Elevating "Corporate" Art

"Jubilee" in a board room, 72x120 inches, diptych

August 24, 2024

Dearest Friend,

Have you noticed that art is often treated as an afterthought in corporate or public spaces? Something to complement a color scheme or cheer up a sterile environment?

But recently, I've been gratified to work with designers who curate meaningful art collections for companies.

The Great Lakes Center for the Arts (left), for example, values original art. Six of my paintings hang throughout the Center.

I'm honored to have been appointed the official partner artist of the Art Center.

"Genesis," 72x60 inches, in the Art Center's lobby

Center for the Arts

"Providence" 60x72 inches (left) and "Lady Marmalade" 60x48 inches

Great Lakes Center for the Arts

Corporate buyers value the integrity and expressive power of original artworks, seeing them as more than decorative elements.

"Devotion" 60x60 inches, hangs in Saks Fifth Avenue in Naples

Corporate art collections don't just add aesthetic appeal but are also an financial asset!

"Let's Dance" 60x48 inches, in a Naples lobby

I cherish the opportunity to have my paintings displayed in private homes. I'm equally proud when they are exhibited in public spaces where more people can enjoy them and feel connected to an organization that values creative expression.

Now Open in Michigan & Florida

If you happen to be in Bay Harbor or Naples this summer, please drop in to Amy Art. I'm painting in Bay Harbor most days and am always happy to meet by appointment.

In Naples, my gallery associate, Leslie Vega, is in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12 to 5.

And as always, connect with me on my website, AmyArt.net, which is ever-evolving.


Visit AmyArt.net

Elevated Art Magazine

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Naples Illustrated magazine

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950 1st Avenue North

Naples, Fla.



4221 Main Street

Bay Harbor, Mich.

