respect everyone has different views/thoughts and comfort levels regarding COVID. I am happy to share with our families the guidelines Elite has in place.

Staff and teachers are asked to self-quarantine the recommended time of 48-72 hrs upon returning home. This time allows them to monitor their health and watch for any symptoms. If they are symptom free, they can return to work. Staff and teachers also have option to take a COVID test if they cannot wait the 48-72 hrs. Once a negative result is confirmed, they can return to the studio.

While these policies are in place for Elite's staff and teachers, we also hope our dance families will use them as guideline as well.

Whatever your plans may be, we wish all our families a safe, healthy and enjoyable Holiday Season!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Studio Closure Dates

Thanksgiving Break- November 23rd- 27th
Classes resume on Monday, November 30th
Winter Break- December 21st - January 1st 
Classes resume on Monday, January 4th

Holiday Traditions
Send us your Family Holiday Cards!  Many years ago we started this tradition and it is so much fun... Our Elite Families send us their Holiday Cards and we decorated our lobby with them.  It's a festive way that brings all our dance families together.  
You can mail your cards to us at 4062 NW Saltzman Rd # 202, Portland, OR 97229 or drop it off at the front desk.  We look forward to receiving yours!

Spring Showcase and Recital

Normally this time of year the studio is in full swing planning our Spring Shows. Costumes are being chosen, students are being measured and recital themes and songs are being reveled, but unfortunately with so many unknowns that is not the case this season. Of course we are bummed, but we are making the most of our time with our students and enjoying every minute of it.

While we anticipate we will not be able to have our normal large-scale show we really hope to be able to have some sort of performance/showcase. We are not sure exactly what that will look like. It will depend on the current restrictions, guidelines and comfort levels.

The staff will regroup in January/February and evaluate our options. We will let our families know as soon as we have a plan.

Look for more info in 2021!

A perfect time to say Thank You!

The staff and myself just wanted to say thank you to our dancers and families -- 
  • Thank you for supporting your dancer and allowing them to come to class  
  • Thank you for being so good about wearing your masks and following social distancing guidelines
  • Thank you for being positive and adaptive to our new normal
  • Thank you for being responsible and caring about the health of others 
  • Thank you for loving dance and being apart of our dance family
  • Thank you for all the supportive and kind words.   
We feel very fortunate that we are open and able to dance together.  The studio is a special place for so many and we can't say it enough how appreciative and thankful we are for our dance community.   

That's it for now!  We wish all our families a wonderful November and Happy Thanksgiving!

and Staff

Elite Dance Studio | (503) 645-8105
4062 NW Saltzman Rd
Suite #202
Portland, OR 97229