October 28, 2016
Take it From Barack ... and Vote Early
Take it From Barak ... And Vote Early

Words of Advice: Hillary Clinton's College Graduation Speech 

Getting out the vote in Colorado.

Early voting has started! JAC's Dana Gordon & Hollis Wein went to the polls the first day!

Philadelphia members with Katie McGinty, Senate candidate in PA and Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood. (l to r: Betsy Sheerr, Katie McGinty, Cecile Richards, Jill Zipin, Shira Goodman)

Meeting with Terri Bonoff, candidate for MN-3.
(l to r: Hollis Wein, Terri Bonoff, Dana Gordon,
Jacob Humerick)

With Leader Nancy Pelosi in Philadelphia.
(l to r: Nancy Gordon, Gary Gordon, Nancy Pelosi)

With Steve Santarsiero, Congressional candidate for PA-8 with Jill Zipin in Philadelphia

Delivering support to Raja Krishnamoorthi, Congressional candidate for IL-8. (l to r: Raja Krishnamoorthi,
Dana Gordon)

JAC members delivering support to Gretchen Driskell, candidate for Michigan-7, in Detroit.
(l to r: Pamela Lippitt, Gretchen Driskell, Diane Klein)

JAC friend Rep. Eliot Engel (NY-16) at an event
supporting Brad Schneider,
Congressional candidate for IL-10.

Delivering JAC support to Morgan Carroll, Congressional candidate in CO-6. (l to r: Judy Robins, Morgan Carroll, and Marcia Balonick)

With David Letterman supporting Tammy Duckworth for U.S. Senate in Illinois. (l to r: Hollis Wein,
David Letterman, Tammy Duckworth, Dana Gordon)

Delivering JAC support to Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona. (l to r: Ann Kirkpatrick,
Jane Barton)

Getting out the vote in Florida! (l to r: Dana Gordon,
Gail Yamner, Marcia Balonick)

Sip, Nosh and Make Phone Calls
for Hillary and Senate Candidates

Tuesday, Nov. 1
4:30 - 8 pm
Thursday Nov. 3
4:30-8 pm
(Stay as long as you like)
JAC Office
Highland Park, IL

click for details

Get Out the Vote in Pennsylvania 
Knock on doors in Montgomery County

October 29, 30
November 5, 6, 7, 8

Contact Nancy Gordon for details 

Get Out the Vote in IL 10th District for Brad Schneider, Tammy Duckworth
& Hillary Clinton 
Knock on doors THIS WEEKEND!

Brad Schneider is in the closest race in the country for Congress. Help us get out the vote to get hem back in the House!

Bring a friend, sign up for a shift, help us knock on doors for a really tight race

Click here to RSVP

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847.433.5999 or info@jacpac.org
"I believe that for each of us, our greatest monument on this earth won't be what we build, but the lives we touch." 
Absentee Ballot Deadlines
Nov. 8 Connecticut 
Nov. 8
Nov. 8
Illinois Nov. 3
Nov. 8
New Jersey
Nov. 3
New York Nov. 7 Pennsylvania Nov. 4
Nov. 8 Washington DC Nov. 8
Election 2016 Edition
JAC has been involved in races across the country, sending financial support, knocking on doors and making calls.  
But now is the time for that extra push. YOUR DOLLARS for JAC candidates can make the difference. Most of our candidates are neck and neck with their opponents. Every dollar at this point can make the difference. The results of this election -- especially when it comes to the Supreme Court -- will impact our lives and our children's lives for years to come.
The issues we care about  -- Israel, choice, religious freedom -- are at stake. 
Get involved. Help make phone calls from your house, or go door to door for our candidates. Every vote counts. Call the JAC office for more details at 847-433-5999.
Billionaire Class Terrified Feingold Will Return to the Senate 
Russ Feingold
Russ Feingold has led most of the polls for most of 2016 in the race for Wisconsin's U.S. Senate seat. But the billionaire class is determined to prevent the election of the progressive populist, a foe of bank bailouts, bad trade deals and crony capitalism. So, as Election Day approached, some of the richest people in America are pouring millions into a last-ditch effort to defeat him.
Ann Kirkpatrick: 'It's Time for New Principled Leadership' 
Ann Kirkpatrick
As Arizona's U.S. Senate race enters its final stretch, Ann Kirkpatrick is digging in with her attacks on John McCain over his previous support of Donald Trump. The Democrat feels she now has the momentum and the state's changing demographics on her side as early voting begins around the state.
Jason Kander Stands On the Brink of an Astonishing Upset
Jason Kander
Missouri Senator Roy Blunt is in serious trouble, and every leading Republican knows it. It is astonishing stuff. Jason Kander appears to be the right guy at the right time. He just out-raised Blunt in the third quarter by $1.2 million. 

