September 10, 2023 / 24 Elul 5783
ECP Newsletter
Rosh Hashanah is Everywhere!
Every ECP classroom is exploring Rosh Hashanah in their way. Some explorations look similar and some are different! Each child experiences the holidays in their own way and we are excited to share this with them.

— Early Childhood Director Hannah Schepps and Early Childhood Assistant Director Debbie Gubin
Speech Screening
In a couple weeks, speech therapist Tess Richter will begin screening students ages 3-6 for any speech concerns. A permission form was sent in backpacks last Wednesday — it is also attached below. Please return by 9/14.
Discovery Begins
Please double check the Discovery Program dates as there are a number of days classes will not meet. If your child is ordinarily a 2 pm pick-up, their Discovery class pick-up time is 3 pm. We advise parents to arrive a few minutes early because it is necessary to enter the ECP building for pick up. Children signed up for the 3:30 pm carpool will be at Schultz Circle as usual. 
Please Remember
The afternoon Schultz Circle carpool is 3:30-3:45 pm Monday-Thursday and 2:25-2:45 pm on Fridays. After 3:45 pm (M-Th) or 2:45 pm (F) your child will be taken to aftercare and there will be a charge.
9 am Wed, Sept 13: Morah Lindsey's Rosh Hashanah Sing Along in Hanna’s Room

Fri, Sept 15: No School — Rosh Hashanah

2:25 pm Mon, Sept 18: Early Dismissal — Tzom Gedalia
7 pm Wed, Sept 20 — Middle School Beit Midrash

All AYA parents are invited to join our Judaic Studies educators for a discussion
of the Jewish month and upcoming holidays. Light refreshments will be served. » RSVP
Mon, Sept 25: No School — Yom Kippur

9 am Tue, Sept 26: Delayed Start (Doors open 8:40 am)

Noon Fri, Sept 29: Early Dismissal — Sukkot
Your Rosh Hashanah gift: The PTO is treating all AYA families and staff to a round Rosh Hashanah challah. Challahs will be sent home with the youngest student of each family. Shana Tova U'Metukah!
Host our Bnot Sherut: Please welcome Tamar and Ayelet for Shabbat meals over the Chaggim and Shabbatot during the school year:
For your Shabbat table: Challah may be ordered directly from Ron the Baker (email). Orders will be delivered to your child in their classroom on Friday morning to bring home.
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