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Ekphrastic Fantastic: Art-Inspired Poetry Event

Press Release Date: 3/21/2024

Re: EKPHRASTIC FANTASTIC: Art-Inspired Poetry Event

Opening Reception & Poetry Reading Event

Friday, March 29, 5 - 7pm

Jpg images to follow and available upon request

Contact: Amanda Paoletti, Owner/Director

Artists' Studio in the Foothills (ASiF) Visual Arts Center

940 Idaho Maryland Road, Grass Valley, CA 95945  




Ekphrastic Fantastic: Art-Inspired Poetry
On Friday, March 29th, from 5-7pm, the Artists' Studio in the Foothills (ASiF) Art Center will host the opening reception for the second annual “Ekphrastic Fantastic” Art-Inspired Poetry event. Ekphrastic poetry is poetry inspired by art. The most famous example of ekphrastic poetry is John Keats’ work, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”.
This events brings together, to celebrate and cross pollinate - two distinct and thriving communities of local artists and poets. Local poets have been invited to write poems inspired by art created by the resident artists at ASiF Studios. The works of fifteen artists and nineteen poets will be displayed side by side in the center's gallery.
At the opening reception, guests are invited to a presentation of ekphrastic poetry readings by the poets, while viewing the works which inspired them. Published works by the poets will also be available for sale and signing.
This event is a collaboration between ASiF Art Center and the Nevada County Arts Council, and is an official event of the Sierra Poetry Festival. 
This event is free and open to the public.
Participating poets are Gene Berson, Catharine Bramkamp, Kirsten Casey, Katie Chilton, Liz Collins, Kate Dumont, Molly Fisk, Betty Naegele Gundred, Maxima Kahn, Michael Leydon, Iven Lourie, Donna Meares, Susan Michalski, Selene Mitlyng, Chris Olander, Judie Rae, Ellen Dooling Reynard, Susan Solinsky, Robin Wallace and Susan Warden.
Participating artists are Eric Bevel, Roseanne Burke, Andrea Cateregli, Mariela Cunqueiro, Barbara Harris, Dori Greenbaum, Cheri Guerette, Michelle Jewett, Susan Michalski, Amanda Paoletti,  Stephanie Schriver, , Robin Wallace, Kathryn Wronski, and Lani Zila.
The 2024 Ekphrastic Fantastic Gallery show will be on display in the center's gallery through May 4th. Artworks and poems will exhibit side by side for public viewing during open gallery hours, Thursdays - Saturdays from 11am - 4pm.
The Artists' Studio in the Foothills (ASiF), a 4000 square foot - fully equipped studio art center that opened its doors in 2008, offering classes and workshops in a variety of media for all ages, private and shared studio space for working artists, and a gallery to promote local and visiting artists. Their mission is to nurture the creative spirit of the community, providing a place where are can be made, displayed and appreciated.
ASiF is home to more than 20 studio artists and instructors, offering classes for adults and children in drawing, painting, printmaking, pottery, sculpture and more!
The Artists' Studio in the Foothills (ASiF) is located at 940 Idaho Maryland Road, in Grass Valley. For more information go to or call 530-274-7000.  

What: “Ekphrastic Fantastic: Art-Inspired Poetry”, a show of poems and the artwork
that inspired them.
When: Friday, March 29, 2024, 5pm – 7pm
Where: ASiF Artists’ Studios in the Foothills at 940 Idaho Maryland Road in Grass
Who: This event is a collaboration between ASiF Studios and Nevada County Arts
Council and is an official event of the Sierra Poetry Festival
Admission: Admission is free; donations are appreciated
Information: Amanda Paoletti, Executive Director at ASiF Studios / 530-210-3162