Welcome to Our June Newsletter & Updates

The Early Learning and Literacy Initiative is making strides towards building a strong foundation for Marin County’s youngest learners. Focused on two regions, community partners and stakeholders are setting common goals for early childhood success and implementing impactful community-driven shifts.

This initiative was born from the recognition that factors like rural location and unequal access to vital services can hinder school readiness. Together, partners are overcoming these challenges to create inclusive environments where every child can thrive.

**Previously, these Action Teams were called Kindergarten Readiness Teams and moving forward they will be called Early Learning Collaborative Action Networks or ELCAN's.

West Marin Kindergarten Team + Current Work

Since 2017, the West Marin Kindergarten Readiness Action Team has been dedicated to ensuring that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children . The journey began with an analysis of Kindergarten Student Entrance Profile (KSEP) data, focusing on factors affecting students, especially those from marginalized backgrounds.  

The initial strategy this team focused on involved integrating a non-profit preschool into the school district, addressing challenges such as employee wages and benefits, transportation for children and families, and infrastructure. This integration has resulted in more preschool slots available in the West Marin region.

Although KSEP is no longer used in Marin County, we're excited about Help Me Grow's efforts to establish a county-wide system for collecting Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) data.

**The WMKR Action Team has been collecting enrollment data from the three participating preschool programs: Papermill Creek Children’s Corner, Shoreline Acres Preschool- now Shoreline Unified School District Preschool Programs, and Bolinas-Stinson Preschool.  Comparing baseline data gathered in 2019 to current enrollment rates for 2023/24, it shows that despite the drastic decline due to the pandemic in 2020/21, the number of children attending preschool has increased by 30%.  

Current Focus: The West Marin Kindergarten Readiness Action Team is hard at work, focusing on two key strategies to better support our families and children.

ASQ Parent Engagement Strategies: The team is excited to announce their efforts in utilizing the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to empower families in understanding their child's growth and development. By equipping parents with this valuable tool, partners aim to foster a deeper understanding of how to support their child's developmental journey. Additionally, ASQ data collection will provide crucial insights for preschool programs and the wider community, enabling them to tailor curriculum and interventions to better meet the needs of their young learners.

Car Seat Initiative: West Marin Fund has received $75k through the Marin County participatory budgeting process and is partnering with the K-Ready Team members to implement the Car Seats for West Marin Kids Program. This strategy aims to support families over the next 18 months in acquiring car seats and enhancing their road safety knowledge. This strategy underscores a commitment to ensuring the well-being of the community's children both in and out of the classroom.

We're grateful for the ongoing support and collaboration of our dedicated partners, including Marin County Free Library (MCFL), Parent Services Project (PSP), West Marin Fund (WMF), Shoreline Unified School District (SUSD), Bolinas-Stinson School District (BSD), Papermill Creek Children’s Corner (PCCC), San Geronimo Valley Community Center (SGVCC), Help Me Grow (HMG), and College of Marin (COM).

Marin City K-Ready Team + Current Work

Inception and Progress: Since 2021, the team has been hard at work, united by the goal of sustaining a publicly funded preschool program in Marin City. Thanks to collective efforts, the Sausalito Marin City School District (SMCSD) secured a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contract, providing crucial state funding and streamlining access to preschool scholarships for families. By partnering with Horizon Community School, a locally-run preschool supported by the independent school, they've achieved a significant systemic change—ensuring that preschool in Marin City is now publicly funded and less reliant on annual fundraising endeavors.

Current Focus: Recognizing the need for accessible data in the Early Care and Learning field, the team has shifted its attention to supporting early literacy skills. Partners have actively engaged in analyzing early literacy data and collaborating with preschool programs to develop strategies aimed at enhancing exposure to literacy-rich activities and strengthening pre-literacy skills for children.

**The Marin City Kindergarten Readiness Team participated in an activity to start identifying and analyzing early childhood factors that impact literacy.

We're deeply grateful for the support and collaboration of our valued partners, including Horizon Community School (HCS), Community Action Marin (CAM), Marin County Free Library (MCFL), Sausalito Marin City School District (SMCSD), Bay Area Discovery Museum (BADM), and Bridge The Gap (BTG).

Exciting News + Kickoff Meeting Dates

West Marin and Marin City Kinder ELCAN's will continue next year. Please check the dates for the first meetings. Additionally, an ELCAN will be launched in San Rafael in the Fall and in Novato in the Winter.



West Marin ELCAN

10:30-12pm at Point Reyes Library.

Contact Daphne if interested in attending.



Marin City ELCAN

1:30-3:00pm + Marin City Library

Contact Daphne if interested in attending.

Backbone Team Support

Daphne Cummings is the Director of the Early Learning & Literacy Initiative

Contact Daphne

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101 Lucas Valley Road #360

San Rafael, CA 94903