The Perspective from Here

Happy New Year!

Well, for many the holidays have come and gone and we have set our resolutions for the new year - right?!

Resolutions always starts with the best intentions; we mean well when we tell ourselves we are going to exercise more, eat healthy, and the list goes on. Then it seems by the end of January, we have fallen back into our old routines. This is how it has been for me at least, but I have had a bit of a mind shift and that has helped.

I have been reading and listening to podcasts, particularly ones that include James Clear, author of Atomic Habits and his perspective made sense to me. In a nutshell, he states rather than looking at the end goal of a loss of so many pounds or climbing Mount Everest, look at the small choices we make on a daily basis, and these small positive choices compound over time resulting in what we set out to do. It's all about working toward the best version of you.

So with the new year underway, I resolve to look closely at the choices I am making for myself daily and ensure they align with the person I want to be.

That's the perspective from here.

Stay well,
Pam Rennie, BA, BEd, RECE
EarlyON Registration
Although our programs remain free, registration is now required to ensure everyone’s safety. Please visit our website to complete the one time Participation Form. You will then receive a family code to use for all future registrations for our programs.
In-Person Programs
Check out our program schedule to see when and where you can find EarlyON's outdoor, in-person programming.

Playful Park - 9:30 - 11:00
Baby Trails - 10:00 - 11:30
Tobogganing Adventure - 9:30-11:00
Family INC. 9:30 - 11:00 on Saturdays

Virtual Programs

Baby Talk - Tuesdays 11:00 - 12:00
Parent Chat - Thursdays 1:00 - 2:00
Mission Happiness - 5 week parent workshop
Food for Thought - last Tuesday of each month
Super Dads Super Kids - one Saturday a month
Families must register for each of these events.

Winter Sunshine kits - a kit filled with fun activities for the whole family.
Food for Thought - January 25th Meg Dunstan - registered holistic nutritionist and RPN.

Registration opens January 5th
Tips for Preventing Frostbite
  • Do not go outside in very cold weather, after a recent bath or shower.
  • Wear warm clothing and dress in layers:
  • Layer 1 – wear clothes that will keep moisture away from the skin. Thermal underwear, moisture-reducing winter sportswear, cotton socks and mitten and glove liners are good items to use. The first layer, like the other layers, should not be so tight that circulation is impeded.
  • Layer 2 – wear loose clothing that is intended to resist dampness and maintain body temperature. Heavy pants, sweaters and sweatshirts are good items for layer two.
  • Layer 3 – wear tightly woven moisture-resistant outerwear. Moisture-resistant coats and jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and mittens and boots are good third layer items.
  • Bring children in at regular intervals and inspect fingers and noses for signs of frostnip and frostbite.
  • If you are away from home, take extra clothing along.
  • Keep dry. Wet clothes increase chance of heat loss.

EarlyON Educator Recommended Healthy Snacks
Pam - mixed nuts
Caitlyn - celery with cream cheese
Sam - roasted beets and goat cheese
Jenn - spicy hummus with red peppers
Roberta - fruit salad
Chris - fruit kabobs
Christine - apple slices with peanut butter
Judith - hummus and cucumber
Carly - peaches with yogurt and honey
Rachel - banana/strawberry smoothies with vegan vanilla protein powder
Sue - grapes or any fruit
CMHA Ontario offers tips to help with the winter blues
Many Canadians feel a shift in their mood after the holidays. There are a multitude of reasons why; the Canadian Mental Health Association of Ontario offers these 6 tips to help manage your feelings:

  1. Spend time in nature. Bundle up and get outside.
  2. Maximize exposure to sunlight. Keep curtains open during the day and move furniture to sit near a window.
  3. Exercise. Physical activity relieves stress, builds energy and increases mental well-being.
  4. Eat a healthy diet. 
  5. Practice daily relaxation techniques. 
  6. Reach out for help. The winter blues differs from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, which affects about two percent of the population and is a serious form of depression.

To read more or obtain support from CMHA click here!
What parent resource topic would you like to see next?
Introducing Solids?
How to encourage your picky eater to eat?
Would you like a copy of our monthly program calendar? Email us at earlyon@muskoka.on.ca and we will send you a PDF version.
EarlyON Muskoka | www.muskoka.on.ca/earlyon