Monday, Nov. 1, 2021
Education Focus Turns Election Tide in Virginia
On Tuesday, Nov. 2, Glenn Youngkin won the gubernatorial election in Virginia in an election framed by education. Incumbent Terry McAuliffe led in the polls until early October, when he said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” From that point on, Youngkin closed the polling gap and then took the lead.

What does this mean for future elections? Legislators should keep their fingers on the pulse of education issues and find ways to support improvements and options for families, especially as support for Education Savings Accounts approaches the 80% approval mark and states like Florida consider legislation of a “Parents’ Bill of Rights.” Studies, like this one, demonstrate that the very best predictor of future success is parent involvement in education. It is our goal at The Reform Alliance to support Arkansas families by providing valuable information to elected officials on the education front. We are your resource on all things education!
Education Headlines
EdFreedom Pledge
More than 100 lawmakers in 22 states have signed the EdFreedom Pledge, agreeing to support policies that promote parental rights and education freedom. Kudos to Rep. Keith Brooks, Rep. Sonia Barker, Rep. Mary Bentley, Rep. Aaron Pilkington, Rep. David Ray and Sen. Jason Rapert, who have already signed!

Debate over education choice program rages in Michigan
Michigan's legislature recently passed a tax credit scholarship bill, paving the way for Michigan to become the 22nd state to have this kind of program.

The bill would create a program with a $500 million cap, allowing for more than 64,000 scholarships. (In comparison, Arkansas's tax credit scholarship program is capped at $2 million, allowing for about 250 scholarships).

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has threatened to veto the bill, so supporters have started a petition to circumvent her veto.

Are you interested in partnering with us to help improve education in Arkansas? Contact us at (501) 244-9028 or for more information on how you can make a difference with education reform.
Educational Choice Glossary
Faces of Freedom
"...Within two weeks of attending her new school, I began seeing a brand new little girl get into my car every afternoon. Her teachers and new friends saw something in her that others couldn’t, and they were equipped with the tools to help her to see her fullest potential and reach for it with all of her might. Her teacher’s words to me were this, “There’s way more in her than anyone has ever tried to pull out. But we will get it out of her.”
Here we are, a year and a half later, and not only is my daughter’s speech improved, but her confidence to learn and interact with others has improved tremendously. I attribute a large part of all of this to the Succeed Scholarship. Without it, none of this would have been attainable for my daughter or my family.

We are proud to administer the program for the state with 100% of all state funding going directly to scholarships. All administrative costs of managing the scholarship for the state is paid for through a private philanthropic grant. 
We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring every K-12 student in Arkansas has equal access to a world class education. Our mission is to create a network of parent and community leaders so every policy decision and every conversation about education starts and ends with how it impacts our kids.