Monthly Newsletter #1 – February 2020
You may have signed up to this Eco Village Voice newsletter many months ago... possibly at the Eco Village Film Festival . Some of you live at Crystal Waters, or in Maleny, or SE QLD, and some of you may have been involved with Global Ecovillage Network

In any case... welcome!
This is the FIRST monthly newsletter - and if it is not of interest, please feel free to unsubscribe - see link at the end - but we hope you'll take a look around first. See below for updates and ways you can engage with us... find out what is going in Eco Village Voice .

As you know giving birth is not easy - especially when it is triplets - 2 magazines and a website and soon more videos, podcasts and a special webinar for premium members! 
Regarding the image above: the foetus inside our planet has a long history for me personally, dating back to 1986, and I'm writing a blog post to reveal all. Anyway, not surprisingly some folks have asked "What's that?"

I present this image as a symbol of GAIA ... the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess. She is the mother of Uranus (the sky), from whose sexual union she bore the Titans (themselves parents of many of the Olympian gods) and the Giants, and of Pontus (the sea), from whose union she bore the primordial sea gods. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra. – from

However, there is MUCH MORE to it - see also James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis which proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

SO, from this point of view, as publisher and editor of Eco Village Voice, we welcome you to a new expression of Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share - and how intentional communities, and especially ecovillages, can play a vital role in creating a more sustainable world.

Our website is open, the global magazine is out now... the local magazine (for Crystal Waters Ecovillage & SE QLD bioregion) is out mid February and much more in the pipeline. Special videos will also be included when appropriate. We've got a way to go yet to release our planned podcasts and webinars... and we're working on creating the social media platform too. All this will be all integrated together to give our members a richly rewarding experience and a knowledge sharing online community.

Eco Village Voice Global Edition #1

If you haven't seen the magazine yet – please check out the 22 page preview.

The first issue came together very well after months of networking with authors around the world – as well as locally. The addition of our North American co-editor, Diana Leafe Christian, made a big difference too... so glad to have her wisdom and many years of editorial experience on the team.

If you'd like to submit an article please do! BUT in the first instance send an email with a summary to:

Same with photos and stories... send an email first to check. Then we welcome your submission via – ie send a folder of pix and texts.
Our intention is to provide solid, consistent value with a range of content throughout the year and slowly spread throughout the world and connect with many ecovillages. We also aim to encourage growth and shared knowledge in this important movement. Ecovillages, and their inherent focus on sustainability and lessening impact on our planet's resources, are an excellent way to accelerate the reversal climate change. It's a "growing" movement.

So, it is my honour to invite you to join us:

There are 2 levels of membership
"Premium" (all you can eat) will be $12 per month - or pay a year in advance for $120 AUD - saving $24. This includes the 2 quarterly magazines – along with many extras ie podcasts, ebooks, webinars, videos and discounts on events such as the Eco Village Film Festival. We are also developing a social media platform too.

"Basic" is $6 per month or $60 per year paid upfront - saving $12 (2 months). This will provide local and global editions of the magazine and access to the video channel and some podcasts with special guests. Other premium items, such as webinars, will be available at low cost to non-members too.

"Ecovillages are great habitats and support systems for people who want to live environmentally friendlier, happier, healthier lives."
>>> from Gaia Education –

Eco Village Voice aims to...

>>> be an online community with a quarterly publication for anyone interested in ecovillages, regeneration and community;

>>> add local editions - starting with Crystal Waters & Eco Villages Australia (SE QLD);
foster alliances and encourage more communication between other ecovillages;

>>> promote activities of people from ecovillages, specifically permaculture, climate change adaptation, sustainable industries, cultural creatives, educational, etc;

>>> provide education on appropriate technologies to replace harmful, unsustainable practices with regular podcasts and webinars;

>>> support events (photo/video journalism and promotion) such as conferences, markets, educational activities, etc;

>>> create events to spread the message of ecovillages further into mainstream society - Eco Village Film Festival;

>>> support initiatives of the Global Ecovillage Network in Australia and the broader region (GENOA covers Oceania and Asia).

>>> celebrate and elaborate on regenerative and permaculture principles - care for land, care for people and fair share;

>>> in time establish an independent social media platform for daily use. Then specific ecovillages can have their own area - as well as a common ground;

>>> and more too... with your input.
The Ecovillage Film Festival – next steps

The mission of Ecovillage Film Festival is to raise awareness of ecovillages worldwide and to explore sustainable communities. We had a successful first event in Maleny on 3 November 2019 and look forward to more. (The poster above is from last year.)

Plans for future events include repeating last year's event at a larger venue, possibly Noosa QLD, to reach a wider audience. Stay tuned for news on that next month.

Then for Year 2, around October 2020, we'll present the program as an online film festival as well as a public event with speakers plus films submitted by filmmakers from around the world.

We are delighted to announce some judges for Year 2, namely
>>> Damon Gameau (2040),
>>> Velcrow Ripper (Occupy Love, Scared Sacred),
>>> Helen Iles (Ecovillage Pioneers, Lammas, Deep Listening), and also
>>> Morag Gamble (Permaculture Education Institute)
and others yet to be announced.

The Ecovillage Film Festival is seeking TV programs, documentaries involving ecovillages and even drama or VR films. See last year's program at:
A secondary requirement is to present a positive view of the future and highlights solutions more over investigating problems. Environmental programs are welcome too, as long as they involve “ecovillages” in some way. Films in all languages are accepted but must have English subtitles embedded. Please share this with your filmmaker friends and for any enquiries please email:

Stay tuned for more news in the next edition of Eco Village Voice global magazine where we are officially inviting filmmakers from around the world to submit their films in 3 categories:
Feature = Over 55 minutes
Television = Between 15 and 55 minutes
Short = Less than 15 minutes

Promotional and sponsorship opportunities are available for the Ecovillage Film Festival . If you would like to be involved please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

We thank our sponsors for their support.
Sponsors and advertisers welcome too

To keep membership pricing affordable Eco Village Voice will place advertisements as long as they are aligned in theme and values - eco friendly, sustainable, ethical. All the details are here:

It is our intention to offer great value and extend your message beyond the magazine into various social media outlets and please talk to us about your long term strategy.

If you are planning events, please let us know.

Thanks for reading this far :-) see you next month!

Eco Village Voice acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which our company operates. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging, and extend that respect to all Indigenous people. Eco Village Voice is committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. Sovereignty was never ceded. Australia always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.