August 23, 2019
We listen to almost weekly anti-Semitic tropes from the President. This week it was over questioning the Jewish community's loyalty to Israel. In the past, he has also raised concern over Jews loyalty to the U.S.

Trump will continue to use anti-Semitism and hate to pump up his base and deflect from the serious issues facing our country. For him, it's always the path that he is most comfortable taking. His rhetoric is divisive and dangerous.

We cannot let Trump's attacks go unchecked. But we are left wondering what we can do.

One of the best ways to fight back against the growing tide of anti-Semitism which Trump has encouraged is to ensure that our young people, the future of our country, are educated on the dangers of hate. Then, hopefully, they will support and elect candidates who will stand up against hate as well.

The Never Again Education Act H.R. 943 and S. 2085 would expand and encourage Holocaust education and its lessons in classrooms across the country. Holocaust education also serves a broader purpose, since it can provide a historical context to understand and prevent other atrocities.

The bills, which were introduced with bipartisan support, would establish a program at the Department of Education to help more middle and high schools educate students about the Holocaust and the dangers of hate. Some of the features of the bill include creating a Holocaust education website for teachers, and awarding grants to schools for resources, teacher training, and student field trips.
Holocaust education is a vital part of a young person's learning experience. A survey last year showed that 49 percent of millennials, the largest generation of bloc of voters, could not name a single concentration camp.

"What are our choices? We can despair and curse, and change nothing...or we can try and make things better," said Carol Matas, award-winning novelist for young people and Holocaust author.

Do something. Call your Senators and Representative (202-224-3121) and make sure they cosponsor to these important bills - H.R. 943 and S. 2085.

Congress is on recess - now is the time to take action. Go to a town hall. Set up a meeting. Talk with your elected officials about our issues.

Click here to find a town hall near you.

JAC members met with several elected officials on Martha's Vineyard this week.
(l to r: Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ), Betsy Sheerr, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA),
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), and Richard Sheerr.)
  JAC member Andi Dubroff with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) on Martha's Vineyard.
Former JAC president Betsy Sheerr with Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) on Martha's Vineyard.
JAC members met with Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Martha's Vineyard.
(front l to r: Helene Lapman, Ann Baum, Ann Brown, Esta Epstein, Betsy Sheer, and Susan Levine)
Is Israel Going After Tehran in Broad Daylight?   
Six months after Israel warned that it might expand its war-between-wars campaign against Iran, four mysterious daytime blasts rocked arms depots belonging to Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias in Iraq. All four blasts, which raised little concern or interest in Israel until Tuesday, were attributed by foreign sources to the Jewish state.  
Continued Reading

What Donald Trump Will Never Understand About Jews

The president of the United States called the vast majority of American Jews stupid or disloyal.  You don't need me to rehash the details, or to be the 10,000th person to attempt to find new English words to describe how heinous, twisted, and dangerous this statement is. What we need to do today as a community is decide how to respond. First, though, we need to sit with it for a moment. Despite the seemingly endless onslaught of anti-Semitism in America today, this one is important because it came directly from the president.  
Continued Reading

Planned Parenthood Forced to Make an Impossible Choice
Abortion is a legal medical procedure in the United States. But a new Trump administration rule tells health care workers that they are barred from referring patients to safe, legal abortion providers if they want to receive federal Title X family planning funding. Title X funds go toward a variety of reproductive health services for the country's poorest women: contraception, HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing, and cancer screenings, among others. These services save lives. They also help women plan their lives.
Continued Reading

Trump Quotes Right-Wing Figure Who Says Israeli Jews Love Him like 'the Second Coming of God'

President Trump shared a quote attributed to a right-wing radio host who said Jews in Israel view the president as "the second coming of God." Trump tweeted out a quote from Wayne Allyn Root, who has spread conspiracy theories about the Las Vegas shooting and birtherism, one day after the president said Jewish people who vote for Democrats are either ignorant or show "great disloyalty."  
N.R.A. Gets Results on Gun Laws in One Phone Call with Trump

President Trump spent at least 30 minutes on the phone Tuesday with Wayne LaPierre, the chief executive of the National Rifle Association, the latest conversation in an aggressive campaign by gun rights advocates to influence the White House in the weeks since the back-to-back mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. The call ended the way that Mr. LaPierre had hoped it would.
Continued Reading

Democrats Count on Re-Energizing Youth Vote for 2020 Elections
The election prospects for Democrats in 2020 will turn on whether the party can keep fanning the fires that drove young voters to the ballot box last year. A record jump in the turnout rate for young voters -- those ages 18 to 29 -- helped Democrats retake control of the House in the midterm elections. 
Continued Reading

Hundreds of Thousands of Jews Fleeing Nazi Germany Were Turned Away by the Us Because of a Clause in the Immigration Law. Trump's Reviving It.
During the Nazi era, roughly 300,000 additional Jewish refugees could have gained entry to the US without exceeding the nation's existing quotas.  The primary mechanism that kept them out: the immigration law's "likely to become a public charge" clause. Consular officials with the authority to issue visas denied them to everyone they deemed incapable of supporting themselves in the U.S.   
Continued Reading

Introducing JACII, a JAC group for young professionals, advocates, and those young at heart who are looking to get involved. Groups have started in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.
Events will feature elected officials and speakers in lively settings. JACII is by and for young people. Now is the perfect time to get involved.

Know someone who would be interested in joining or hosting a meeting? Let us know at We will be happy to help organize a JACII in your city.

The Last Word
"We will not be bullied into withholding abortion information from our patients. Our patients deserve to make their own health care decisions, not to be forced to have Donald Trump or Mike Pence make those decisions for them."

Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood's acting president and CEO, on the organization's decision to withdraw from Title X funding.
Tuesday, August 27
Reception with
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
7 pm
Highland Park, IL
Call the JAC office for details

Thursday, September 5
Coffee & Conversation
Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI)
10:30 am
Chicago, IL
Call the JAC office for details

Sunday, September 15
Talking Points LA
Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA-38)
3-5 pm
Encino, CA


Monday, September 16
Coffee & Conversation
Rep. Greg Stanton (D-AZ)
Chicago, IL
Call the JAC office for details

Tuesday, September 24
Reception in support of
Kristine Schanbacher
Candidate IL-7
6-8 pm
Winnetka, IL
Call the JAC office for details

Thursday, October 10
Michigan Membership Meeting
Franklin, MI
Details to follow

Thursday, October 17
Senate Candidate Mark Kelly (D-AZ) &
Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ)
Chicago, IL
Details to follow

April 21-23, 2020
JAC's 2019 Annual Meeting
Washington, DC

Want to host a JAC event? Contact the office and we will help organize it. or 847.433.5999
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.  Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.