"They that are planted
in the house of the LORD
shall flourish in the courts of our God."
~ Psalm 92:14
God's Time
We either pay attention to or ignore “clock time” as we play in the summer sun and note the earth’s tilt and the lengthening days. We live by time. We reckon time in seconds and minutes and hours, or we use broader chunks like suppertime and summertime.

God keeps another sort of time. God speaks to us of “saving time,” that is, the time of salvation. This sense of time is called kairos, and this time is always now, always present and available, always revealing, often surprising.

This Sunday’s readings alert us to the reality and the import of God’s time. Ezekiel and the Gospel of Mark remind us that our labor and our plotting and our planning rest in God. For God takes our smallest efforts and makes of them great works. Paul points us to the “harvest” time, urges us to be watchful for its coming, and calls us to recognize that we must spend our time pleasing God.
Sunday Mass Schedule
A new look this week, no RSVP link! We are grateful that as Illinois enters Phase 5 of Reopening, restrictions have been lifted for Sunday worship.

Please see below for OLBS Sunday Mass times for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. We hope you can join us...let your friends know!

Note, our pews will still be marked for social distancing this weekend and masks are recommended for those that are vulnerable or not yet vaccinated.

SJE Church, 5:00pm

QR Church, 8:00am

SJE Church, 9:15am

QR Church, 10:30am

QR Church, 5:00pm (Please remember to bring a lawn/folding chair and protection from the sun.)

If attending the 10:30am Mass or 5pm Outdoor Mass at our QR worship site, please pay close attention to the gates and to signs which will guide you in entering/exiting our parking lot.
Follow this link to keep up with Readings for Daily and Sunday liturgies.
PLEASE NOTE: We no longer require registration for Sunday or Daily Liturgy or personal prayer during the week. Masks and social distancing are no longer required for vaccinated visitors. In the event that anything changes per the State of Illinois or public health departments, we will communicate immediately.

The parking lot attendance option remains available at the QR 10:30am Mass for those with underlying conditions. Park in the West lot and tune to 102.5 FM radio channel to listen to Mass on your car radio, or watch from your phone on our Facebook page or Web page. At Communion, an Extraordinary Minister will distribute the Holy Eucharist to guests in each car.
Praying Outside the Church
This Sunday, June 13th, OLBS will celebrate our first Summer Outdoor Mass at 5pm at Queen of the Rosary. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 13, 2021, 5pm at QR Church
Pick up book, "I Heard God Laugh" plus hear the newly-composed OLBS Choir for the first time. But wait, there's more...Axiom Brass, which includes our new Music Director, Michael Hawes, will also help us celebrate Mass. Please enjoy Ave Maria from Axiom Brass below.

Sunday, July 18, 2021, 5pm at SJE Church
Review Parts 1-3.

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 5pm at QR Church
Review Parts 4-5.

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own lawn or camp chair to setup in the parking lots. We also recommend bringing an umbrella, which will protect from glare or heat of the sun.

Following Mass, all are invited to stay for fellowship and book discussion of Matthew Kelly's "I Heard God Laugh." 

Follow this link to view all upcoming OLBS events.
Please note, these Masses will not be celebrated from our cars, and we are not able to provide outdoor seating.
One Book, One Parish
Most of us have never been taught how to tend our souls. Matthew Kelly’s book “I Heard God Laugh” is a beautiful lesson and soulful directive on how to pray. It’s not what you think. It’s not the standard talk on “how to pray”. It’s so much more. Your soul will be filled. It’s a feeling of gently and warmly holding the hand of God as you talk in comfort and trust. 
As Matthew Kelly says, “Life – it doesn't turn out as we expect it to. That's true for me. That's true for you. That's true for everybody. And sooner or later, we have to decide what we're going to do with the unexpected life that we've been given. In some ways, life exceeds our expectations.” 
Please join OLBS on this journey through “I Heard God Laugh” as we explore how to pray and discover how to tend our soul, together. Books will be available following all Masses the weekend of Sunday, June 13th.
July 1st Summer Supper
Thanks to OLBS Summer Supper Helpers, our Good Samaritan Ministry supplied 36 to-go meals to people in need in June.

Our next meal is set for Thursday, July 1st. If you are able to help shop, cook, pack, prep or serve, please follow this link to signup.

We couldn't continue helping to feed those in need with your support! Note, though restrictions are lifting as Illinois enters Phase 5, Summer Suppers will continue to be served in a contactless, drive-through fashion this Summer.
Men's Group: Into the Breach
"Into the Breach" is a call to battle for Catholic men which urges them to embrace wholeheartedly masculine virtues in a world in crisis. Inspired by the Apostolic Exhortation for Catholic men written by Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix, the Knights of Columbus produced a video series which seeks to answer the question of what it means to be a man and how to live as a man in today's world. Our men's group will be watching these videos and joining in small group discussion to help us answer the call to evangelize a world that desperately needs God. There is no cost for the series. We will meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month from June 14th through November 22nd via Zoom. 

Want to know more? Follow this link for more information.

