April 2015

Next Stop...Application
If you ever join my family during a get-together, you will find that we are avid game players: card games, board games, even football games! As a kid, I loved dominoes, but  not because the game is overly thrilling (if you've ever played, you know what I mean). Instead, I loved lining the dominoes up and running back to the start of the trail to push the first domino over; the chain reaction that took place was mesmerizing! 

This "domino effect", or chain reaction, happens in our lives with every opportunity we discover. Last month, in the first newsletter of our series, we talked about how discovering an opportunity is the first "stop" in any journey. After deciding whether God is calling you to that opportunity, the next "stop" requires ACTION. It's not enough to discover a line of dominoes and consider how they may fall; you have to actually push that first domino over to see the chain reaction!

The same is true of life. You have discovered the opportunity of SEND North America, the 10-month training experience for young adults, and discerned whether or not it is God's plan for you. Now you have to take action to see the "domino effect" that occurs through SEND; this step of action is completing the SEND application. When you apply at sendnorthamerica.com, you are connected with me, the SEND coordinator, and begin the amazing chain reaction that leads to your future as an equipped and impactful Christian!

So, the SEND dominoes are lined up. It's time to get to the front of the line, and push that domino over! Fill out an application and start the "domino effect" that is to come. What are you waiting for? Be a person of action; apply today.

Mackenzie"Kenzie" Ritchie

Check out this month's video to see where Kyle's "domino effect" began and where it has taken him!

EXPLORE S.E.N.D. - Application
EXPLORE S.E.N.D. - Application
Didn't catch last month's newsletter? No worries! We will have this mini-series, Starting Route To...Your Future, on our website for you to catch up, watch again, and share with friends and family!

Don't be shy! Share this newsletter with someone who could use a chain reaction of God's blessing in their life. Be a person of ACTION, take the next step in the SEND journey and apply today.

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S.E.N.D. North America ---- a ministry initiative of Church Doctor Ministries