Easter Weekend Update
Dear Friends,

A blessed Easter weekend to all of you! May the good news of Christ's resurrection sustain us and strengthen us in these times, when so much in the state and country seems upside-down. I also want to wish all of my Jewish friends a happy Passover!

It has been a busy two weeks in Topeka as we reached turnaround, and voted on a large number of bills. With so many moving parts in the background, I waited to give you an update so I could provide the most accurate assessment possible of where things stand as we near the end of the session.

After this Easter break, we will return on Tuesday for four days to consider conference committee reports and other legislation that didn't quite get finished this past week. We will then be off for nearly a month before returning for the "veto" or "wrap-up" session in May.

With that, here is your update:
Statewide Mask Mandate Revoked by LCC
Under SB 40, which I will cover in more detail below, all previous statewide executive orders ended on Wednesday, March 31st.

Any new executive orders - such a statewide mask mandate - would be subject to review by the Legislative Coordinating Council. The full legislature has the power to revoke such an order, or if it is not in session or is adjourned for three or more legislative days (as is the case this weekend), the Legislative Coordinating Council can revoke such an order.

Over the past 10 days or so, a number of counties throughout Kansas made decisions to revoke their mask mandates. This includes large counties such as Sedgwick, Reno, Miami, and Harvey. Even Shawnee County, while technically keeping their mandate in place, allows businesses to opt out.

Despite this trend, Governor Kelly signaled for several days that she would issue a new statewide mask order. Had we received it prior to adjourning Thursday evening, the Senate would have voted to revoke the order. However, as we had not received it, the Senate adopted a resolution by a vote of 29-11 to urge the Legislative Coordinating Council to revoke such an order if one was issued while we were on break. The House had voted for a similar resolution earlier in the day by a vote of 84-39.

Friday morning, Governor Kelly finally got around to issuing the order, and the LCC - which is made up of legislative leaders in both chambers - quickly revoked it by a vote of 5-2, with all five Republicans who were present voting to revoke. I am pleased to see the LCC vote reflected the will of the legislature.

As a result, there is no statewide mask mandate now in effect, which is common sense. Back in November, when the governor issued a statewide mandate to force counties to re-vote to opt-out, daily cases were climbing past 5,000. Today, daily cases are around 200 or even less.

Johnson County, however, is another matter. On March 25th, the Board of County Commissioners issued a new order that includes requirements for physical distancing in public spaces and the wearing of face masks. The order is in effect until April 30, 2021. I worked hard to get a stronger bill to protect Kansans from these situations but we ended up with a less sturdy bill than I wanted. (See my explanation of vote in the section below.) At this point the best strategy would be to register as much displeasure as possible with the Johnson County Commission. Charlotte O'Hara and Michael Ashcraft were the only two Commissioners who voted against continuing a mask mandate. This illustrates why local elections are so important.
Kansas Emergency Management Act
Two weeks ago, in a bi-partisan vote of 31-8, the Kansas Senate passed SB 40, which contains critical reforms to the Kansas Emergency Management Act. The bill also passed in an overwhelming vote by the House. Last week, Governor Kelly signed it into law.
Contained within the bill are a number of provisions important to preserving the liberty and freedom of Kansans, including:
  • Ended all COVID-19 related statewide mandates, including the mask mandate, on March 31st. (Any new mandates would have to be re-issued.)
  • Proper checks and balances for any order issued by the governor.
  • Prohibits the governor from closing businesses, civil organizations, and churches.
  • Protects 2nd Amendment rights.
  • Establishes strong due process rights for Kansans aggrieved by an order.
  • Ensures the buck stops with elected officials at the state and local level.
  • Preserves local control of schools.
Senator Kellie Warren, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, led negotiations in conference committee to achieve a final product. I participated in that conference committee and worked to ensure it contained the provisions necessary to open up the state. I believe the bill is a good start in the right direction.
Following the vote, I provided the following Explanation of Vote:

Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have seen an escalating and prolonged suspension, and abridgment of many constitutional rights. True scientific evidence was overlooked in favor of public health edicts that shifted a number of times during this pandemic, based partially on the whims of unelected officials. Last June, we passed HB 2016, an important step forward in providing checks and balances and limitations on the governor's power as it relates to emergencies. SB 40 does implement more checks and balances, providing due process, ensuring the buck stops with elected officials, preventing the closure of businesses and churches by the governor, and ending the current mandates on March 31st. Do I wish the bill would go further? Absolutely! I believe the core responsibility of state government is to protect the liberty of the people, and do not believe any unit of government should be able to impose the lockdowns, restrictions, and mask mandates we have seen in the last year. At least this bill represents a step forward towards getting us back to normal, but I believe there will still need to be more work ahead. I vote "YES.”
Energy Choice Act
I carried the Kansas Energy Choice Act to passage across the Senate floor. It originally passed the Senate in February and then after some small changes in the House, passed again this past week on a vote of 30-10, with all Republicans and one Democrat voting in support. The bill ensures that natural gas and propane remain viable energy choices for Kansans, as there has been a movement afoot to restrict those forms of energy. Here is a statement I provided when the bill originally passed:

“The freedom of energy choice is being undermined in many areas around the country, with governments seeking to limit or prohibit the use of natural gas. This poses a growing threat to the 870,000 households in Kansas who use natural gas and rely on it to heat their homes and water, cook meals for their families, and many other uses. Natural gas is the cheapest form of energy, and its continued availability is essential to those on lower and fixed incomes. We cannot let the movement against this critical energy source gain a foothold in Kansas.”  
Back to School Act
Last week, the Kansas legislature adopted a slightly modified version of the Back to School Act. The bill required public schools in Kansas to offer a full-time in-person learning option beginning on March 31st and covers the remainder of the current school year.

Every single Democrat in both chambers who voted, voted against the bill. However, in a perplexing twist, the governor indicated shortly thereafter she would sign the legislation; a positive development for Kansas kids and parents, who have been calling for a full-time in-person option for months. Many school districts have resumed in-person learning since the legislation was introduced, and now all will be open as of March 31st. This is long overdue good news.
Property Tax Reform
Republicans made property tax reform a priority this session, passing SB 13 the very first week, which provides critical transparency at the local level, among other provisions. 

Previously, local governments would not even have to vote when they relied on property valuation increases to raise taxes to pay for ever-increasing budgets. This bill requires they do so and notify all residents what the property tax increase will be.

Last year, the governor vetoed this legislation, but on Friday, I am pleased to report she signed SB 13.
Securing Elections
This week, the Kansas Senate took a number of important steps towards securing our elections.

First of all, we adopted a Resolution - HCR 5015 - which urges the United States Congress to revoke HR1/SR1. If you have not followed this issue, the bill the U.S. House passed along party lines would destroy the ability of states to conduct their own elections. Here is a great article on the topic.

Secondly, we adopted HR 2332, which would require any third-party who sends out advance voting applications to identify who they are, who the head of their organization is, and a clear statement indicating it is not mailed from the government. It would also prevent the Governor, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch from altering election laws, as occurred last year. It also broadened the definition of election tampering.

Finally, we passed S Sub for HB 2183, which among a number of provisions, would:

  • Make it unlawful for any person to knowingly backdate or otherwise alter a postmark or other official indication of the date of mailing of an advance mail ballot if the intent is to make the mailing date appear different from the actual date of mailing by the voter or voter’s designee.
  • Prohibit a county election officer from accepting an advance voting ballot transmitted by mail unless they first verify the signature on an advance voting ballot envelope matches the signature on file in the county voter registration records. If the signature of a person on the advance voting ballot envelope did not match the signature on file, the ballot would not be counted.
  • Remove the authority of the Secretary of State (Secretary) to extend the deadline for receiving advance mail ballots. Under current law, the deadline for a county election office to receive advance voting ballots is the last mail delivery on the third day following an election, unless extended by the Secretary. 
  • Prohibit any person from delivering an advance voting ballot on behalf of another person, unless the person submits an accompanying written statement at the time of delivery, signed by both the voter and the person delivering the ballot.

All three of these measures passed with broad-based Republican support, but were opposed by Democrats. I voted Yes on all three bills.
Anti-Stalking Bill
In a unanimous vote, the Senate passed HB 2071, which would amend the definition of the crime of stalking to include intentionally engaging in a course of conduct targeted at a specific child under the age of 14. The crime would occur when a reasonable person - in the circumstances of the targeted child or an immediate family member of such child – feared for such child’s safety.

