BROCKVILLE - A company known worldwide for its reign over the identification tag industry raised its own profile recently by inviting the public to tour its facility.
Ketchum Manufacturing Inc. attracted more than 150 people to its open house January 24th showcasing their product lines and services while also celebrating being under new ownership. Longtime employees Kevin Dalrymple and Jason Baker purchased Ketchum last year to preserve its 105-year history of creating ID tags. Ketchum employs 57 people.
"We manufacture everything from ocean net tags to the key chains on golf carts," says Kevin of the company's diverse product lines.
Ketchum makes an array of general identification products as well as specialized tags for the forestry, retail, grocery merchandising, laboratory, hospitality, farming and livestock industries. Many of their products are used for food sales, product traceability and marketing.
They also produce inks and pastes, as well as related instruments and clothing, used in the tattoo identification process.
Another service Ketchum provides is contracting and fulfillment of orders with hand assembly services. They do specialized labour intensive projects and have "store and ship" warehousing options when their customers need it.
Under their leadership, Kevin and Jason are also working to expand into other products and recently purchased a flat-bed printer.
"All of this makes us more valuable than a standard printer," says Jason. "We have all of this under one roof for a one-stop shop."
Learn more about Ketchum by visiting its website
. Contact them via
or call at 613-342-8455.