Following three years of La Nina, we are entering an El Nino pattern that indicates a shift in our weather pattern which will likely lead to a hotter, dryer summer. We may be seeing this with the extended warm dry late spring we had had. Although not a guarantee of above normal, it is more likely. Climate change and El Nino increase the importance of water conservation.
With warmer, dryer weather a reality and water costs rising significantly over the past decade, we have been focused on Water Conservation. Water conservation has become a critical landscape management tool to help save water and save money. Pacific Landscape Management is a leader in conservation in the Pacific Northwest. As we integrate the operations in Seattle to our range of services, Water Conservation is a enhanced offering to our new customers here.
Weather Based Irrigation is one of the water conservation strategies that has the greater return on investment. We have promoted weather-based irrigation for years in Portland, but the capital cost to convert was cost prohibitive for many of our customers. When Weathermatic developed their subscription-based model, eliminating the capital cost for conversion, it has become much more accepted and we have installed over 750 systems in Portland over the past three years. A majority of our customers in Portland have adopted Weather Based Irrigation as it is the most cost effective water management tool available to save you water and money.