A Spring Blessing
Blessed are you, spring,
bright season of life awakening.
You gladden our hearts
with opening buds and returning leaves
as you put on your robes of splendour.
Blessed are you, spring.
In you is a life no death can destroy.
As you exchange places with winter
you harbour no unforgiving spirit
for broken tree limbs and frozen buds.
Blessed are you, spring,
You open the closed buds of despair
as you journey with us
to the flowering places.
...Blessed are you, spring,
season of resurrection, sacrament of promise.
Like Jesus, you rise up out of the darkness,
leaving around you a wake of new life.
Blessed are you, spring,
miracle child of the four seasons.
With your wand of many colours
you work magic in the corners of our darkness.
Blessed are you, spring,
season of hope and renewal.
Wordless poem about all within us
that can never die.
Each year you amaze us
with the miracle of returning life.
Excerpt taken from The Circle of Life © 2005 by Joyce Rupp Macrina Wiederkehr.
Used by permission of Ave Maria Press. All rights reserved.