St. Benedict's Weekly Electronic Newsletter August 16, 2016
Hot Off The Presses
Family Promise Hospitality
Family Promise of Cobb County provides temporary housing and food for families in need. In order for a family to be a part of Family Promise, they must have children.
St. Benedict's is a part of a network of 13 congregations who make this happen in our community through providing housing and food. This outreach program could not happen without the support of our parishioners.
We really need volunteers to stay overnight with the guests and volunteers to bring food. This is a great opportunity for you to do with your entire family and an awesome way to introduce kids to serving others. Please sign up to volunteer for our next week:
October 5-8.
Calling All Grillmasters and Grillmistresses
We are planning a grill out on September 11th. We need volunteers for help with grilling burgers and hotdogs.
Email Betsy if you can help.
August 27th PNO Registration is now open.
Our first PNO of the new school year will be August 27th from 4:30pm - 9:00pm.
We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with the school to offer an expanded program.
PNO will now be open for children 6 months old through 8th grade.
Children 6 months - 36 months will be cared for in the (new!) nursery by the church's
Sunday caregivers and children preschool - 8th grade will be cared for by the school's Passport staff.
Registration this year will be through RegPoint, an online registration system.
The registration fee is $25 per child.
If you have any questions please contact us at
St. Benedict's Weekday Nursery for Child Development
St. Benedict's Nursery for Child Development (StBN) is a weekday program for children 6 weeks - 36 months. Our first day of school is
August 16th and we still have spots available.
Our core program hours are
9am - 1pm. We offer early morning care from
7:30am - 9am and afternoon extended care from
1pm - 4:30pm.
Class Offerings & Rates
2 Day (
Young Infant - $2430/year
Young Toddler - $2100/year
3 Day (
Older Infant - $3645/year
Older Toddler - $3150/year
Flexible Care Option
We are excited to announce a flexible care option for families who may need only an occasional day, may want to create their own schedule, or may need to add extra days or extended care to their current enrollment. We offer the Flexible Care Option when we have space available. This is not a drop-in service; registrations must be made in advance.
Flexible Care Option rates:
Infant Class (9:00am - 1:00pm): $40/day
Toddler Class (9:00am - 1:00pm): $35/day
Early Morning Care (7:30am - 9:00am): $12/day
Extended Afternoon Care (1:00pm - 4:00pm): $32/day
Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Education/ Formation
NO CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:30 THIS SUMMER. There is Summer Children's Chapel - "A Creative Space"
Through September 4th at 10:30am in the parish hall
Adult and Youth Helpers are needed each week in Chapel.
Sign-Up Here
Register today for Education For Ministry (EfM)
The EFM program (Education for Ministry) of the Sewanee School of Theology is a comprehensive study of scripture combined with the study of church history, contemporary theologians and personal reflection. While it is not preparation for ordination, EFM has all the tools needed to equip the laity for their missions and ministry in the world.
Click here for details.
Women's Bible Study Begins Monday, September 19th
 A Women's Bible Study of St. Benedict's Episcopal Church will begin on Monday, September 19
th at 10:30 in the Conference Room of the school. The Reverend Edith Woodling, Deacon, will lead the group.
The Bible Study will meet the 1
st, 3
rd, and 4
th Mondays of the month. At the first meeting, we will discuss where to begin in our study of Holy Scripture. Bring a Bible (New Revised Standard Version, if possible) and your ideas and interests. Edith will have hot water and tea bags available or bring your favorite refreshment.
For more information, contact Edith at or 404-840-4833.
Youth News
Diocesan Service Day
When: Saturday, August 27th Leave St. B's parking lot at 9:30AM and return at 5:00PM Who: Jr. & Sr. High Youth Cost: $5
Each participant is being asked to bring 5 canned goods, 3 children's books, or 3 gently used articles of clothing.
Volunteers Needed for the Fall!!!
Fall Formation Begins After Labor Day
One class will be for 6th & 7th grade youth & one class will be for 8th & up. We will have a confirmation class woven into our 8th & up class for anyone who wants to go through confirmation in the fall. Confirmation will take place in December at the Cathedral. If you have already been confirmed, you will still participate in the 8th & up class.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help lead these classes - if your youth is in the 6th & 7th grade class, you can help lead the 8th & up, and vice versa
Centering Prayer
Sundays at 8:45 am
In Fr. Brian's Office
Fall Formation Kickoff
September 11, 2016
Tailgate Gathering
After 10:30 Service
Men's Bible Study
Every Thursday
7:30 - 8:30 am
Locanda Firenze in Smyrna Market Village
Volunteers needed for Pennies for Paws.
Is your son or daughter looking
for an easy outreach
for September, or maybe your family would like to do some outreach together?
Paws is
for you.
Sandy Meier is looking
for volunteers to collect
pennies in our dog dishes each Sunday in September. If this sounds like something you would like to do, please contact Sandy Meier at (We collect after both services).
