Leeds Grenville
Economic Development eNews | October 24, 2017
Business Profile
Top feature photo: John and Amanda Riemersma with their bloodhounds in the outdoor play area.

Photo above: Amanda in the paddock. Below: Lillian plays with Chief, Brittany and Jack and Tessa snuggles with Sam.

Apple Ridge Farm is doggie daycare, All play time, no cage time for dogs
CAINTOWN - Amanda Riemersma has taken her love of animals and turned it into a thriving business. 

She's the owner of Apple Ridge Farm (ARF) and Dog Boarding along with her husband John and daughters, Lillian and Tessa. The business provides an open-concept style of dog boarding throughout the year, along with horse riding lessons, horse birthday and "paint the pony" parties and kids' riding camps in the warmer months. Soon they will be adding an indoor riding arena to expand their operation. 

"Since we started two years ago, I would say we've tripled our business," says Amanda, adding many of the dogs and horses they board are repeat customers. "We're basically a resort for dogs. When their owners are on vacation, so are they." 

The couple has owned the farm at 34 Caintown Road for six years. Creating a lucrative business on the farm was always a dream but one Amanda had put on hold. However, when they both lost their jobs with the closure of Brockville's Selkirk Canada, she began working on a business plan. 

"That fast forwarded my dream and now my passion is a reality," says Amanda. She had help, by taking the Second Chances program to learn more and worked with the Thousand Islands Community Futures Development Corporation (TICDC) to build a facility and get her business up and running. 

"I designed and built a one-of-a-kind boarding facility and horse barn, an oasis if you will, that would meet all their needs," says Amanda. Dogs enjoy an indoor and outdoor exercise area, a living room area with sofas and a TV, human interaction, personal climate-controlled suites with dog cots. The large outdoor park area has play structures and premium pet toys.

Their tag lines are: "All Play Time, No Cage Time," and "No cages, no runs, no guilt = 100% fun."  Apple Ridge has 5-star ratings for its  boarding operations and riding stables. 

Riding lessons and camps are made accessible for children of all ages. Amanda works with various local funding programs, including Making Play Possible, to ensure all children have an opportunity to ride and participate in camps. 

Learn more about Apple Ridge Farm and their services by visiting their website and their Facebook page, email or call them at 613-923-5357. Below photo: The Riemersma family.

Business Support
Businesses now have a place for Butternuts 
CARDINAL - A new pilot project is giving developers an option for Butternut tree compensation in Leeds Grenville.

The Butternut Grove on Blair Road near Cardinal has been created by the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. T he Butternut Compensation Project has been planted and sponsored by Canadian Railway Equipment Works and Services (CREWS) in partnership with Leeds-Grenville Stewardship Council and South Nation Conservation Authority.  CREWS is a newly located business in Johnstown where Butternuts were found.

The Butternut is a medium-sized tree from the walnut family. It was already listed as endangered when the Endangered Species Act took effect in 2008. Learn more on the Ontario Species at Riskwebsite.

The Compensation Project allows developers who come across protected butternut trees to more easily take remediation steps so development is not stalled unnecessarily.

"If they find they have a butternut issue, there is now a solution," said Edwardsburgh Cardinal CAO/Clerk Deb McKinstry. She noted the grove is available to all developers on a cost recovery basis, including builders in Leeds Grenville and neighbouring counties.

For more information on the project contact the Township at 613-658-3055 or 1-866-848-9099 or  mail@twpec.ca.
Photo above: Standing in front of the grove are, from left, CREWS owner Clayton Jones, Township CAO/Clerk Deb McKinstry, Leeds-Grenville Stewardship Council's Dave Robertson, South Nation Forestry Technician Cheyene Brunet, Cliff Rogers and Jack Henry (Stewardship Council), Edwardsburgh Cardinal Mayor Pat Sayeau and South Nation representative Lawrence Levere.  Below: A  healthy seedling.
Economic Development Summit

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Vice-President, Research and Chief Economist Pierre Cléroux is the keynote speaker.
Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit 
Advanced agenda is now available!
Register today for the 2017 Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit - Collaborating in the Global Marketplace. Check out the advanced agenda and this year's keynote speaker Pierre  Cléroux,  Vice-President, Research and Chief Economist, BDC.

WHEN: Friday, November 17, 2017. Registration 8:30 a.m., Schedule 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE:  North Grenville Municipal Centre, 285 County Road 44, Kemptville, Ontario.
COST:  $27 (includes light breakfast, lunch, snacks) 

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, November 10, 2017.
Email:  joanne.poll@uclg.on.ca  Tel: 613-342-3840 ext. 5362
The event will highlight the importance of being investment ready, the challenges and opportunities in the global marketplace and the economic trends for the future.

Keynote Speaker:  Pierre Cléroux presents Industry 4.0. The next industrial revolution is here, are we ready? Digital technologies are revolutionizing the way we do business. With his 25-year career as an economist, Pierre is helping business owners understand the risks and opportunities presented by this economic environment.
Don't miss this opportunity, register today! Last year, the event sold out.
Workforce Survey

EmployerOne Survey Reminder
Your assistance is requested.  It's time to undertake the 2017 survey. If you completed the survey last year, you are invited to enter your updated information. If you have not participated previously, please take a few minutes to let them know more about your business and workforce requirements.
Please complete the Survey. The first 50 that fill out a full survey will receive a $10 Tim Hortons gift certificate. 
Need help?
Contact Maureen Keeler
E: maureen@workforcedev.ca
T: 613-382-7462
Confidentiality:  All answers are treated in strict confidence, used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.
Workshops and Seminars
Consumer Behaviour

This seminar will help you understand why consumers purchase, or not. The study of consumers helps companies improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason and select different alternatives.

WHEN: Thursday, October 26, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West,  Smiths Falls
COST: $20

S EO Basics for Business

Learn the basics of using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase awareness of your business online. The workshop is presented by Lindsay Kavanagh of SEO Plus.

WHEN: Thursday, November 9, 9-11 a.m.
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West,  Smiths Falls
COST: $20

Regional Legal Conference

This is the an inaugural day-long East Region Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) Legal Conference with limited seating. Topics will include key labour and employment laws, Bill 148, top HR law decisions, and many more.

WHEN: Tuesday, November 14, 9-11 a.m. Registration 7:45-8:45 a.m. Breakfast and lunch provided
WHERE: Brockville Convention Centre, 7829 Kent Boulevard, Brockville
COST: $55

T o learn more and register, visit our Workshops and Seminars page.
Workshops and Seminars