September 7, 2018
JAC members with Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17). (l to r:
Kim Shwachman, Dana Gordon, Cheri Bustos, Lisa Rubinstein, Melissa Spellman
JACII member Kristine Schanbacher stopped by the JAC office this week to make GOTV calls. The office is open for GOTV activities every Thursday leading up to the election.
Millions of Jews across the world will gather with family and friends to celebrate Rosh Hashanah this weekend. As we reflect upon the year that has passed, we also look forward with hope and promise to the start of the new year.

As a Jewish community, we faced many challenges this year including BDS and a rise in anti-Semitism. Many of the other issues we care about were under attack as well such as reproductive health care, religious freedom, gun violence prevention, and immigration reform.

Even bipartisan support for Israel has been tested.

JAC supports candidates who will fight in Congress to protect our issues and ensure that our democracy continues to thrive for all.

Let us promise that this will be a year of ACTION, a year in which we will each DO SOMETHING.

Commit to VOTE, to raise your voice, and to make a difference.

"The best time for new beginnings is now."

Thank you for your continued support.

Wishing you and your family a L'Shanah Tovah.
Do you know a high school or college student who would like to intern at JAC during the school year or next summer? Call the JAC office at 847.433.5999 about opportunities. 

Call your Representative
Urge the to vote YES on HR5141  
 The U.S.-Israel Security  
Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 
  • Affirms the bipartisan support for the unshakeable U.S.-Israel relationship
  • Endorses Israel's right to self defense
  • Authorizes foreign military financing for Israel at the levels agreed upon between the United States and Israel in the historic Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two countries in September 2016
  • Supports Israel's ability to meet and address both conventional and emerging threats, and enhances U.S.-Israel cooperation in areas of mutual interest such as cyber security   
Support HR 5141  
Shift to UNHCR Criteria Would Strip Refugee Status from Millions of Palestinians             

Unlike UNRWA, now defunded by Trump, the UN's global refugee body doesn't confer refugee status on those who have citizenship elsewhere, and it treats descendants differently. 
89% of Israeli Jews Don't See Peace in 5779  
Amid reports that US President Donald Trump's "ultimate deal" Middle East peace plan will be postponed until after midterm elections in the US and the next Israeli general election, a new poll found Jewish Israelis extremely pessimistic about chances for peace in the new Jewish year of 5779, which begins Sunday night. The poll found that the older people are, the more likely they are to back a two-state solution. 
Abbas Voices Support for Tripartite 'Confederation' with Israel and Jordan        
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has voiced interest in a tripartite confederation with Jordan and Israel, in what would appear a dramatic departure from his longstanding insistence on a two-state solution, according to Israeli peace activists and a Palestinian official.     
Continued Reading

Paraguay's Embassy Is Leaving Jerusalem. So Israel Closed Its Embassy in Paraguay.
Racism and Anti-Semitism Surged in Corners of the Web After Trump's Election, Analysis Shows
Racist and anti-Semitic content has surged on shadowy social media platforms - spiking around President Trump's Inauguration Day and the "Unite the Right Rally" in Charlottesville - spreading hate speech and extremist views to mainstream audiences, according to an analysis published this week.      
Campus 'Anti-Semitism Tracker' Unveiled
AMCHA Initiative launched its new Anti-Semitism Tracker with a powerful, user-friendly search engine that provides the public with an unprecedented access to information and photo documentation about anti-Semitic incidents that occurred on campus between 2015 and 2018. AMCHA claims it is the only organization that makes its database of all reported incidents of campus anti-Semitism accessible to the public.    
Continued Reading

A Glimpse into Your Post-Roe Future

If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, women across the country could be stripped of their ability to make fundamental decisions about their bodies and their lives.      
This Is What Life Was like for Women in America Before Roe v. Wade
Most fundamentally, the government mandated forced maternity and defined women first and foremost as mothers. When women could not manage their reproductive capacity -even contraception was not legal in all states until 1965 - women's special subordination to government and specifically to men on whom women were dependent for economic support, for employment, and other resources shaped every aspect of women's intimate familial and socio-political lives.
Supreme Court Pick Matters to State Lawmakers, Too. Especially on Abortion
Confirmation hearings begin this week for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. One issue state lawmakers may find most significant is reproductive rights and how Kavanaugh responds to questions regarding Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that gave women the constitutional right to choose abortion.  
Continued Reading

The Museum of the Bible Is Exploiting Jewish Tradition-and Saving Its Evangelical Christian Donors Millions 

It's called "Museum of the Bible," but one type of artifact dominates the collection behind the new, massive institution that sits in the heart of the nation's capital: Torah scrolls. And while Torah scrolls are indisputably an important part of the Bible's long history, there are other factors behind the museum's large collection of them-motivations both evangelical and financial. Thousands of Torah scrolls bought by wealthy evangelicals are not just being mishandled and used to boost Christian beliefs, but exploited as a multimillion-dollar tax writeoff.   
Editorial: Breaching the Wall Between Church and State 

Separation of church and state is among the most brilliant and crucial founding principles of this nation. You don't need to look far into history, or the present world, to see how mixing faith and politics distorts both. Think of the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Think of the most unstable corners of the world today where the hard-line religious interpretations of a few are imposed upon millions as the law of the land.  
Levi Strauss CEO: Why Business Leaders Need to Take a Stand on Gun Violence

As president and CEO of a values-driven company that's known the world over as a pioneer of the American West and one of the great symbols of American freedom, I take the responsibility of speaking up on the important issues of our day very seriously. We can't take on every issue. But as business leaders with power in the public and political arenas, we simply cannot stand by silently when it comes to the issues that threaten the very fabric of the communities where we live and work. While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing is no longer an option.     

