Leaving it All on the Mat
with Nora, Jon, The Pleiadians, Yeshua, and Ursula
Early Access to the Replay Now Available
This one was so healing.
If you missed it, you can now receive the unedited replay of our Leaving it All on the Mat Transmission that just concluded right in your email today.
I am sending these out manually so expect it to arrive an hour or two after you order, unless it is my nighttime, then you'll get it once I am awake and in front of my computer again in the morning. The replay will be sent to the email address associated with your paypal account.
You will also receive the recording for download once it has been edited for sound quality in a few days.
Please Note: If you registered for today's program, you already have access to the replay.
$10 for the replay (Normally $25, this is with the 60% off discount applied).
Nora, Jon, The Pleiadians, Ursula, and Yeshua shared their perspectives on healing, healing, and more healing, the intensity of this period of time, the need for a daily healing practice to facilitate navigating through this time, healing vs soothing and how to notice if you are bypassing as opposed to having an embodied experience of healing, grounding your energy in the body, feeling all feelings fully and without judgment, clearing the sensation of overwhelm due to ancestral or past life trauma, being present and what that means from an embodied perspective, the current conversation happening regarding healing and healers in the new age/spiritual/wellness communities, collaboration and cooperation vs separation and the need to identify as individual, laughter and comedy as healing vs soothing and how to discern between the two, unconditional giving and receiving as our new template, deactivating patterns of abuse and suffering as tools for evolution, natural magic and the facilitation of the uses of natural magic as a grounding tool, the blending of the third and fifth dimensional consciousnesses, healing trauma while experiencing ongoing trauma, prosperity and stability at this time of uncertainty, how untransmuted trauma manifests as patterns of behavior, showing up fully with the self to enable showing up fully with a partner, connection with other beings in an auditory manner, accessing the gifts and help that your ancestors (both Earthly and celestial) have for you, and much, much more
The Pleiadians, Ursula, and Yeshua offered a number of processes throughout including one designed to facilitate healing the enormity of this year's experience with COVID and everything else that has played out along with a process for calling on your ancestors for assistance.
Next Monthly Transmission
from The Pleiadians & Ursula
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
5pm Pacific Time
$20 - $5 Sliding Scale
The Pleiadians, Ursula, Yeshua, Calliandra, & a variety of Extradimensionals will offer information, love, and energetic downloads relating to the current moment. They will facilitate your journey in operating as a whole being who knows yourself to be love incarnate existing solely in the now.
New information
New activations
New downloads
New processes
Join us for a monthly gathering of love, fun, and transformation. We will offer a transmission at the top of the program lasting for approximately 30 minutes and then will proceed to take your questions for the next hour. We will get to as many of you as we can in the time allowed. You can access the program by either calling in via your phone or computer, or you can choose to just listen to the live broadcast via the web. Please note: If you wish to ask a question you will need to call in.
For those who can not attend live, the replay will be available immediately following for all registered. Registration will close out at the end of the event, so if you'd like the replay option, make sure to get your registration in on time.
Recording from Nov 3rd
Now Available
*********Use code "love" during checkout for 60% off this and all recordings*************
Nora, Ursula, The Pleiadian Collective, Enorah, Yeshua, Calliandra, and Others share their perspectives on the past life and ancestral trauma that has been activated by this timeline with specific regards to trump as president and COVID, accessing the state of being that all is well and having faith in your ability to access your own wellness. the immense love available to you at all times due to the fact that you are love incarnate, reunification as one of the things we incarnated to do, this moment as the bookend timeline to the fall of Atlantis, unconditional giving and receiving of energy and systems and futures that are created using that dynamic as a blueprint, the differentiation between the humans who are holding on with all of their might to their stuff from a space of fear vs. the humans who recognize we are all a piece of the collective, forging a connection with your guides, past-life bleedthroughs and how to clear past-life bleedthroughs, magic and fears of magic, suffering and the need to deactivate any and all programs that tell you suffering is the necessary pathway for evolution, choosing to evolve from a place of joy, managing the next couple of months, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on the December 21st Solstice, past life trauma manifesting as issues in the body, and much, much more.
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, and Ursula offered a number of processes and tools throughout including one that facilitates the clearing of past-life and ancestral traumas and bleedthroughs, as well as one that facilitates accessing a state of wellness/certainty that all is well.
Please Note: If you registered for the program or ordered early access to the replay, the recording has already been sent to you
*********Use code "love" during checkout for 60% off this and all recordings*************
Connect, Commune, & Collaborate
The Pleiadians, & Ursula
Recording Now Available
*********Use code "love" during checkout for 60% off this and all recordings*************
Nora, Jon, The Pleiadians, Ursula, and Yeshua shared their perspectives on connection, communion, and collaboration and how all three actions are both individual actions and then also build upon one another facilitating ease and joy in our individual and collective manifestation, the recent timeline jump and the disorientation this may still be creating in your experience as you navigate this big shift, some of the probable outcomes as a result of this timeline jump along with the eclipses and astrological events that will continue to play out through the rest of 2020, experiences with other humans that share a differing point of view at this time, experiences with guides and other non-physical helpers, experiences with the self and the foundational importance of the inner work, the desire to transmute untransmuted trauma as taking precedence in this incarnation, boundaries and establishing healthy boundaries while at the same time being energetically available, the mass delusion of qanon and some of the elements contributing to this delusion as well as how to deal with someone running these distortions in their field, dealing with blocks in the creative energy or any other kinds of blocks with regards to the desire to create anything at this time, being hopeful and optimistic vs being joyfully grounded in the body, the many timelines that are contributing to this current moment, deactivation of religious programs and other fear-based programs, and much, much more.
The Pleiadians, Yeshua, and Ursula offered many tools and processes throughout including multiple experiences of communion with the self, other humans, and your guides. This transmission will facilitate your ability to connect, commune, and collaborate with all beings at this time and moving forward into the post-pandemic timelines.
Please Note: If you registered for the program or ordered early access to the replay, the recording has already been sent to you
*********Use code "love" during checkout for 60% off this and all recordings*************
60% Off Sale Continues
All Recorded Channeled Workshops, Lectures, Group Sessions, Meditations, Music, and Video Workshops on Sale
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Recorded Lectures, Workshops, Meditations, Music, Videos, and More
Here you'll find Nora's extensive library of channeled lectures, workshops, group sessions, meditations, workshops on video, and free content, along with music by Jonathan Wilk.
Use code "love" during checkout for 60% off all recorded content at this time
Here you can enjoy our latest offerings. The blog is a mixture of short stories and articles along with transcribed excerpts of our channeled lectures. Enjoy!
Thank you for all of your support of our work.
Nora & Jon