July 3, 2019
Reps. Elaine Luria (D-VA), Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), and Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) put their lives on the line to defend our nation. Now, these freshman women are defending JAC's issues in Congress.

As we celebrate America's Independence Day this week, we must remember how precious our freedom is and that we should never take it for granted. 

We fought for our independence to live in a country where everyone is guaranteed "unalienable rights." Yet, 243 years later, our freedom seems more fragile than ever before.

In this past week alone, the Supreme Court decided that the courts could not help solve the issue of partisan gerrymandering. This decision allows the redrawing of congressional districts in such a way that silences certain voters. 

The list of ways in which the Trump administration has sought to dismantle the foundation of our democracy, and the ideals that we believe in, continually grows with each passing day. Whether it is separating children from their families at the border, the continual attacks on women's reproductive rights, or the disregard for climate change, our ability for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is in jeopardy.

Our founding leaders understood the power - and danger - of government. They established separate branches of the government to ensure that democracy would not fall victim to overly zealous officials. 

The best way to protect our freedom and ensure that our country remains true to its founding ideals is to make sure that our elected officials represent our values.

In honor of Independence Day, donate to these JAC candidates. They represent the best we can be as a nation.
Mossad Director: Arabs Allying with Israel vs. Iran 
Even as Mideast tensions escalate , with new  Israeli strikes on Syria and Iran exceeding  international limits on enriched uranium, no less a figure than the director of Mossad sees a historic opportunity for peace. Why? Because Iran's escalating aggression  - especially attacks on its neighbors' economic lifeline, oil exports - have pushed Sunni Arab monarchists, long hostile to Shiite Persian revolutionaries, towards a de facto alliance with Israel. 
Continued Reading

Anti-Semitism Leads to Spike in Demand for Homes in Israel

As Jews in Europe have become afraid to wear kippot in public and U.S. synagogues are becoming targets of terror, the sense of insecurity that many Diaspora Jews are feeling is prompting them to invest in homes in Israel, whether as part of a plan to make aliyah or just out of a desire for safe haven.
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Inside The Dangerous Rise Of 'Abortion Reversal' Bills
The rise of so-called "abortion reversal" bills has alarmed leading medical groups that say such legislation forces physicians to give misleading, unscientific and potentially dangerous advice to women, undermining the trusted doctor-patient relationship.
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Kentucky Public Schools Are Now Allowed to Teach Bible Courses

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed a bill allowing Bible courses to be taught in public schools.The bill allows local school boards the option of developing a class for students to understand the role the Bible played in American history. The class would be an elective. Rep. D.J. Johnson, R-Owensboro, sponsored the bill and said the Bible was the foundation for the developments of the Declaration of Independence and other important documents in U.S. history. 
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Cities Are Beginning to Own up to the Climate Impacts of What They Consume
Cities around the world are beginning to seriously grapple with the question of their consumption emissions - how to measure them, how to make policy to reduce them, and, perhaps most importantly, how to communicate about them. These are politically explosive issues that bump up against personal choices about where and how we live, even who we are. There's a reason climate policy has focused so exclusively on production emissions; it is safer ground.
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JAC's Own To Run For Congress

Kristine Schanbacher, a lawyer and organizer of JACII in Chicago, is running for Congress against Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL). "We can do better," Schanbacher told Politico Playbook about why she's running. "We're leading in prison population. And we should be leading in health-care, infrastructure, innovation, green energy, human rights, transportation and quality of life."
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France's Oldest Auschwitz Survivor Dies at 101
Henriette Cohen, France's oldest survivor of Nazi Germany's Auschwitz concentration camp, has died. She was 101. Cohen stayed silent about the horrors she lived through at the death camp in Poland for four decades before finding the strength to describe it to younger generations. She said it was necessary to speak out so "no one could deny the Holocaust."
Introducing JACII, a JAC group for young professionals, advocates, and those young at heart who are looking to get involved. Groups have started in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.
Events will feature elected officials and speakers in lively settings. JACII is by and for young people. Now is the perfect time to get involved.
Tuesday, July 18
JACII Detroit - Abortion Access in Michigan 
State Senator Mallory McMorrow 
The Michigan legislature has passed a ban on a common second semester termination procedure - D&E. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has vowed to veto this bill, but it is critical we all know what is at stake in this ongoing fight.

Know someone who would be interested in joining or hosting a meeting? Let us know at info@jacpac.org. We will be happy to help organize a JACII in your city.

The Last Word
"Thanks to the Court, the census will remain a tool for delivering on our government's promise of fairness and equity....Our democracy withstood this challenge, but make no mistake, many threats continue to lie ahead from the Trump Administration and we will not stop fighting."

- New York State Attorney General Letita James, on the recent Supreme Court decision ruling against the addition of a citizenship question to the census. 
Thursday, July 18
JACII Detroit
State Senator Mallory McMorrow
Join us to discuss the fight over abortion access in Michigan
Metro-Detroit Area
Address upon RSVP
Sunday, July 21 
Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL)
4-5:30 pm
Call the JAC office for details
Thursday, July 25 
Congressional Candidate
 Kristine Schanbacher (D-IL)
5:30 pm - 7 pm
Call the JAC office for details
Wednesday, July 31
Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA)
Call the JAC office for details

Want to host a JAC event? Contact the office and we will help organize it.
info@jacpac.org or 847.433.5999
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.  Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.