The penalty for the new provision would be a severity level 7, person felony for a first conviction and a severity level 4, person felony for a second or subsequent conviction.
The Johnson County District Attorney testified that the bill closes a loophole that was identified in a recently widely publicized case in Johnson County. Law enforcement was also strongly supportive of the legislation.

The bill also passed the House unanimously and while it will be subject to a conference committee, it is anticipated it will be on the governor’s desk soon.  
Teaching Civics & Financial Literacy
A surprisingly contentious debate occurred on Thursday over HB 2039, which would simply require students to pass an American civics test in order to graduate with a high school diploma. The bill would require the civics test be composed of a total of 60 questions selected from the naturalization test administered by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The bill would allow teachers to use 20 multiple choice questions provided online by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website in the civics test. The bill would also require, for grades 11 and 12, a personal financial literacy course to be taken at least one semester or two quarters in length.

These two common sense ideas were opposed by most Senate Democrats and a couple of Republicans, but the bill did pass 24-15.
Improving Short-Term Health Plans
About 1800 Kansans every year purchase short-term health insurance plans, which are an affordable alternative to the very expensive plans which are currently on the ObamaCare exchange. These short-term plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, but are an important option for those who want to make sure sudden illnesses or other events are covered.

The problem currently, is that even if an individual opts to purchase the same short-term plan for a second year, conditions which occurred in the first year are not covered. So, for instance, imagine a scenario in which someone experiences a car wreck on December 31st. Any therapy or treatment for injuries would not be covered, even if the person bought the same plan again for a second year.

SB 199, which the Senate passed Thursday, would address this issue by allowing any Kansan to purchase the plan for a second and third year without being subject to underwriting. So, in the example I just told, this means the individual's therapy and treatment would be covered. They would only face the issue at the end of the third year. Currently, the federal government does not allow short-term plans to go beyond a three-year window.

SB 199 passed the Senate 27-6, with several passing. Only Democrats were opposed, which is odd given the intent of the bill was to protect those with pre-existing conditions.
Protecting Kids
The Kansas Senate passed important legislation to offer a voice for kids who are in the state's child welfare system.

Senate Sub. for HB 2153 would create the Child Advocate Act, which would establish the Office of the Child Advocate within the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The bill would also create the Joint Committee on Child Welfare System Oversight. The purpose of the Office is to receive and resolve complaints from legislators and from persons involved with the child welfare system alleging that the Department for Children and Families (DCF), DCF’s contracting agencies, or the Department of Corrections has provided inadequate protection or care of children and assist the Legislature in conducting oversight of the child welfare system to improve the safety and welfare of children.

Protecting the most vulnerable among us is a core function of state government, and this bill adds a new independent voice for the kids in what has been a broken foster care system.

The bill passed 31-4 and I voted Yes. 
Thompson Vote Tracker
Below is a list of bills we voted on in the last two weeks:

HB 2008 would authorize the Attorney General to coordinate training regarding missing and murdered indigenous persons for law enforcement agencies throughout Kansas, in consultation with Native American Indian tribes, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI), the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, and other appropriate state agencies.
HB 2008 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2014 permits military surplus vehicles to register with the division of vehicles for road use.
HB 2014 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2321 would require certain electric utilities to take steps before exercising eminent domain to acquire an interest in land related to the construction of an “urban electric transmission line,” as defined by the bill, or before beginning work on such land.
HB 2321 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2022 would amend law concerning the filing of complaints and investigations pertaining to abandoned wells, responsible parties for plugging abandoned wells, and funds used by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) for plugging abandoned wells.
HB 2022 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

SB 2 would amend law related to the consumption of alcohol on the grounds of the Kansas State Fair and collection of associated liquor taxes, allowing for the consumption of alcohol at the State Fair in more situations.
SB 2 passed 31-8. I voted Yes.

S Sub 2102 would update Kansas Egg Law regarding repackaged eggs. The debate went “over easy” and the bill easily passed unanimously. I voted Yes.

HB 2137 would expand the categories of alcoholic liquor licensees who can sell cereal malt beverage (CMB), would allow temporary permit holders to sell CMB along with alcoholic liquor, would provide for the removal of CMB from the licensed premises of clubs and drinking establishments in opened and unopened containers, and would allow CMB to be consumed in common consumption areas.
HB 2137 passed 31-8. I voted Yes.

