Economic Development eNews | May 8, 2018
Top feature photo: Yona Harvey started the company to serve clients in need of a helping hand.
Photo above: Yona and a client grocery shopping and photo below, stopping in at the bank.
Desire to help leads to new business called 1000 Islands Helping Hands
LANSDOWNE - Yona Harvey is a new businesswoman acting on a business idea many welcome and wonder why they're not popping up in other underserviced communities.
1000 Islands Helping Hands caters to clients who need assistance getting around for day-to-day chores or appointments. The business offers grocery delivery, personal errand, senior accompaniment and transportation services in Lansdowne, Gananoque, Brockville and Kingston.
"I was a bank teller when this idea came to me," says Yona. "Seniors loved coming to the bank and would tell me their needs and challenges. Some didn't have any family living nearby and had difficulty getting rides to appointments and struggled with getting access to basic needs like clothing and groceries."
"Living in a more rural area makes getting around even more difficult for many people, including seniors," adds Yona. She had a vision of providing services and transportation in her township, Leeds and the Thousand Islands and nearby Gananoque.
Since opening last year, Yona has heard and implemented many suggestions on new services, including transportation to the airport, restaurant and concert accompaniment, light cleaning and laundry help at home, computer/cell phone/online banking support, day outings to Kingston, Merrickville, Ottawa, upper New York State, shopping malls and so much more.
Some people need temporary support while recovering from an accident or surgery while some who homebound need the service for longer periods.
"Seniors still love to get out and look around, whether it's to a nearby antique shop or across the border to Alexandria Bay," Yona says.
"I'm happy to be there for them. It doesn't feel like work because you feel good helping people. I find it very fulfilling," says Yona.
The next step is working on getting the business known to more people. "I've had a lot of positive feedback. People say it's about time (for this kind of service)," she says.
Learn more about 1000 Islands Helping Hands by visiting their website, Facebook page, send an email or call at 613-453-6254.
Business Retention and Expansion
The BR+E team has grown to 16 members, many of which gathered for the training session held at the Merrickville-Wolford municipal building.
Counties-wide BR+E Training underway
MERRICKVILLE - Momentum is building for the Counties-wide Business Retention + Expansion Project (BR+E).
A growing team from the communities of Augusta, Merrickville-Wolford, Rideau Lakes, as well as greater Leeds Grenville, met in April to receive business visitation training. More than 300 businesses will be surveyed in what will be the largest, Counties-wide BR+E to date. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) provided the training.
"The project is designed to stimulate economic development by assisting existing businesses," says Krista George, the Leeds Grenville Business Retention Officer. "The project promotes job growth by helping municipalities and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville address concerns and learn how to improve the economic climate."
In order to assist businesses, it is necessary to identify business needs and challenges throughout the region. Information gathered through the surveys and interviews will be strictly confidential. Aggregate data will be published in reports available to the public.
For more about the program, participating as a business, or volunteering, please contact Krista George at 613-342-3840, ext. 5368 or send Krista an
Tourism operators - time to get on the list
It's time for area tourism operators to review your business listing on thegreatwaterway.com. Get a jump on the summer season and submit an update to keep your listing current for consumers.
The region has lots to offer tourists.
If you have a business that caters to tourism and you're located in South Eastern Ontario join tourismtalk for free. It is the industry website for the Region 9 Regional Tourism Organization (RTO9). You can build your profile on tourismtalk and have your business listed in the Explore section of the website.
Business Mentorship Series
Topics of discussion will include: Successful Alliances in Business, Business Foundations, Social Media Do's and Don'ts, Networking 101. Hosted by the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre.
Tuesday, May 22,
12 noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: CSE Consulting, 191 King Street East, Prescott
Free. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and treats provided.
Managing Cash
Presenter Michael Di Lauro, CMA, will teach tips, tricks and the traps of cash management. You'll learn how to raise cash, manage it and make sure you don't run out. You will discover the five biggest cash-flow mistakes and how to win over your banker.
WHEN: Thursday, June 14,
10 a.m. to 12 noon.
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West, Entrance B, Smiths Falls.
COST: $20
Desktop vs. Cloud Computing
In this session presenter Michael Di Lauro, CMA, will explore the cloud solutions to consider, including QuickBooks Online, FreshBooks, Wave Accounting, Kashoo and Xero.
WHEN: Thursday, June 14,
1-3 p.m.
WHERE: Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West, Entrance B, Smiths Falls
COST: $20
Surf into Summer: Get Ready for Summer Employment with CSE training courses
CSE Consulting is offering courses throughout May in both Kemptville and Prescott to help prepare employers and employees for summer employment opportunities.
Kemptville sessions
Thursday, May 10: Smart Serve Training
Thursday, May 17: Food Handler's Certification
Thursday, May 24: W.H.M.I.S.
Thursday, May 31: Resumes and Cover Letters
North Grenville Employment Resource Centre, 125 Prescott Street, Kemptville
Contact the Kemptville CSE Consulting office for more information at 613-258-6576 or visit the CSE Consulting website for more detailed information. |
Prescott sessions
Wednesday, May 16: Personality and Career Dimensions
Thursday, May 17: 30-second Summary & Resumes
Thursday, May 24: Cover Letters
Wednesday, May 30: Food Handler's (few spaces left)
WHERE: South Grenville Employment Resource Centre, 191 King Street East, Prescott.
Contact the Prescott CSE office for more information at 613-925-0222.