May 18, 2018
JAC members attended a book discussion with former Congressman Steve Israel for his newly released "Big Guns." (l to r: Zoe Kaufman, Arielle Imber, Lisa Imber, Steve Israel, Marcia Balonick, Bruce Balonick)
President Trump today announced a domestic gag rule preventing doctors from sharing information -- sometimes life-saving information -- with women if it involves abortion services. The Trump administration is using censorship as a road block to undercut Roe v Wade.

The rule "gags" doctors by banning them from receiving federal Title X health care funding if they even talk about abortion or abortion-related services. This blocks patients from their doctors and makes it impossible for Planned Parenthood health centers, which receive Title X funds, to serve safely and adequately serve their patients. Millions of women will be impacted by this rule.

If a woman needs an abortion to protect her health or save her life, her doctor or nurse couldn't refer her to a provider. They couldn't even tell her she needed one. This rule has no exceptions - even for a woman's life.

This is an extreme move to prevent women from determining their best health care options. It removes the guarantee that they're getting full and accurate information about their health care from their doctor. The government will now make that decision, not your doctor.

To further ensure that women are left in the dark about their healthcare the FCC revoked net neutrality. Net neutrality ensures the internet providers cannot slow down or block content they do not like. This week the Senate voted to restore net neutrality. The bill now moves to the House where its fate is uncertain.

Without net neutrality, women searching for abortion services on the internet may not be able to find the critical information they need. Those pertinent websites could be blocked if the internet provider is anti-choice. Net neutrality prevents censorship. It is another guarantee that freedom of speech applies to all forms of media - and all subject matters.

Free and open access to information strengthens our democracy. This must apply to information you receive in your doctors office or on-line.  Attempts to limit this by our government, under any circumstances, sets a dangerous precedent. What will be next?


Join JAC. Support JAC candidates. Stay informed.


Donald Trump Wants to Prevent Women from Receiving Complete Healthcare Information from their Doctors

Today he announced a gag rule to: 
  • Prevent doctors from referring patients for abortion
  • Force doctors to violate medical ethics
  • Prevent patients from coming to Planned Parenthood
  • Cut funds to any health care provider that refers their patients for abortions
Call Congress today

Tell Congress to stop the gag rule.
Healthcare is our Choice. 
#StopTheGagRule #DontGagMe

Who's to Blame for the Gaza Violence?
As critics warned, the Palestinians reacted violently to the Embassy move and economic hardships in Gaza.  Hamas, the terrorist group that rules Gaza, incited protesters to dash toward Israeli military positions, knowing many would be killed and the carnage would ignite an international backlash.    Leaders of the Palestinians have a choice: They can keep sending their young people to their deaths.  Or they can turn from violent confrontation to constructive negotiation.   
Hamas Leader: Talk of Peaceful Protest Is Mere 'Deception'    
A senior member of Hamas said that when his organization "talk[s] about 'peaceful resistance,' we are deceiving the public." "This is not peaceful resistance. Has the option [of armed struggle] diminished? No," Al-Zahar, former foreign minister in the Hamas government, said during an interview with Al-Jazeera. "On the contrary, it is growing and developing. That's clear. So when we talk about 'peaceful resistance,' we are deceiving the public."    
U.S., Gulf Countries Slap Hezbollah with Sanctions 

The U.S. and several Gulf countries have placed new anti-terror sanctions on the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror organization, adding pressure to fight the group's global financial network. The U.S. Treasury Department stated Wednesday that Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf nations are slapping sanctions on Hezbollah's senior leadership. The sanctions are being coordinated by a U.S.-Gulf partnership called the Terrorist Financing and Targeting Center, which was formed last May.     
Continued Reading

House Panel Approves Bills on Anti-Semitism Envoy, Combating Genocide
The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved two bills, one to enhance the role of the anti-Semitism monitor and the other, named for Elie Wiesel, to make combating genocide a U.S. policy. It would elevate the position to ambassador level and require the president to nominate someone for the position within 90 days of its passage. 
Controversial U.S. Pastors Take Part in Jerusalem Embassy Opening
Monday's ceremony marking the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem broke with tradition in more ways than one.
Besides the political concerns over the move itself, a pair of Christian evangelical leaders were on hand whose words have caused their own share of controversy. Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, delivered the benediction at the ceremony, while another controversial evangelical pastor, Robert Jeffress, said a prayer at the embassy opening. 
Clinics That Refer Women for Abortions Would Not Get Federal Funds Under New Rule
The Trump administration is reviving a rule that would deny federal family planning funds to organizations that provide abortions or abortion referrals. The proposed regulation would apply to Title X, the federal program that provides at least $260 million annually for contraception, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and other reproductive health services to millions of low-income people.  
The Domestic Gag Rule on Abortion, Explained
The Trump administration last year reinstated and expanded a rule banning family planning clinics that get aid money from the U.S. from performing abortions or even discussing abortion with their patients. Often called the "global gag rule," it's led to clinic closures and reductions in crucial services around the world. And now it might be coming to the United States.  
On Abortion Rights, Science and States Are at Odds
It seems that lawmakers across the country are competing to see who can make people seeking abortions suffer the most. As extreme politicians race to outdo each other with punitive anti-abortion measures, it's essential to remember that these laws are not only unconstitutional - they are also medically unnecessary and scientifically baseless.  
White House Backs Away from Controversial Religious Leaders at Embassy Ceremonies

