We Commit Ourselves
And Our Resources
To Nurture the Spirit,
Grow in Community,
And Help Heal the World.
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The story of Jesus of Nazareth ends with him frying up some fish for his friends (John 21). On Easter Sunday, we ask how that simple act might inspire us in our mission to "Nurture the Spirit, Grow in Community, and Help Heal the World." Join us for a worship service that encompasses all the joy of the Trans Day of Visibility and all the hope of a world returning to life. | |
Upcoming Worship Services | |
Apr. 7 | 10 am
Questions of Faith
Rev. Norman Allen
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Apr. 14 | 10 am
Trust the Wisdom
Rev. Norman Allen
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Apr. 21 | 10 am
Our Blue Boat Home:
An Earth Day Service
Climate Justice Team
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A Unitarian “Good Friday” Vespers Tonight!
Friday, Mar. 29 | 6:30 pm | Meetinghouse
At 6:30 pm on Friday, March 29, we’ll join with Unitarian Universalists across the country as we gather for a contemplative period of music, word, and silence in acknowledgement of our wounded world. Using the death of the Radical Rabbi from Nazareth to illuminate our own struggles, we’ll light candles for our personal and global griefs, and look forward to the bright hope of Sunday morning.
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Stewardship 2025
71 households have pledged!
81 have not yet taken the plunge! First Parish needs the ongoing
support of all of our members and friends; and, most of all, First Parish needs you!
You can use the online pledge form or the pledge card you received in the mail to make your pledge! You also can drop off the pledge card at First Parish during the Sunday service. If you need a pledge card, email Leslie Runser using the link below. For more information, please contact Leslie Runser, Stewardship co-Chair, or see online resources on the First Parish website.
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Auction Update: Make Me an Offer!
Sunday, March 31| 11 am | Parish Hall
The bidding has ceased, and the final numbers are in - we made $17,100 from the Art, Experiences, and Self-Care Online Auction! Thank you all for your participation. Let me hear a Huzzah for Taryn for her boundless energy and dedication that made this a huge success!
We will have several tables set up in the Parish Hall this coming Sunday, March 31. You can pick up and pay for any items for which you submitted the winning bid. You may also pay for items you have already claimed but not paid for.
In case you did not have a chance to participate in the Auction or, had your eye on an item that did not sell, we will have a ‘Make Me an Offer’ table for those items left over from the Auction. No reasonable offer will be refused!
Stop by and do a little shopping!
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Book Club
Tuesday, April 2 | 7 pm | Zoom
If you love reading, join us on Zoom
to share and discuss books that we have recently enjoyed! This group meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Members free; $5 for non-members. To register and receive the Zoom link, please email ekgarnett@yahoo.com.
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Question Box Service: Sunday, April 7
On Sunday, April 7, Rev. Norm skips the traditional sermon to take your “Questions of Faith.” This is your chance to share your curiosity about our lives as Unitarian Universalists and as members of the First Parish community. Personal questions are discouraged but feel free to ask about Rev.’s own faith journey, and his approach to worship, social justice, and all things congregational. You can share your questions online HERE. You can also drop questions in the box under the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. Children and Teens are encouraged to participate!
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Dear Members and Friends,
At our Annual Meeting last Spring, we voted unanimously to conduct a raffle as an integral part of our budget. Well, the time is upon us, and our budget can certainly use a boost before this year’s Annual Meeting! As you know, we held a successful raffle last Fall 2023 which raised $20,670! This is a fun and easy way to supplement our budget without asking you to take money out of your own pockets.
You heard right – we’re giving away money this year - $6,500 in cash prizes! Spend it however you want. No restrictions, No limitations! Tom Cruise said it best, “Show Me the Money!" Everyone likes a little extra cash! The key to reaching our goal of $32,500 is for everyone…yes, everyone aged 18+ to sell 10 tickets! Use our postcards, posters, your email and Facebook / Instagram accounts to get the word out.
Please stop by the Raffle table in the Parish Hall any Sunday between April 7th and June 2nd (that’s right - just 2 months this year) and pick up your tickets or, stop by the office anytime during Katy’s office hours, or if you prefer, let me know and I can mail them to you. The Grand Drawing will be held at noon on June 2nd in the Parish Hall. Along with the exciting Raffle prizes, we will award prizes for the most tickets sold and for selling the winning ticket. For more details, please follow this link.
Let’s have some fun!
Bill Adams
Raffle Chair
(207) 939-8766
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Call for RE Volunteers!
We have 14 Sundays left of our church year and we need your help! Join First Parish children and Molly for RE time during the service. This is a 1 hour commitment that can positively impact our community. Share your interest and availability here. Email Molly with questions and when you are ready to sign up dre@firstparishportland.org.
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Ongoing Opportunities at First Parish | |
Musical Sneak Peek!
Come at 9:40 am on Sundays for a first stab at the morning's hymns. Our Music Director, along with our First Parish Choir, will run through each hymn to allow all in attendance to learn the melody and form. There will be other tips that will give you the confidence to sing out during the service. See you there!
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If you are not feeling well, tested positive for Covid, or have been exposed to Covid, please enjoy Sunday services from the comfort of your own home. Live streaming is easily accessible here. As a reminder, you can order free Covid tests from the government at this link.
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Is Stewardship In Your
Long-Term Financial Plans?
Legacy gifts are an important source of lasting support for our church. The Trustees acknowledge these bequests on behalf of a grateful congregation. If you would like to know more about ways you can make a future gift, please email Austin Farrar, President of the Trustees.
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Pastoral Care Needs
If you wish to speak in confidence with a member of the Pastoral Care Team, please send an email to the office and a member will get back to you as soon as possible. The Pastoral Care Team is also recruiting a new Chair! If you are a compassionate listener, we would love to meet with you. Please email Laurie Hasty, PCT Chair, if you are interested!
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What's Going On
Within The UUA?
If you are interested in learning about what is happening within the UUA,
check out these regional and national websites!
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