April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday

10 am Worship

Palm Sunday of the Passion

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Last Sundays Service

Holy Week at Northmont

HOLY WEEK continues with Good Friday’s 319 service, 7 o'clock at Northmont, is sure to be one of deep meaning and beauty. This liturgy includes the Solemn Intercessions and the Solemn Reproaches of the Cross in addition to the singing of the Saint John Passion by Heinrich Schütz with Rob Frankberry as the Evangelist and the Chancel Choir. Those of you who were with us last year for our performances of this piece know how dramatic and moving it is. Easter Sunday will include Holy Communion and special music for brass and choir. Our Lenten journey has been preparing us to enter into this great mystery of our faith. Please plan to worship with us as we complete the journey to the cross and empty tomb.

Easter Sunday the “Alleluia” gets resurrected with our Lord. This is the season of “Alleluia!” You’ll hear it over and over again. The music for brass, timpani, organ, and choir will be festive and happy as the pain and sorrow of the passion give way to the joy of the resurrection. It is the story of life, isn’t it? The Israelites fled slavery through the waters of the sea. Through Christ’s deep humility he was raised on high. Through the Christian’s humility God transforms our pains and sorrows into joys. Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Easter.

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New Northmont Website Funded by Memorial Fund

Last year the Session approved four projects for the Memorial Fund Wish List. One of those projects was the development of a new Northmont website. The old website was susceptible to viruses, kept

getting hacked, took days to repair, was difficult to update, had an unreliable host, and was not user friendly. The new website corrects each of those issues and adds an aesthetically pleasing look and feel.

Administrative Assistant Jen Settelmaier worked with an outside contractor to construct the new website from November 2022 through January 2023. To access the new website, go to www.northmontchurch.org.

The Memorial Committee would like to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the friends and families of Tom Snaman, Jean Kennedy, Jean Stultz and an anonymous donor, whose memorial contributions paid for this project. Thank you all very much.

Click here to Register

Next Youth Group Nights

April 12 at 6 pm

Check out the all the events by clicking on the banner.

MARK YOU CALENDARS: FESTAL PASCHAL EVENING PRAYER will be held on Sun, April 23 at 5. Please join us as we celebrate the joy of Easter with Benjamin Britten’s delightful cantata, Rejoice in the Lamb.

Plea for help: Adult Handbells practice on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30. We are desperately in need of more ringers if we are to continue ringing. If you would like to join us, please contact me at stephen@northmontchurch.org. We usually ring once a month. A strong commitment and an ability to read music are needed. We will teach you how to ring if you haven’t. Handbells have been a vital part of Northmont’s music ministry over the years. It would be a shame to see this legacy end. Please consider joining us if you can. 

If you are interested in knowing more about singing in the choir, please contact me at stephen@northmontchurch.org. Chancel Choir practices 6:30 - 8:30 most Thursdays and sings for worship throughout the school year. Requirements are a pleasing voice, the ability to read music, and a good sense of humor. 

This Week at Northmont

Friday April

319 Good Friday Service at Northmont 7 pm

Sunday April 9

Easter Breakfast 8:45 am

Festival Easter Service with Communion 10 am

Monday April 10

BSA 6 pm FH and Mangochi Room

Tuesday April 11

NBC 8:30 am Fellowship Hall

Women’s Bible Study 1 pm Mangochi Room

Wednesday April 12

Knit Wits 9:30 am Mangochi Room

Thursday April 13

Bell Choir Rehearsal 4:30 Choir Room

Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:30 Choir Room

Friday April 14

Saturday  April 15

Book Club 9:30 Mangochi Room

Sunday April 16

Worship 10 am Sanctuary

Fellowship Time Fellowship Hall after service

View the full Church Calendar Here

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet on Tuesday, April 11 at 1:00 pm in the Berean Room. Melody Hannegan will be leading us in Horizons’ Celebrating Sabbath. All women are welcome to attend.

Please contact Melody Hannegan at 724-612-3297 or at viatoretis@comcast.net with any questions.


Book GroupThe Island of Sea Women by Lisa See on Saturday April 15 at 9:30 am

Pickleball Group — To play, 

contact Lindsey Cunko at l.cunko76@gmail.com

Dining-Out Group —Firebirds Tuesday April 18 at 6:30 pm

Traveling God’s World Group — TBA

If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.

Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at ben@northmontchurch.org

Get Connected

First Look

Koehler and Phelps Class

Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room

Coffee with Ben

Coffee with Ben is going to be on a break for a few weeks. We plan on making a few changes to it and will start back up after Easter. Stay tuned.

Thanks- Ben

Invitation sent via email. Interested in joining? Email Rev Ben at ben@nothmontchurch.org to be added to the list.



has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.

Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements. 

Phone: 412-366-1713

Email: wenglish14@verizon.net

Outreach Opportunities

See our latest update!

The West View HUB has taken over a new space beside the existing HUB center. They are converting this previous store to support various forms of artistic experiences for children.

On Wednesdays they work from 8:00 AM to noon. Presently they need talents for adding drywall, finishing a suspended ceiling (with lights) in the sound room, completing the mounting for an exhaust fan, installing a utility tub, building another bathroom pipe-rack cover, and designing, building and installing a bench about 20 feet long. As time goes on, there will be additional items added to this changing list.


Frank Klein, rmk4124@hotmail.com, is coordinating this effort. Just text him expressing your interest, and he will include you in his weekly post of needs for the following Wednesday.

Specialized Ministry

Click the picture to learn more about each ministry.