5th in the WWPC Series

Tuesday, June 18th

Earth Lessons

for the Soul

12:00pm -1:30pm ET

11:00am -12:30pm CT

10:00am -11:30am MT

9:00am -10:30am PT

Click Here to find the time in your area.

During the second half of life, we are called to turn from our outward focus on career, success, achievement, and materialism to the “inward arc” in order to heal old wounds and expand our higher consciousness. This workshop is for those who are willing to take this inner journey and come to a deeper understanding of life and its spiritual lessons.

We will focus on the Cycle of Life and why it is necessary for spiritual growth and evolution, why love and forgiveness are the keys to transcendence, and how to restore balance during the ups and downs of life.

Discover how the “dark times” of life are actually the doorway to transformation. We’ll explore how life offers each of us unique opportunities to learn why we are here and what really matters. Learn practices for navigating “why me” moments and finding beauty in the midst of devastation.


Dr. Karen Wyatt, MD, is the bestselling author of the book 7 Lessons for Living from the Dying, which contains stories of patients she cared for as a hospice doctor and the spiritual lessons she learned from them at the end of their lives. Her other books include The Journey from Ego to Soul, Stories from the Dark Night, and The Tao of Death.

Dr. Wyatt also hosts End-of-Life University Podcast, which features conversations with experts who work in all aspects of end-of-life care. She is widely regarded as a thought-leader in the effort to transform the way we care for our dying in the U.S. In addition, she is valued for her application of spiritual principles to illness and healthcare and teaches that in order to live life fully we must each overcome our fear of death and embrace the difficulties that life brings us.

Registration If you the webinar you will be emailed a link to the recording.

Tuesday, June 18th

12:00pm -1:30pm ET

11:00am -12:30pm CT

10:00am -11:30am MT

9:00am -10:30am PT


  • Supporter: $40
  • Basic: $35
  • Reduced: $25
Click HERE to Register


Please contact Rosemary Cox at with any questions or for one of the limited number of scholarships.

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