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November 5, 2021

What's On Our Mind ...

This week was another tumultuous and unpredictable week in Washington and in politics. It could end dramatically, as we wait to see if the House passes President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

On Monday, we held our breath listening to the Supreme Court’s oral arguments on the Texas abortion ban and trying to figure out which way the Court was leaning on this pivotal issue. Tuesday night ended with mixed emotions. We were disappointed with the Virginia governor's race, but happy that JAC-candidate Shontel Brown (D-OH) won her special election for Congress.

Amidst the jumbled mess, one thing is certain — we can take nothing for granted.  

We felt a renewed spirit and renewed sense of energy after the election of President Biden. His sweeping plans offered help and support to America’s families and our country. Candidates were elected who were committed to expanding voting rights and protecting women’s access to reproductive health care. Protecting our fragile and declining climate was part of the agenda.

Fighting for what you believe in doesn’t end when the election cycle is over. It is a constant effort to push forward. Midterm elections are just as important as the big, brassy presidential races.

The loss in Virginia clearly shows that our work is not over. The GOP voter turnout was higher this time than in 2020. We cannot assume that Democratic voters will stick with the party. Every voter needs to be reached, convinced, and encouraged to remain on our side. Our democracy will be in great peril if left in the hands of the GOP.

In less than one year, it will be time to vote again. If we lose the House, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-CA) will become Speaker of the House and Rep. Jim Jordan (D-OH) will become chair of the critically important and influential House Judiciary Committee. There is no more chilling thought nor greater call to action.

It’s time to start working now. Get involved with JAC - get your friends to join, too. Join a committee. Attend a zoom event. Support candidates. The countdown has begun.


Please note: JACPAC is moving to ActBlue as our payment processor.

In Memorium


Linda Rae Sher

November 8, 2020


On the anniversary of her passing, her spirit lives on at JAC as we all work together to elect candidates who believe in good government.

Upcoming Events

Virtual Conversation with Rep. Lois Frankel (FL-21)


Tuesday, Nov. 9

12:00 pm ET | 11:00am CT | 9:00 am PT


RSVP here

Online Discussion with Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8)


Friday, Dec. 3

3:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm CT | 12:00 pm PT


RSVP here

Instagram of the Week

This Sunday

November 5, 2021

Here’s some food for thought for your Shabbat dinner table. Experts argue that the change would “reduce rush-hour vehicle accidents and energy use” according to the NYT. What do you think?

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In the News

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Economy ministers of Israel and Jordan met for the first time in a decade to boost ties through trade. The Senate confirmed Tom Nides as U.S. ambassador to Israel a day after Republican objections blocked the move. Read a reflection on the state of the U.S.-Israel relationship between two administrations and the potentials going forward.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene blames ‘vaccine Nazis’ for ‘ruining our country’ months after apologizing for her last COVID-19/Holocaust comparison. As the GOP is delaying Deborah Lipstadt's confirmation hearing, Jewish groups ask the Senate to move forward with her nomination. An antisemitic tirade at a school board meeting spurred an extensive response among local officials and Jewish leaders.

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Read through key points of oral arguments and justices' questions from Monday's hearing on the Texas abortion law. The Texas abortion ban may be doomed based on how far-reaching the bounty provision could be. That still won't save Roe v. Wade. It’s time for a new strategy to protect reproductive freedoms.


As new laws pop up nationwide challenging one of our nation’s core principles, we must ask what happened to the separation of religion and state. A study highlights how evangelical Christians want to blur the line between religion and the state. The Supreme Court denied an emergency request by healthcare workers in Maine for a religious exemption from the state’s vaccination mandate.

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The Supreme Court will rule on the biggest gun rights case in more than a decade and could confirm the 'right' to carry a gun outside the home. Senate Republicans blocked a crucial voting rights act, while the Justice Department is suing Texas over voting restrictions. The Glasgow climate summit has already achieved success but John Kerry warns that time is running short.


More than half a dozen “Stop the Steal” attendees were elected to public office on Tuesday. Sen. Tom Carper pens a letter explaining why the filibuster shouldn't stand in the way of democracy. The rainbow wave continues with big LGBTQ+ wins on election night.

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Three Jewish baseball players set a World Series record just by being there. 500 years after the Inquisition, Spain finally has a vibrant kosher wine industry. The Israeli Beauty Queen competition for Holocaust Survivors returns since its pandemic hiatus.

The Last Word

"The provisions in this law have prevented every woman in Texas from exercising a constitutional right, as declared by this court. That’s not a hypothetical. That’s an actual.”

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer on SB 8


Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.

Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.