Through work and prayer, we will continue to provide the most dynamic educational experience for young men in the Cleveland-area, with a focus developing their mind, body, and spirit in the traditions of St. Benedict. We will continue to help them grow as men, but more importantly, we will challenge them to aspire to be Men of Benedictine.
Dear Benedictine Community,

If your homes have been anything like mine over the past few weeks, they have been filled with confusion, concern, and uncertainty. Our worlds were flipped upside down in a matter of days, and we were forced to adapt to our “new normal.” Between work-from-home environments, on-line learning, and the feelings of isolation, it has been quite the transition. Amidst all of this, if I can use one word to describe how I am feeling right now, it would be simple: fortunate.

We’ve had an opportunity to slow our lives down. Instead of the constant “rat race” of speeding home to make dinner to be eaten in the car on the way to practices, we can now eat as a family. At a table! Watching our children experience the joy of catching up with cousins and friends via video conferences has been priceless. Sure, the cabin fever has set in, and we do miss the chaos of our former lives, we know that it will inevitably return. With any luck, this will be the only time we experience an event like this, and so we are committing to taking advantage of this situation in all possible ways. 

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, this too will most likely be different. An on-line mass, just your nuclear family at the table, a Zoom call for a family prayer. There will be plenty of things missing. But I refer back to that one word: fortunate. For our health. For our families. For blessings. For our Benedictine Community. For our future. We keep saying that this will be a “Remember When?” moment. Each day, we are defining what that moment will look like. To the best of our abilities, we are choosing to define it as one of good fortune. 

From the Benedictine Faculty and Staff, we miss you. We cannot wait to see you again soon. 

Have a Blessed Easter.

Ryan M. Ryzner ‘95
Benedictine High School