HB 2172 would amend the Kansas Water Appropriation Act by expanding the opportunity for the establishment of multi-year flex accounts (MYFAs) for groundwater water rights to water right holders who did not have water use between 2000 and 2009.
HB 2172 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2178 would vacate lots dedicated for a college and a park in the original town plat of the City of Americus from that dedication. The bill would also confer fee simple titles to the
lots to the City of Americus, of which the city’s governing body could dispose of at its discretion.
HB 2178 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2270 would place a limit of $100,000 on deposits into the State General Fund (SGF) each fiscal year from moneys from a levy placed on each fire insurance company doing business in Kansas for the purpose of maintaining the Office of State Fire Marshal. Continuing law requires the State Treasurer to credit 10.0 percent of moneys from the levy to the SGF. The bill would direct the remainder of this levy to be distributed as specified: 64.0 percent to a fee fund of the Office of State Fire Marshal, 20.0 percent to the Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund, and 16.0 percent to Fire Service Training Program Fund of the University of Kansas Fire and Rescue Training Institute.
HB 2270 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

H Sub SB 99 would amend law regarding vehicle dealer license requirements and vehicle display shows.
H Sub SB 99 passed 37-1. I voted Yes.

HB 2007 would update statutes related to the regulatory authority of the Kansas Corporation
Commission (KCC) with regard to motor carriers.
HB 2007 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2026 would establish a certified drug treatment program for certain persons who have
entered into a diversion agreement pursuant to a memorandum of understanding.
HB 2026 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2126 would amend the COVID-19 Response and Reopening for Business Liability Protection Act by replacing the definition of “adult care facility” with the following definition of “covered facility”:
  • An adult care home, as defined elsewhere in statute, except that covered facility would include a center approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a program for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) that provides services only to PACE participants;
  • A community mental health center and a crisis intervention center, as defined elsewhere in statute; and
  • A community service provider, a community developmental disability organization, and an institution, as defined in the Developmental Disabilities Reform Act.
The bill would replace an affirmative defense available in certain circumstances for an adult care facility in a civil action for damages, administrative fines, or penalties for a COVID19 claim with immunity from liability for a covered facility in a civil action for damages for a COVID-19 claim if such facility was in substantial compliance with public health directives applicable to the activity giving rise to the cause of action when the cause of action accrued.
HB 2126 passed 30-7. I voted Yes.

HB 2155 would replace and update current law regarding soil and water pollutant releases and cleanup.
HB 2155 passed 36-4. I voted No because this new law placed the responsibility under the direction of the Department of Health…who, in my opinion, could abuse their oversight powers.

Sub HB 2166 would add several types of license plates, would add reporting requirements for organizations sponsoring distinctive license plates, and would amend requirements for distinctive license plate development, continuing distinctive license plates, and
personalized license plate backgrounds.
Sub HB 2166 passed 31-5. I voted Yes.

HB 2243 would change the frequency of the actuarial experience and cost study performed by the Board of Trustees of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) from once every three years to once every four years.
HB 2243 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

S Sub HB 2252 would amend and create law related to fulfillment house licenses, farm winery licenses, electronic submission of records by special order shipping license holders, residency requirements for certain liquor licenses, and licenses that can be held by an alcoholic liquor manufacturer.
S Sub HB 2252 passed 30-8. I voted Yes.

HB 2298 would provide that a plaintiff may serve a defendant by paying a fee to the Secretary and providing to the Secretary a copy of the summons, petition, and order, and the last known address, residence, or place of abode for each defendant. The Secretary would be directed to immediately mail a notice of service and copy of the summons, petition, and order to each defendant by return receipt delivery. The notice of service would be required to be signed, dated, and in substantial form as specified by the bill. It also would allow a plaintiff, upon written notification to the Secretary, to personally serve a defendant in the foreign state by an adult person not a party to the suit or an officer duly qualified to serve legal process in the state or jurisdiction where the defendant is found, by delivering the appropriate documents, or offering to make such delivery, in the case of refused delivery, on a defendant. The plaintiff would be required to provide the Secretary with a copy of the notice of service, summons, petition, and order provided to the defendant. The process server would be required to file an affidavit, declaration, or any other competent proof, stating the time, manner, and place of service on or before the return day of process or within a further time the court may allow.
HB 2298 passed 37-3. I voted No. It adds fees and requirements, and potentially muddies the waters for proper process service.

