**All candidates were requested to send in their profiles instead of giving all contestants private information of members. We thank all candidates for their cooperation.
Message from
Dynamic IACA Team 2.0
Dear Members of IACA,
This election is about Status Quo Vs leadership for a better and progressive IACA.
We humbly request all of you to Vote for IACA Team 2.0 on December 5, 2022. We will Transform IACA into a more Vibrant, Inclusive, and Respectable organization for the next 50 years, and beyond.
IACA Team 2.0 is a diverse, seasoned team of volunteers and community members who have made a difference in the success of many IACA events in 2021, and before. The team led by President Akkineni has a vision and a plan for execution. If Golden Jubilee year is the benchmark, we will do better in 2022.
IACA Team 2.0 will respect the Privacy of Members, Allow Mail in Ballots and Online Voting, introduce Term Limits, Reduce Membership fee, and provide Transparency in financials and board meetings. You will have open access to EC and Board meetings.
Our opponents get confused by Team 2.0 but they are clear in their thinking on how to share membership lists and donor lists with the President of www.niaca.org, a contestant.
Vote for Team 2.0 & We will safeguard your interests.
Members of Team 2.0