Following the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, deputy White House press secretary Raj Shah faced questions regarding three religious leaders with roles in the events.  Rev. Robert Jeffress, who delivered the opening prayer, once said the Catholic Church is a "counterfeit religion" used by Satan.  Rev. John Hagee, who gave a benediction, has suggested Hitler was an instrument of God's will.  Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were blessed by Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef who previously compared black people to monkeys.     
An Evangelical Journalist Finds His Calling at the White House

David Brody, chief political correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, and his network enjoy a special closeness to the White House that is foreign to most reporters. In return, Trump gets a direct line to conservative evangelicals who make up CBN's core audience. White House surrogates routinely appear on Brody's program, and he has been a guest on Fox News and "Meet the Press.''     
Parkland Students Said, 'We Will Be the Last Mass Shooting.' Now, They Grieve with Texas

High school students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., sent out sympathetic and political messages Friday after another school shooter killed eight in Texas.The morning attack at Santa Fe High School south of Houston comes three months after Nikolas Cruz killed 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. 
Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners Actually Agree on a Lot of Gun Reforms

The survey, conducted in January 2017 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research and published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health, found that both groups largely approve of the majority of the 24 proposals examined. For most of those policies, the approval gap between gun owners and non-gun owners was in the single digits. A recently released survey of the two groups finds minimal gaps in support for many key policies.     
White House, EPA Headed off Chemical Pollution Study

Scott Pruitt and the White House sought to block publication of a federal health study on a nationwide water-contamination crisis, after a Trump official warned it would cause a "public relations nightmare."   The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, "Families who have been exposed to emerging contaminants in their drinking water have a right to know about any health impacts, and keeping such information from the public threatens the safety, health, and vitality of communities," Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) said.    
Trump Drives a Deeper Wedge Between the U.S. and Its European Allies
Although Trump and his backers insist the U.S. is held in high regard across the globe, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. His continuing efforts to circumvent global rules has thrown the multilateral order into "real crisis," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.  "European leaders cajole, argue and beg, trying to persuade President Trump to change his mind on a vital issue for the trans-Atlantic alliance. Trump appears to enjoy the show, dangling them, before ultimately choosing not to listen.... And with each breach, it becomes clearer that trans-Atlantic relations are in trouble."    
When Trump Attacks, Democrats Shut Their Mouths and Pray
Vulnerable Senate Democrats have made a conscious decision not to engage Trump on his terms, after watching the president tear apart the GOP primary field in 2016 with personal insults, derisive nicknames and political broadsides. Trump has 52 million Twitter followers and the bully pulpit of the presidency. And Democrats know that when he gets locked in a beef with someone, the person on the other end of the conflict often comes out worse for it.      
The Net Neutrality Vote Was About the Future of American Democracy and the Fate of 'Fake News'
Without net neutrality provisions, internet service providers could take away the ability for the average American to choose how to browse the internet by blocking or slowing down websites owned by competitors.  Net neutrality is important in the fight against "fake news" and media manipulation.   
Israel's Netta Barzilai Wins     
Eurovision Song Contest     

Israel won the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time in two decades Saturday as singer Netta Barzilai clucked and bucked to the top of the international competition with the women's empowerment anthem "Toy."  The win means Israel will host next year's Eurovision competition,  an event expected to bring thousands of fans and worldwide exposure to the Jewish state.        
Introducing JACII, a JAC group for young professionals, advocates, and those young at heart who are looking to get involved. Groups have started in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

The LA chapter's first event will host Elissa Slotkin, candidate for the U.S. House in Michigan's 8th district on June 10th from 5:30-7:00 pm. Contact the JAC office for details.

Events will feature elected officials and speakers in lively settings. JACII is by and for young people. Now is the perfect time to get involved. 

Know someone who would be interested in joining or hosting a meeting? Let us know at We will be happy to help organize a JACII in your city.
The Last Word
"This (the gag rule) is an all-out war on women's basic rights.
We must fight back."

- Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA)
JAC II LA presents 
Meet & Greet
Elissa Slotkin 
Candidate for U.S. Congress MI-8
Sunday, June 10
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Pacific Palisades, CA
Contact the JAC office for details

RSVP today!
JAC's 2018 Power of Women Luncheon
Monday, June 11th
11:30 am
Bryn Mawr, Lincolnwood, IL
featuring Fred Guttenberg, father of Jaime Guttenberg who was killed in the Parkland school shooting, and founder of Orange Ribbons for Jaime Foundation. Mr. Guttenberg will be joined by two students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.

Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual who contributed to JACPAC. Maximum contribution per person may not exceed $5,000 per calendar year. According to law, JACPAC cannot accept corporate contributions. Membership, gifts, or other payments to JACPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.