SB 77 would enact the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact.
SB 77 passed 38-2. I voted Yes.

SB 145 would authorize the Secretary of Wildlife, Parks and Tourismto purchase a portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section 05 and a portion of the West Half of Section 08, Township 28 South, Range 09 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Kingman County, Kansas.
SB 145 passed 33-7. I voted No. I abhor any government land purchases.

SB 158 would prohibit a person providing towing services from towing a vehicle to a location outside of Kansas without the consent of the driver or owner of the vehicle, a motor club of which the driver or owner of the vehicle is a member, or the insurance company processing a
claim with respect to the vehicle or an agent of such insurance company.
SB 158 passed 40-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2070 would allow private, not-for-profit postsecondary educational institutions in Kansas to collect a surcharge on credit card payments. The Kansas Uniform Consumer Credit Code bars sellers from collecting a surcharge on credit card payments, with certain exceptions
that currently include Kansas public institutions, municipal universities, community colleges, technical colleges, and vocational schools.
HB 2070 passed 39-1. I voted Yes.

S Sub HB 2072 would create the Utility Financing and Securitization Act (UFSA), which would allow for the securitization of utility assets to recover energy transition costs for electric public utilities whose retail rates are subject to the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). The UFSA would also allow electric and natural gas public utilities whose retail rates are subject to the KCC to pursue securitization to help finance qualified extraordinary expenses, such as fuel costs incurred during extreme weather events. The bill would also amend provisions of the Kansas Energy Security Act and the Uniform Commercial Code to conform to the new provisions created in the UFSA.
S Sub for HB 2072 passed 33-7. I Voted No. We will be paying increased electrical rates in the future thanks to this bill. In addition, it paves the way to undermining the reliability of our electrical grid and replacing reliable power sources with unreliable renewables.

S Sub HB 2104 would reauthorize the statewide school finance levy and amend law
related to the list of eligible county appraisers, appraisal standards, Board of Tax Appeals (BOTA) administration, property valuation appeals, judicial review of property tax disputes, BOTA membership, and school district budget certification.
S Sub HB 2014 passed 39-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2112 would revise the Self-service Storage Act as it pertains to liability claims and the contents of storage agreements.
HB 2112 passed 39-1. I voted Yes.

HB 2145 would exempt from the definition of “public utility” the marketing and sale of electricity purchased through a retail electric supplier in such supplier’s certified service
territory for the sole purpose of the provision of electric vehicle charging services to an end user.
HB 2145 passed 38-2. I voted Yes.

HB 2254 would increase the monetary cap on irrevocable prearranged funeral agreements, contracts, or plans, on and after July 1, 2021, to $10,000, which would increase in an amount equal to the average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index each year.
The bill would also amend the documentation a licensed crematory operator or crematory operator in charge is required to receive, prior to the cremation of any dead human
body, to only a completed and executed coroner’s permit to cremate, if required under the Uniform Vital Statistics Act.
HB 2254 passed 38-2.

SB 37 would amend provisions governing agent licensing and renewal licensure requirements in the Uniform Agents Licensing Act and in the Public Adjusters Licensing Act and would also amend a statute governing the examination of applicants for agent licensure. The bill would also provide for an exemption and extension in complying with the continuing education requirements of licensed insurance agents serving on active duty in the National Guard or armed services of the United States for a specified period of time.
SB 37 passed 31-6. I voted No. There were issues with the continuing education portion of this bill that were problematic.

HB 2078 would suspend the provisions of the speedy trial statute in the Kansas Code of Criminal Procedure until May 1, 2023, in all criminal cases and would remove a provision in the statute authorizing the Chief Justice to issue an order to extend or suspend any deadlines or time limitations and requiring trials to be scheduled within 150 days of termination of such order. This proposal does not impact constitutional protections in regard to speedy trials, it merely suspends statutorily imposed speedy trial provisions. This is to allow the courts to “catch up” due to delays caused by COVID-19.
HB 2078 passed 32-7. I voted Yes.