Ready to dive "Into the Breach"? Contact the parish office to register for the series.
Season for Life
As we approach Father's Day, Season for Life is drawing to a close. Since Mother's Day, we have been highlighting local agencies that help promote a culture of life.

These agencies help with basic needs such as food and housing, provide temporary assistance and life-skills training to help families improve their situation and support women and families choosing life during crisis pregnancies.

Father's Day also marks the close of our annual Spiritual Adoption program. For the past nine months, we have ben praying that God will spare the life of unborn children and that their parents will choose life for them. 

In recognition of Father's Day, and to honor the fathers and father figures in your life, we ask you to consider making donations to support the work of these local culture of life agencies. Place your donations in either the collection boxes and/or baby bottles in the vestibule of either OLBS worship site.
Salute Dad, Support Project Love
Project Love is again offering beautiful Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards to help raise money to support women facing a crisis pregnancy. Father’s Day cards are suitable for any dad, son, son-in-law or father-like figure and the inside of the cards will read that “a donation to Project Love has been made in your honor.”

Follow this link to discover more about how Project Love helps women and families in dire need and how we can support this mission by ordering Father's Day Cards.
School Report
I am grateful to our teachers, staff, Fr. Dan, Fr. Louis, parents and students for making this year possible. A year ago it seemed like an impossible task, but we did it! Without the combined efforts of all, we would never have been able to open on time and continue to provide in-person and remote learning. 

The Office of Catholic Schools will be sending out guidance at the end of June/beginning of July for the 2021-2022 school year. As I receive information, I will share with families.

Sumer Office Hours: Monday through Thursday from 8:30am-11:00am.

—Ms. McGinn, Principal
Follow this link to learn more about QR School.
RE Roundup
Embark on an epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jungles. At Treasured VBS, kids dig into action-packed, faith-filled adventures. They'll discover God's greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold–it's them!

Campers: Kindergarten-5th Grade
Volunteers/Crew Leaders: 6th-12th Grade
Fee: $50/camper, $10 per volunteer 
When: July 12th-16th events at SJE & at-home!

Want to know more or ready to register? Download the flyer. Registration due by June 15th.
Reminder: Altar Server Training
Altar Servers assist the priest and congregation with the celebration of liturgy. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Mass, learn important life skills and make new friends!

June Altar Server Training for new Servers in 4th through 12th Grade this Saturday, June 12th at 10:30am. Meet at Queen of the Rosary and then we'll head to St. Julian.

Current Servers are invited to help share their experience with the group.
Youth Ministry Corner
Last chance to register for a life-changing experience!

You will pray, work, dance, laugh, meet new friends, earn up to 30 service hours and make a difference

OLBS 2021 "Stay Camp" gives campers the Summer Mission Trip Experience from the comfort of home at no cost to campers!

All OLBS Teens are invited to join Mr. Van on a Mission to Serve the week of June 21st to June 25th.

Questions? Download the flyer for complete schedule and to discover more!

Ready to serve? Registration is due by June 13th. Download the registration and release forms and drop off or e-mail completed forms to the parish office.
Though things are opening up, we recognize that not all are able to join us at this time, so we remind you that we have the following virtual tools available to help us stay connected:

Sunday's Digital Worship Aid. Whether you print out or follow along on your phone, from home or inside our churches, you will find Sunday's Digital Worship Aid on the home page of our church websites: QR (scroll down to the link "Click here for digital worship aid...") and SJE (scroll down to the button "Sunday's Digital Worship Aid").

Daily Prayer. Follow this link to review daily prayer, or signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. No commute, no computer needed...join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer. Learn more.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily Mass from both churches: QR and SJE.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
Raise Your Hand
OLBS Prayer Shawl Ministry literally wraps people in prayer. Knitted or crocheted shawls, blankets and even caps are distributed to people in our parish community and beyond who need some extra prayers. If you knit or crochet, or would like to learn, please consider joining our Prayer Shawl Ministry. They meet on the third Wednesday and Saturday of most months. Please check the parish calendar for upcoming meetings.

Follow this space for spotlights and updates on the various volunteer opportunities available around the parish. Joining a council or board or volunteering for a ministry requires a short time commitment and shows great stewardship. Please share your gifts and offer your talents to a consultative board or one of the many ministries serving our parish and community. Raise your hand. Make a real difference in the life of our parish, school and religious education programs. OLBS needs YOU!

Want to know more? Please contact the parish office (847) 956-0130.
Stewardship; in equal parts our Time, Talent 
and Treasure returned to the parish for the 
Glory of God, helps measure the vibrancy of 
OLBS. On Mondays, following daily Mass, 
dedicated volunteers meet at SJE to count 
our Sunday Offertory. We're looking for 
volunteers to augment this team. If discrete 
and organized with a head for numbers describes you, please contact the parish office today. We'd love to have you on the team!

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
(847) 979-0901 | OLBSCares@ArchChicago.org

Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary, 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road

Queen of the Rosary School, 690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 | www.qrschool.org