Welcome to Children & Family Ministry at Faith Lutheran!
With school around the corner, we are excited for Faith's Children and Family Ministries to begin soon!
To kick off the school year, we invite you all to worship on August 11 to receive a backpack blessing. Students and those who work in education are invited to bring their backpacks or workbags to be blessed; this will happen at both services. Worship will be outside so please bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.
With that, we are having a Back to (Sunday) School Bash on August 25 from 11:30a to 1p on the lawn. During this time we'll have ice cream, games, and activities for all ages. We'll also be having a grill out so bring a dish to share and a blanket to sit on (hot dogs, chips, and dessert are provided)! This is a great time for families to meet one another, see what Faith is all about, and to get excited for the school year ahead.
On September 8, Sunday School and other Education Hour activities are back. Education hour starts at 9:45am and ends at 10:45am. Check out the different activities you and your students can participate in below!
If you're interested in having your child participate in these activities, please fill out the registration form by following this link: https://faithonline.breezechms.com/form/8d83ae