March/April 2020
As COVID-19 continues to impact our world, the health and well-being of our community members, your respective employees, and your community is of the utmost importance. We navigate this uncertain time together, but hope that you can continue to find support within our SGP Community and use it as a resource for your organization. We are here for you and we are proud of each of you for going above and beyond during this crisis. SGP is taking additional steps to deal with this unprecedented situation. 

For printers that are required to have a certification or recertification audit before June 1, 2020, we are working with our teams to find an alternative, remote method for the auditing system. We are taking each facility case-by-case to find the best solutions. You will be contacted by SGP Lead Auditor Wendy Nadan. If you have not yet been contacted about a revised facility audit, please contact her at  regarding the approach for your next audit. 

We will do our best to keep you informed. Please stay safe!