NC Congressional Elections to Proceed as Scheduled with Same Maps, Court Rules

North Carolina's 13 congressional districts will remain in place and so will the Nov. 6, 2018 election, a federal three-judge panel ruled Tuesday. The panel ruled last week that the districts are unconstitutional due to "partisan gerrymandering" designed to produce 10 Republican seats. But, with the election only two months away, the plaintiffs in the case - the North Carolina chapters of Common Cause and The League of Women Voters - argued that it was too late to change the maps despite their victory.   
Continued Reading

The Fight to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline Continues-in the Bayous of Louisiana
Leaked Kavanaugh Documents Discuss Abortion and Affirmative Action   
As a White House lawyer in the Bush administration, Judge Brett Kavanaugh challenged the accuracy of deeming the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision to be "settled law of the land," according to a secret email.    
Why Kavanaugh's 'Settled Precedent' Position on Roe Isn't Enough    
It's not that Kavanaugh is lying, so much as he's playing a little rhetorical game. Sure, he sees Roe as "settled," insofar as previous justices issued a landmark ruling. But the Supreme Court has overruled settled precedents hundreds of times. All it takes is five justices to agree a previous decision was wrong.    
How Would Brett Kavanaugh Rule in Supreme Court Religion Cases?         
If the Senate confirms Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, there is every reason to think that the court will become more accommodating to conservative religious interests and concerns. But it won't necessarily become as accommodating as those on the religious right would like.   
Kavanaugh Pressed for Views on Gun Restrictions and School Shootings   
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh said that gun violence in schools "is something we all detest," but that he based a key dissenting opinion in favor of gun rights on high court precedent. Meanwhile, when given a chance to respond at the Senate confirmation hearing to a controversy over his encounter Monday with the father of a Parkland, FL, shooting victim, Kavanaugh more generally responded that while he bases his decisions on the law, "I do so with an awareness of the facts and the real-world consequences."    
Obama Delivers Full-Throated Rebuke of Trump's Presidency
For all the unprecedented moments Trump's presidency has brought, Obama's speech, which kicked off his midterm campaigning, marked a new one: a former president going on the attack directly against his successor-and arguing directly that the man in the Oval Office isn't just a political opponent, but a threat to the core of America itself.         
A Surge of Female Veterans Running for Congress Gives the 'Pink Wave' a Camouflage Tint
A record number of women are running for the U.S. Senate and House this year, presenting a possible shift in a Congress that is currently only 20 percent female, according to Rutgers' Center for American Women and Politics. It's been called a "pink wave," but it may have a camouflage tint.          
10 Races That Could Flip the House       
This November, Democrats have an excellent chance to pick up 23 Republican-held seats and take back control of the House of Representatives, but where should the left focus their time, energy, and resources over the next two months in order to do so?      
Michelle Obama Will Host Voter Registration Rallies in Las Vegas and Miami
Michelle Obama will headline voter registration rallies in Las Vegas and Miami later this month during a week of action to encourage voting for the November elections by a nonpartisan organization she co-chairs.        
Where will YOU eat your apples and honey this Rosh Hashana?
Where will YOU eat your apples and honey this Rosh Hashana?
This Rosh Hashana, Take Your Apple and Honey Outside
Celebrating the Jewish New Year doesn't have to take place only at the dinner table, you can celebrate anywhere!     
Five Jewish Women Who Deserve Their Star Turn
Israeli director Amos Gitai revealed this week that his next film project features an incredible Jewish woman. Dona Gracia Mendes Nasi dedicated her life to helping Jews flee the Inquisition in the 16th century. Now, 500 years later, Nasi is getting her due. But what other badass Jewish ladies deserve the Hollywood treatment?     
Introducing JACII, a JAC group for young professionals, advocates, and those young at heart who are looking to get involved. Groups have started in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

Events will feature elected officials and speakers in lively settings. JACII is by and for young people. Now is the perfect time to get involved. 

Know someone who would be interested in joining or hosting a meeting? Let us know at We will be happy to help organize a JACII in your city.
The Last Word
"In two months we have the chance, not the certainty, but the chance to restore some semblance of sanity to our politics. Because there is actually only one real check on bad policy and abuse of power. That's you. You and your vote."  

Former President Barack Obama
Reception in support of
Lauren Baer
Candidate for FL-18
Sunday, September 16
Philadelphia, PA
Women for Brad
in support of  
Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10)
Sunday, September 30
Highland Park, IL
Call JAC office for details.
Michigan JAC Membership Event
U.S. Senators
Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters
Monday, October 8
Franklin, MI
at the JAC offic e
Every Thursday until the election
10:30 am to 4:30 pm
Bring your phone, laptop, & charger
Phone or text bank for JAC candidates 
RSVP to the JAC office
Join JAC in Las Vegas as we Get Out the Vote for
Rep. Jacky Rosen (Senate Candidate)
Susie Lee (Congressional Candidate NV-3)
and Steven Horsford (Congressional Candidate NV-4) 
October 4-7
Details to come. Call the JAC office for more information.
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year. Maximum contribution per person may not exceed $5,000 per calendar year. According to law, JACPAC cannot accept corporate contributions. Membership, gifts, or other payments to JACPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.