Rob Wieska
Power Distribution, Automation & Renewables Technologies Recruiter

Rob is an Executive Recruiter specializing in Power Distribution and Automation Technologies. He regularly blogs for Egret Consulting's website as well as industry related topics on LinkedIn and other social media.


I am dedicated to helping my clients improve their company through talent acquisition.

I talk with our industry’s leaders every day. Literally. In doing so, it keeps my finger on the pulse of industry trends, conditions, and technology.

Let's schedule a brief call to discuss your hiring needs in 2021. I’m also excited to learn of any potential new growth areas that you anticipate from a technology perspective: IoT, IIoT, DERs, Energy Storage, Microgrids, EV Charging. What new product development is in the pipeline and where would you like to further grow?  What is your approach in 2021 to developing new go to market strategies, penetrating new markets, etc.? 

I'd love to chat about the challenges that you're facing in identifying and landing qualified talent that you need to meet your goals - I'm confident that I can help! 

There's no better time to talk than now.

International Women’s Day - Choose to Challenge
International Women’s Day is March 8, 2021. This year’s theme is Choose to Challenge. "Clearly women at all levels contribute to a higher manner to an organization achieving its high goals," said Dwain Celistan, an author of a white paper titled Making Diversity Work: Changing times, mindsets and strategies in the technology and professional services industries. "It's the organization's willingness to enable women in all levels to reach their capabilities."

The electrical industry historically has been more male dominated and in recent years has been challenged to increase the number of women coming into the industry.

Egret created an annual Women in Industry newsletter from 2005 - 2013 and again in 2018. In honor of International Women’s Day we took a look at the numbers again.

Percentage of women attendance each year at the National NAED:
2005 – 6.7%
2006 – 5.8%
2007 – 5.8%
2008 – 6.5%
2009 – 7.9%
2010 – 8.3%
2011 – 7.4%
2012 – 8.4%
2013 – 9.2%
2018 – 10%
2019 – 13%
Power Distribution, Automation Technologies & Renewables
Career Opportunities
VP Sales - Electrical Manufacturer
Mechanical Engineer - Power Distribution Mfr
VP Operations - Energy Efficiency Smart Technology Solutions
Sales Director - Energy Efficiency Smart Technology Solutions
VA/VE Project Manager - Drives and Controls Mfr
Director of Engineering - Drives and Controls Mfr
Plant Manager - Power Distribution Manufacturer
Heat Trace Sales Manager - Industrial Automation Mfr
Business Development Manager - Power Distribution Mfr
National Sales Manager - Power Supplies Manufacturer
National Sales Manager - Controls Manufacturer
Applications Engineer - Power Equipment Distribution Mfr
Marketing Manager - Electrical Equipment Manufacturer