HB 2227 aids the judicial branch deal with the ongoing issues surrounding COVID-19. would allow the chief justice to suspend certain time limitations during a state of local disaster emergency, suspend certain verification requirements and authorize use of electronic audio-visual communication to expeditiously resolve cases, and extend the chief justice's authority to suspend time limitations during a disaster emergency until June 30, 2022.
HB 2227 passed 34-5. I voted Yes.

SB 21 would retroactively ratify the results of a November 2020 election in Cherokee County that would impose a 0.5 percent retail sales tax for the purpose of financing ambulance services, renovation and maintenance of county buildings and facilities, or other projects within the county approved by the governing body of Cherokee County. The bill would provide that the entire proceeds of the tax would be retained by the county and would not be subject to apportionment to other municipalities. The tax would terminate prior to January 1, 2033.
SB 21 passed 34-1. I voted Yes.

HB 2063 would revise the benefits for members of the Kansas Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (KP&F) who are Tier II members, meaning those employees hired since July 1, 1989, who are disabled and ultimately die due to a “service-connected” condition, as that term is defined by law. The bill would apply to deaths that occurred on and after January 1, 2017 and would designate these amendments to law as the Michael Wells Memorial Act.
HB 2063 passed 35-0. I voted Yes.

HB 2124 would allow schools statutorily exempted from State Board of Regents approval requirements to be exempted from the prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine.
HB 2124 passed 35-0.
Other Bills
Fairness in Women's Sports Act
SB 208 is the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act that passed the Senate 24-10. I voted Yes It simply ensures that only biological women will play women's sports, protecting the incredible advancements women have made as a result of Title IX the past 50 years. As of the publication of this newsletter, this measure is stuck in the House, and I hope that it passes in that chamber and makes it to the Governor’s desk
Mandatory Vaccines
The debate over mandatory vaccines continues. I have felt, from the start, that individuals should be able to make their own determination as to whether take a vaccine or not. The COVID-19 vaccinations are not without dangers. They are not true vaccines, but rather a form of gene therapy, and there are distinct differences. I have been flooded with emails from people who are fearful that they will be forced to take the vaccine and that they will lose the ability to travel or attend events (among other liberties) if they refuse. I share those concerns and believe there should be legislation to affirm those individual rights as enshrined in our constitution.

Currently, SB 212 (which now also contains the content of SB213) which would protect children and employees from mandatory vaccinations is still in the pipeline. It is meeting with resistance for a number of reasons surrounding the concern for the rights of employers and businesses.

I also introduced SB 308 which would affirm personal rights to refuse to wear masks, take a vaccine, and have access to FDA approved medications like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. I fully support all three of these measures and hope that we can find a way to properly protect the rights of EVERYONE involved so that common sense legislation can be enacted.

This is a very tough nut to crack constitutionally, and we want to make sure we get it right. It’s too bad that the urgency of this process is necessary due to the tyrannical tendencies of some people in high positions. There is a good reason to be fearful of the loss of personal freedom…it has been taken and trampled frequently in the past year, with no sign that the constitution is being considered. It is very frightening.
Property Rights
SB 279 is a bill that I introduced to protect the health, safety, property rights, of rural and small-town Kansans from the proliferation of wind turbine generation facilities that are sprouting up all over the state. Wildlife is being chased away from these turbines. People are being forced to live in the shadow of these turbines, and exposed to dangers that these multi-national, billion-dollar wind companies refuse to address.

The wind companies have the funds (partially from your tax dollars) to retain high-powered attorneys and lobbyists to protect their interests. But there are no certain protections for the rural and small-town Kansans that are being forced into this situation with no recourse other than selling their land and moving away from land that they love. There are no uniform rules to address these issues now…and that is what I would like to do with SB279. We held a two-day hearing on the bill, but with time running out on this session, more work needs to be done. I will keep you posted on this important legislation.
Forecasting the Future
As I noted, we return on Tuesday for the remaining part of the session and we will adjourn no later than Friday. I understand there is legislation in the works to help businesses who were negatively impacted by government shutdowns and other mandates, as well as legislation to help 2nd Amendment rights.

I encourage you to follow the process in the following ways:

YouTube Streaming: http://bit.ly/2CZj9O0

Thank you!

Your Senator,

Mike Thompson