Dear Trebbe,,
In Germany they offered prayers and sympathy to monoculture crops growing in toxic soil.
In Russia there was traditional circle dancing in a snow-covered garden.
In these two countries, as well as in France, the United States, England, Montenegro, Serbia, and Hungary, members of Deep Adaptation Forum went to hurt places to give thanks, shed tears, and make beauty. These Earth Ceremonies, held on October 31, were part of DA's annual Deep Live event.
During a Zoom meeting that stretched across eight different time zones later that day, many of the participants gathered to share what happened at their event and to listen to the stories of others.
“I feel so blessed to be here," said Liz from Dorset, England. "I have never done anything like this before.”
The Earth Ceremony was an offering of the Deep Listening group, one of the many discussion groups, workshops, and gatherings offered by members of Deep Adaptation Forum. Earth Listening was created by RadJoy member Sasha Daucus of Doniphan, Missouri and has become so popular that it now meets at two different times, so as to be available to people from all over the world.
Deep Adaptation Forum is a global network of people who are actively confronting the reality of climate change, coming together in person and online “to embrace biocentric worldview and undertake regenerative lifestyle and practices.” The organization was founded by Jem Bendell in response to the philosophical clamour, both wildly enthusiastic and righteously critical, of his article, "Deep Adaptation," urging people to face the tragedy of climate change.
You can see a slide show of the Earth Ceremony event or watch a video of the Zoom call, during which participants tell their stories.