Volunteers Needed for St. Benedict's Mentoring & Tutoring
Can you listen? Can you share your knowledge? Do you like Children?
Do you need an Outreach Project?
If you answered yes to any of the questions, then Path to Shine is for you!
St. Benedict's has two Path to Shine programs that need volunteers like you!
- St. Benedicto's is on Sunday after the 10:30 service, Starting September 11th .If you are interested, please contact Sandy Meier at
- Marietta meets at Mt. Olive Baptist Church on Mondays from 2:30 to 5 pm Starting August 26th. If you are interested, please contact Jim Ell or Ellen Mauzy
There are a couple of trainings that are required to be a mentor (free)
- PTS new volunteer training on Sunday August 28 - 1PM - 5:30PM Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church, Sandy Springs. - Contact Lesley Ann Drake at
- Safeguarding God's Children training which Courtney will be offered in September at St. B's - contact Courtney Vaughn at For more details.
Church of the Common Ground
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for 8/28, 9/25, 11/27, 12/25.
St. Benedict's has been supporting
The Church of the Common Ground for 6 months. As part of our service, we provide lunch for the 35-50 regular congregants, and they provide us with welcome, love, and a sense of being one body in Christ.
You are invited to join this ministry. Contact:
Ray Jack
Ladies Social Group
September 17: Audubon Tour will be Hosted by
Beth Nix and Angela Brown
Visitors will see a wide variety of native plants and trees in a variety of different settings that attract a variety of birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Atlanta Audubon staff and volunteers will be available at each site to guide visitors through the habitats.
Atlanta Audubon Society will host its annual Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Tour on Saturday, September 17, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The tour will feature five properties in Cobb County, Ga. All properties are located north of I-20 and west of I-75 and include locations in Marietta, Smyrna, Austell, and Mableton. A complete listing of tour addresses will be sent to ticket purchasers the week before the event. Each property has been certified by Atlanta Audubon Society as a Certified Wildlife Sanctuary.
Tickets are $15 for Atlanta Audubon Society members and $20 for non-members. Children aged 12 and under are free when accompanied by a paying adult. Tickets will also be available on the day of the event at each of the tour locations.
October 22: Pumpkin Carving contest and Brunch (11am)
November 6: Tea & Cookie Exchange
December: Annual Ornament Swap at Perri Daugette's
If you are interested check out the group on
Facebook or contact
Karen Takada for more information.
Information Has Been Mailed to You about the Parish Retreat at Kanuga
 When: January 27-29, 2017
Location: Kanuga in Hendersonville, NC. More details are coming soon!
Registration deadline: September 1st
If interested in helping plan the retreat, contact
Victoria Patrick, 404-234-2777 or
Laura Alexander, 770-548-9738.
Chancel Flowers
A gift of flowers, as a visual prayer, is a wonderful way to commemorate a birthday, wedding, anniversary, memorial or any other occasion. Each week, there is an opportunity to honor or give thanks for a loved one with flowers.
We invite you to make a donation to decorate the Nave. You may submit your payment using the button below. Please include the name of each person whom you would like to honor with flowers.
Openings for August 14, 21, and 28.
Choir News
Registration is now open for Children and Youth Choirs.
Rehearsals will begin in September on Wednesday evenings. K-1st: 5:30-6pm; 2nd-3rd Grades: 6:00-6:45 pm, 4th-8th grades: 6:30-7:15 pm.
Register online.
Baptism Dates
The last date for the 2016 year will be November 6th (All Saints Sunday).
Please contact our registrar,
Courtney Vaughn or complete the Holy Baptism form on our
Member Resources Page
Calling All Flower Lovers
The Flower Guild needs you! Due to recent moves by members, we are short-handed. Please email
Wallis Smith or call 904-225-6791.
Green Building Gone
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church and School has recently entered into agreement with the owner of the Green Building and have permission to tear th
is eyesore down. The plan is to return the property to green space. We need to quickly raise $25,000 to tear down the building, clean up the lot, install landscaping and provide maintenance to the lot while we lease the property.
Click here to join the Demolition Team. Go Like the Facebook Page and share it with your friends.
Ongoing Announcements
New Way To Get Us Announcements
Do you have a St. Benedict's-related event or news that needs to be communicated to your fellow parish members? Click here for an easy form to convey the needed information to office.
Save The Date
August 9th Book Club
August 13th Theology on Tap
August 27th Acorn Fund Kickoff (School) Parents' Night Out
September 4th Pennies for Paws begins
September 10th Acolyte Festival
September 11th Kick off Sunday (Fall Formation begins)
September 17th Fall Festival
September 18th Annual Meeting Launch of Stewardship Campaign
October 2nd Ugly Pants Brunch Stuff-a-sock begins
October 3rd Ugly Pants Golf
October 9th Episcopal School Sunday
January 27-29th Parish Retreat to Kanuga
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