Congress' #1 Male Feminist, Patrick Murphy, Is Running for Senate 
Patrick Murphy
Rep. Murphy has built his senate campaign on stalwart progressive ideas like combating climate change, overturning Citizen's United, enacting campaign finance reform, and protecting women's health care. This is a sharp contrast to his opponent, particularly on the issue of reproductive rights. As Republicans attempt to further limit women's control of their health decisions, Marco Rubio is at the forefront of the movement and has vowed to ban abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, or a woman infected with Zika. 
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Sen. Burr Chose Fundraisers Over Armed Services Hearings 
Deborah Ross
Senator Burr has proven that fundraisers are more important than attending Armed Services committee hearings. In the two years he was on the Armed Services committee, Burr attended just 26 out of 84 hearings, but attended at least 51 fundraisers. The meetings he missed ranged from fairly mundane confirmation hearings to discussions of a much more serious nature - topics such as the war in Afghanistan, military suicides and missile technology - that shows how even the most pressing topics can take a backseat to raising campaign contributions. 
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In A Year of Firsts, Cortez Masto Could Make History in the Senate
Catherine Cortez Masto
At a town hall in northern Nevada last week, a Latina union member wore a t-shirt reading: "El lugar de la mujer es en la casa. La Casa Blanca." The historic nature of Hillary Clinton's candidacy has been a central narrative this election year. Less noticed, but perhaps more important to the tens of thousands of immigrant women across Nevada, is that former state attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto is hoping to make history as the first Latina in the Senate.
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Hassan Has Backbone; Ayotte Doesn't 
Maggie Hassan
When the chips are down, Kely Ayotte too often falls right into line with the worst actors in the GOP. It's not just her reluctance to dump Trump, who has been abandoned by other New England republicans long before she disavowed him. She followed Cruz and McConnell's shameful blockage of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. She has repeatedly voted against Obamacare, and gun control.
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McGinty Best Choice for Senate in Pennsylvania 
Katie McGinty
Among the most closely contested Senate races is Pennsylvania, where Pat Toomey is engaged in an expensive and sometimes nasty battle with Katie McGinty, his Democratic challenger. Ms. McGinty now leads Mr. Toomey by less than a percentage point. His views on social issues jump right out of the Tea Party playbook: He is anti-abortion and voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Ms. McGinty favors a woman's right to choose and Planned Parenthood. Mr. Toomey voted to repeal Obamacare. Ms. McGinty supports it. Mr. Toomey's vote on environmental issues won him a zero ranking in 2015 from the League of Conservation Voters. Ms. McGinty's environmental record speaks for itself. 
Read Full Article                                         Donate to Katie McGinty

Kirk Questions Duckworth's American Heritage in Debate 
Tammy Duckworth
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk is again under fire for making racially-charged comments, this time for questioning the military service of his Democratic opponent's family. During Thursday night's debate between Kirk and challenger Rep. Tammy Duckworth. Duckworth spoke about her desire to be in the Senate as a voice of reason and referenced her family's history of service, saying, "My family has served this nation in uniform, going back to the Revolution. I'm a daughter of the American Revolution. I've bled for this nation." Kirk responded: "I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington."
Read Full Article                                          Donate to Tammy Duckworth

Help us support these candidates in the  

last 10 days!


Click the button to donate directly to JAC. We will support those candidates most in need.



To donate directly to a candidate, click on the links above, download the form and mail, fax, or email to the JAC office. Or call the JAC office at 847.433.5999 to make the donation over the the phone. Donations to candidates will be bundled and delivered directly to the candidates. 

