February 9, 2018
JAC members meeting with Rep. Jacky Rosen (D-NV). JAC is proud to support Jacky's bid for the U.S. Senate. She will fight to protect JAC's issues.
Week In Review Commentary
Meet Rep. Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Senate Candidate

Periodically, we will feature JAC candidates who we hope you will get to know and support. This week we'd like to introduce you to Rep. Jacky Rosen (D-NV), who is running for the Senate. Jacky was elected to Congress in 2016 as the first Jewish woman to represent her Las Vegas district. Democrats hadn't won the congressional seat since 2008.

In her short time in Congress, Jacky has earned a reputation for reaching across the aisles. She was named one of the most bipartisan freshmen members of the House of Representatives in the 115th Congress. 

JAC can count on Jacky to help strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. She introduced The Defend Israel Act, a bipartisan bill to authorize $705.8 million in funding for the state of Israel's anti-missile defense systems. The President signed the bill into law last year. 

Jacky is 100 percent pro-choice, believing that the decision to have an abortion is a complex medical decision that women need to be able to make with their families and their doctors - without Washington politicians interfering.

Jacky was the first member of her family to graduate from college. She worked two jobs and took out student loans to make ends meet. Over summers, she waitressed in Las Vegas. She served as the president of Congregation Ner Tamid, Nevada's largest synagogue.

She serves on the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force; Congressional Caucus on Women's Issues; and Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism; and the House's Armed Services Committee.

We need Jacky's strong leadership in the Senate. She will be a much-needed pro-choice vote.

Help JAC send Jacky to the U.S. Senate.

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Monday, March 12th- Wednesday, March 14th 
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Israel's Headed to a War in Syria and Only Russia Can Stop It
As Israel approaches its 70th anniversary, the Jewish state's strategic situation is almost the strongest it's ever been.  "The assessment of the strategic situation of Israel is almost the best since the state was founded," stated Brig.-Gen. (res.) Udi Dekel. "But," he stressed, "We have gone from the threat posed by Iran as a source of undermining stability to the Shi'ite axis, which is spreading across the Middle East." 
Israel's Growing Ties with Former Arab Foes

A number of recent reports have appeared to confirm one of the worst-kept secrets in the Middle East. In coordination with Egyptian authorities, Israel has for months been conducting clandestine airstrikes against jihadist groups operating in northern Sinai. The Israelis used unmarked drones, helicopters and jets to launch at least 100 strikes on the peninsula, all with the apparent blessing of Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.
Israel is Ready For War with Hezbollah in Lebanon

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a simple, straightforward message this week when he toured Israel's border with Syria and Lebanon with top security officials. "Our face is turned toward peace, we are ready for any eventuality, and I don't suggest anyone test us," he said. Yet the sides are making increasingly belligerent noises. Here are five factors contributing to increasing tensions along the border.
Continued Reading

How Poland Is Stoking Anti-Semitism
After Israel's ambassador to Poland criticized that nation's bill to outlaw words that suggest Polish complicity in the Holocaust, a spokesperson for Poland's ruling party retweeted the comment that the ambassador's action "makes it difficult for me to look at Jews with kindness and sympathy." Anti-Semitism has long been a refuge for demagogues, and Poland's leaders are pushing this bill to stir the Jew-hating that will rally their hard-core base. It's one more example of the rising autocratic forces in Europe and elsewhere that are putting freedom and democracy on the global defensive.
BDS Movement Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
A Norwegian politician has nominated the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that targets Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza for a Nobel Peace prize, the Middle East Monitor reported. A member of Norway's Parliament, made the formal nomination, with support from a coalition of left-wing Norwegian political parties.
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Americans Haven't Changed Their Mind on Abortion
Over the past two decades, public opinion in the U.S. has shifted dramatically on many of what we call "cultural" issues. Public opinion on abortion, however, has been less fluid. In 2000, 53 percent thought abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 43 percent thought it should be illegal in all or most cases. In 2017, support for legalized abortion had ticked up to 57 percent, and opposition had ticked down to 40 percent. 
Planned Parenthood Launches 10 New Video Chat Abortion Locations in 2018

Imagine you are pregnant but don't want to be;  a nurse at your local health clinic gives you an ultrasound and blood test. Together, you video-chat a doctor who confirms you're a good candidate for a medication abortion via two small pills. You swallow the first tablet as doctor and nurse watch,  then take the second pill at home. Two days later, you're no longer pregnant.  
Abortion Fights Loom in States

