Welcome to "The Dirt" where we share what you can expect from us in the coming weeks,  what's new at NatureWorks, and some garden buzz.
Almost sprung
When the snow melts, clean-ups begin. We'll remove winter protection, clean up lawns & beds, clear out winter decor, and repair plow damage. Let us know if you have spring events planned - we'll make sure your landscape is sparkling for your party.

Tired of these winter scenes? We'll be untucking your gardens soon.

Miss Daisy is coming!
April brings Miss Daisy - our beloved flower vehicle - & our fantastically talented decor team to your door step to transform your still lifeless landscape with color.

Miss Daisy with Nancy on the tailgate, and spring bling.

Pest control kicks off
If you're on our Plant Health Care program, your first protective spray will happen in late March or early April. Our PHC techs are already scouting for bud break and insect hatch to ensure we time the sprays properly with pest activity.

Don't let this happen to you: stippling on azalea from lacebug, sooty mold growing in aphid excrement (ewww!), boxwood psyllid. All protected by our PHC program.

If it's broken, let's fix it
Your account manager has already been checking your property for winter damage - once the snow melts we'll take extra care to check your walls & walkways for heaving, tripping hazards, and dangerously loose treads. Please alert us if you see anything concerning.

Already spied this year: a crumbling wall, an eroding brick path, a granite step shifted by a plow.

Passionate experts on tour
Account manager Mary Sullivan, D.P.M. (doctor of plant medicine), is a speaker in the Urban Gardening Series of the New England Wild Flower Society. Her most recent talk covered Pests of Urban Gardens. Find her next gig on the Garden in the Woods website.
An urban vegetable garden - the subject of Dr. Mary's talk.

Peek inside our new digs
We've just completed a major office renovation that embraces an open-concept work space. We know great communication with you, our clients, is mission-critical. Tearing down our walls is enabling greater collaboration and communication across our teams so we can be more nimble and responsive in serving you .

Our renovated, open-concept space. Can you find Clarissa, Brian, Jenny, Terri, & Bill?
Did you know it's not too late for bulbs?
Even if you missed the fall planting window, you can still enjoy an early pop of color from hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, or any of your favorite bulbs. How? Just plant the plants now and they'll still return year after year.

Some inspiration in opposing styles - a composed and formal massing from Longwood Gardens in DE, and a wild splash of naturalized daffs.

Some simple pops of bulbs extend the life of this perennial border maintained by NWL.

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. "
~Marcel Proust