Political Byte
Florida Jews Could Tip Balance in the Ultimate Swing State
Zeev Libskin and Murray Roter, both in their 80s, made their way through the packed South Florida Expo Center until finally getting as close as possible to the stage. Shortly after, Donald Trump took that stage, energizing the two Jewish retirees and thousands more with a 40-minute speech that featured a healthy dose of media bashing and a forceful rebuttal of the sexual misconduct allegations that surfaced on October 7.
If the Election is Really Rigged, It's Rigged by Republicans
Donald Trump continued to push his claims that the election is "rigged" against him, falsely suggesting widespread voter fraud and raising the specter of a conspiracy of media outlets scheming to provide negative coverage of his candidacy.
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Whoever Wins Election, Congress Crucial 'Lame Duck' Votes
The election results are sure to have a big impact on the mood of congressional leaders, but it is unlikely to change lawmakers' list of top priorities for the final days of the 114th Congress. There is a daunting to-do list for lawmakers coming back from a hard-fought election that a good chunk of them might lose. Congress is scheduled to return from recess the week of Nov. 14 for a month-long "lame duck" session to finish its work before adjourning on Dec. 16.
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This Could Be the End of SCOTUS As We Know It
Conservatives lay the groundwork for blocking all of Hillary Clinton's nominees. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could let the Supreme Court wither away while he waits for a Republican president. Some conservatives certainly seem to be warming up to McCain's controversial suggestion last week that Senate Republicans should dig in their heels and block any and all Supreme Court nominees put forth by a future President Hillary Clinton. Who needs a fully functioning Supreme Court, after all?
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"Hamilton" stars Lin-Manuel Miranda and Renée Elise Goldsberry rewrote one of the musical's hit songs for a Broadway-themed Hillary Clinton fundraiser.
Clinton Slams 'Outrageous' UNESCO Resolution on Jerusalem 
Hillary Clinton's campaign slammed a UNESCO resolution that upholds Muslim claims on holy sites in Jerusalem while mostly erasing Jewish claims, calling it "outrageous" and pledging to "defend Israel against biased resolutions like these."
Hillary Clinton's Plans for Israel & Iran 
Hillary Rodham Clinton is preparing to dramatically shift the tone and tenor of relations with Israel away from a publicly disputatious posture adopted by the Obama administration, according to several of her top aides, who in conversation with The Jerusalem Post outlined, for the first time, her detailed plans for the alliance should she win the White House on November 8.
The One Woman Who Inspires Hillary to Dare 
Over the years, I've met more than my fair share of "women who dare"-trailblazers, activists, and leaders from all walks of life, each making her own special mark on the world. But the most inspiring woman I've ever known had a quieter kind of courage. My mother's name was Dorothy, and she was my rock from the day I was born until the day she left us. She knew what it was like to get knocked down, but again and again, she got back up and kept going.
Chelsea Clinton Shares Private Side of Her Mom 
Chelsea called her relationship with her mother "intensely close," I immediately understood what she meant. For those of us lucky enough to know our own mothers as the complex, three-dimensional women they are rather than the characters they play in the stories of our lives, we know that closeness. It's this "schism," as Chelsea calls it, between Hillary the person and Hillary the candidate that makes the public scrutiny so baffling to her. "I have never understood the public narrative," Chelsea tells me, without a hint of resentment.
Why Hillary Wins  
When she's talking about women's rights, or racial injustice, or support for families, her commitment, even passion, are obvious. She's genuine, in a way nobody in the other party can be. So let's dispel with this fiction that Hillary Clinton is only where she is through a random stroke of good luck. She's a formidable figure, and has been all along.
Hillary Clinton is Matching Barack Obama with Young Voters  
Hillary Clinton has dramatically reversed her struggles with youth voters and is now on track to do about as well with them as Barack Obama did in 2012. Clinton is now projected to get exactly the same youth vote share as Obama did in 2012 (60 percent), according to a massive new study.
Tim Kaine's Feminism   
The way Tim Kaine wants to model masculinity is as far from Trump as you can imagine. He would be first man to serve as vice president to a woman president. This would be  a historic and important first, and he feels the weight of being an example to others. "Wow, I'm going to have the chance now to not be the top of the ticket. I'm going to be a strong man supporting the first strong woman to be president of the United States." And as important as it is to normalize that a woman can be president, it's also important to normalize that strong men can support a woman as president. 
Trump Watch
Pence Confirms That Trump Would Be Anti-LGBT President 
A Trump/Pence White House would rescind the Obama administration's guidance protecting transgender students from discrimination. Mike Pence confirmed the ticket's position in an interview with Dr. James Dobson that will air next Wednesday. The Christian Post, an anti-LGBT publication, reported on the interview after obtaining an audio file in advance. 
Trump aide reveals 'three major voter suppression operations'
A senior adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign says the GOP nominee's operation has three "voter suppression" drives intended to lower the vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and provide a path to victory for Trump. The efforts are intended to cut down on votes by white liberals, young women and black voters, three blocs important for Clinton, the official said.
How Trump's Bankruptcies Cheated Workers Out of Millions 
When pressed about the multiple bankruptcies at his Atlantic City casinos, Donald Trump routinely says the episodes highlight his business acumen. He made out well, he claims, at the expense only of his greedy Wall Street financiers.Yet among those who suffered as a result of Trump's bankruptcies were his own casino employees, who collectively lost millions of dollars in retirement savings when the company's value plummeted.
The Two Jews Behind the World Series Teams  
The World Series this year is being fought between two franchises with long and painful histories: The Cleveland Indians have not won a championship since 1948, and the Chicago Cubs go all the way back to 1908 for their last crown. The latter hasn't even been in the Fall Classic since 1945. And in the front office, Jews helped assemble both teams: Theo Epstein, the Cubs' president, and Mike Chernoff, the Indians' general manager. 

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If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director

Dana Gordon, Membership & Outreach

Hollis Wein, Communications Director 

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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible. Contributions may total up to $5400 per individual ($2700 for the primary election, and $2700 for the general election). Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.