
As I look at this holiday cactus, I realize I haven’t sent you a Sanity Tips note in over six months. I wrote that last e-note titled There are no words… on May 27, the day when 19 children and 3 adults were murdered in a Texas elementary school.

Many more deaths and world crises since then. Here in Connecticut this week we are sharply reminded of the preciousness of life as we mark the 10th anniversary of the killings of 20 first-graders and 6 adults who cared for the young ones in Sandy Hook.

Why my long absence? Maybe I felt that I didn’t have words to deal with all the suffering in our world. Then a personal happening this summer – a breast cancer diagnosis – gave me a clear awareness that it was time to deal with myself. That meant immediately stepping back from my usual sometimes over-involved activities and focusing on my new job: heal! No in-person engagements, more time in nature. Less time on electronics, more naps. Less worry about the future, more savoring the many gifts of the present.

I didn’t want to go public with this until the path forward seemed a bit clearer. Now that I have completed 9 of 12 scheduled chemo sessions for this phase of treatment, I feel calm. I am confident in my Yale Smilow team, am buoyed by the loving support of my family and close friends and by the innate strength of my own being.

Wherever you are, take loving care of yourself and savor your immediate surroundings. Don’t worry about me. If you want to know how I am doing and/or want to send wishes, my wonderful daughter-in-law Alice has set up a caring bridge site to spare me being online – a real gift! If you wish, you may click here to get the latest news. If you want to connect about Oasis, contact Renee.

May 2023 bring more clarity and simple compassion to each of us and to our world.

Oasis Sanity Tip:

Pause today, breathe for a few minutes and check in with yourself:

  1. What am I grateful for about my own body?
  2. What is one thing I can do to show appreciation to my bodily existence?
  3. What is one object or one person in my immediate surroundings I might view with fresh eyes?
  4. What is one action I can take to strengthen that object or person?
Millie Grenough discovered her own Oasis after a near-death accident shook her out of her fast and furious lifestyle. During her months of recuperation Millie developed the 60-second Oasis Strategies that have helped thousands of people around the world. Millie's Oasis Training Program has graduates throughout the USA and in the Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico and New Zealand.. Her books, trainings, international presentations, and coaching have helped people ranging from Casino VPs, US Army Officers and University Deans, to overworked health personnel, prison inmates, and harried parents. 

Millie is an International Coach Federation Professional Coach, a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is certified in EMDR-Level II with a specialty in Performance Enhancement. Her trainings are authorized for CCEs by the International Coach Federation.

These occasional Oasis e-notes are for you: to offer little sanity tips, stories from life, and simple invitations to make your life healthier and happier. Please let us know if there is a special topic you would like addressed.
©2022 Millie Grenough. All Rights Reserved. Oasis in the Overwhelm™ is a registered trademark.
Written and produced by Millie Grenough.
I invite you to forward this e-note to others. Reprintable when full credit is given.
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