Both sides are preparing for a busy year of fights over when and how abortions may be performed- and both sides are developing long-term strategy that could involve a new challenge to Roe v. Wade.  Several measures seeking to limit abortions have already advanced in Republican-dominated states.
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$300M Health Care System Cost to Protect Religious Rights

Enforcement of federal laws that are supposed to protect religious and conscience rights have long been a priority for social conservatives, a steadfast constituency for Trump represented in the White House by Vice President Mike Pence. President Donald Trump's new effort to protect the rights of health workers who object to participating in abortions and other procedures will cost the health care system more than $300 million to set up, according to a government estimate.
Trump Campaign Evangelical Adviser Raises Furor with Flu Remarks

Gloria Copeland, the Trump campaign Evangelical adviser sparked, an uproar by suggesting that Christian faith makes people immune from the flu. "Jesus himself is our flu shot. He redeemed us from the curse of the flu," she said.
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Supreme Court Won't Let Pennsylvania GOP Delay Drawing New Congressional Map

Republican lawmakers in PA suffered another defeat when the U.S. Supreme Court denied their request to delay drawing a new congressional map ahead of   2018 midterm elections.   The PA Supreme Court ruled in January that the state's congressional map gave Republicans a clear political advantage, violating the state's constitution. They were given three weeks to redraw the map.
Floods Are Getting Worse, and 2,500 Chemical Sites Lie in the Water's Path

As flood danger grows - the consequence of a warming climate - the risk is that there will be more toxic spills like the one that struck Baytown, Tex., where Hurricane Harvey swamped a chemicals plant, releasing lye. President Obama signed an executive order in 2015 requiring planners of federally funded buildings, roads and other infrastructure to account for the impact of possible flooding from rising sea levels.  President Trump rescinded those rules last year.
Nancy Pelosi: 'The Stories Kept Coming'

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stood on the House floor for more than eight hours straight. It was the longest anyone has done so in more than a century. Pelosi used her time to share the names and life stories of nearly 300 young people who were brought to this country by their parents. Once she put out a call for fellow Democrats to send her names and personal accounts, "the stories kept coming and coming and coming, and fresher and fresher and fresher," she said.
House Passes Bill to Force Lawmakers to Pay Their Own Sexual Harassment Settlements

The House passed a bill Tuesday that would require members of Congress to pay out of their own pockets for any sexual harassment settlements, and would help victims better navigate the complaint process on Capitol Hill. The House also approved a resolution that would amend the House Code of Conduct to specifically ban sexual relations between a member of Congress and a staffer he or she supervises.
What Would Trump's Military Parade Symbolize?  
The most important aspect of the likely future parade is the meaning it will acquire in American culture and politics. the most important aspect of the likely future parade is the meaning it will acquire in American culture and politics. The United States has a President who has no use for stories like "America is a nation of immigrants," and who is trying to make America great again by ordering a military parade.
The 2018 Gubernatorial Map Favors Democrats
Governors of blue states are leading the legal fight against the Trump administration on tax law, implementing climate regulations and signing laws to protect undocumented immigrants.   Democrats have 9 governors' offices to defend, while Republicans have 26. Presidential politics has less influence on gubernatorial results than Senate & House races, but the connection is growing stronger.
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Israeli Athletes To Watch At The Winter Olympics

Israel is sending its largest-ever contingent - 10 athletes - to Winter Olympics. Be on the watch for Evan Weinstock,  A.J. Rosen and  Anna Segal.
Judge Says Met Museum Can Keep Picasso Sold by Jew Fleeing Nazis
A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York by the estate of a German-Jewish businessman seeking the return of a Picasso painting sold in order to flee the Nazis. The family did not adequately show that the late businessman sold the masterpiece "The Actor" under duress, which would have mandated its return to the family, Judge Loretta Preska of the U.S. District Court in Manhattan ruled Wednesday.
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The Last Word
"Go out and holler guys, go out and holler, you are going to win back the House. Others who have been around as long as I have, sometimes you just feel it, you can taste it, there is something out there if we don't miss this opportunity - we have a great opportunity. "

Former Vice President Joe Biden
JAC 2018 Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, March 13th - Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
Special Pre-Conference VIP Tour
Monday, March 12th, 2018
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Talking Points
featuring Jill Wine-Banks
MSNBC Contributor and Legal Analyst 
Topic: Russian interference in the 2016 election,  
the Mueller investigation and other subjects
Wednesday, February 28th
Highland Park, IL
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual who contributed to JACPAC. Maximum contribution per person may not exceed $5,000 per calendar year. According to law, JACPAC cannot accept corporate contributions. Membership, gifts, or other payments to JACPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.