ESON & MSN Updates

October 2022

Thank you for coming to our September Kickoff meeting!

Hello Bridget,,

The month of October brings on changes that we have become accustomed to over time: football season, pumpkin spice lattes, watching the sunset, and fall foliage, just to name a few. On the other hand, some changes are harder; shorter days, cooler nights, stress that the winter brings, and much more. This Fall there have been some adjustments within the Out-of-School Time landscape, especially for our youngest kids - some come with the season, some are annual, and others may just be necessary. It doesn’t feel good to make tough decisions, but when our beliefs are grounded around equitable access, what we stand for is what's right. We’re grateful for all of the brilliant minds in our Networks; parents, OST providers, school-based staff, and community partners. Our youth are counting on you to be the voice of change - change we can become accustomed to for the greater good.

Annie & Shawn 

If you missed the Sept meeting:

Check out our MSN/ESON Meeting Dates and Schedule for this Year

Check out our brand new After School Guide, 2022-23 (now one book for K-8). Make sure your site has one and can point families and young people to the right place to find opportunities beyond your program!

Next meeting information:

Tuesday (not a Wednesday!), October 4th

ESON and MSN will meet separately (for the last time before Annie goes on maternity leave!) but at the same time (10:00am-11:30am) on Zoom. 

Here's what to expect in our October meeting!

  • How do we welcome students and figure out what they need at the start of the year? (specific to your age group) 
  • Talk to other providers about hiring staff and get strategies/tips from OWD about writing job postings, where to send stuff out, and how to pitch/portray the benefits of a job in the OST sector.
  • See topics that Network members suggested for meetings this year

Middle School Programs: Are you currently recruiting young people? 

Remaining Upper School Open Houses:

CSUS: Thurs. Oct 6, 6:30-8 (rain date Oct 13th). Email Annie if you want to join!

Have a flyer for your program?

Send it to Zeena so we can put it up in schools and highlight it in our slideshows!   

Schools have bulletin boards or flyer organizers where student can grab info (at right; at PAUS)

Don't have a kickass flyer but want to make one? Check out our Flyer About Flyers  as a sample for ideas and guidelines.

Make sure your info is included in our “What’s Happening After School” slideshow that’s shown in schools (the slide deck includes a form for young people to express their interest or ask for help)

Please tell us when your program is full, so we don’t advertise options that are no longer available!

Something new is coming!

Cambridge Public Schools is rolling out  the use of iReady Personalized Instruction

This online platform can be used by families (and OST programs) to provide additional learning time in math and literacy beyond the school day. 

Click "Read More" to learn:

  • How this is different from other online based tools for learning

  • When/how this is happening

  • What this means for you as an Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program
Read More

Communities of Practice are re-starting on Oct 12th (Frontline and Quality Stewards) & 13th (Staff Leaders). In-person gatherings - see more info on the CoP page!

MIT Museum’s Cambridge Residents Day celebration on October 1st from 12pm-5pm. We are so excited to re-open the MIT Museum to the public—and delighted to offer free membership to our Cambridge neighbors. This special preview day will give the Cambridge community a chance to experience the galleries before we open our doors to all. This (free) event is open to every member of the Cambridge community! For more information, contact Rohan Kundargi. Here is a link to learn more.

Community Engagement Team (CET) in-person networking event (first since 2020) We are so excited to see you on Thursday, October 6th from 9:30-11:30 am, outdoors at Starlight Square, 84 Bishop Allen Drive.. Light breakfast will be provided. RSVP here.

The Design Lab (aka the Community dLab) will be in motion again this year! If you're interested in potentially participating, please complete this inquiry form, RSVP for a November workshop, or enroll in a course. Feel free to share with students, educators, families, and community members you think might be interested.

PK-5th grades

Pre-school Lottery

DHSP will be accepting applications throughout the month of October for enrollment for September 2023. Our lottery is open to all Cambridge residents who were born between 4/1/19-12/5/20. Families will be able to access live application on 10/1/22.

Bob Moses Math Trail Kick Off on Saturday, October 1st, 10am-2pm in The Port Neighborhood. See attached flyer for all the details. For more information, contact Sharlene Yang.

6th-8th grades 

Tutoring Plus materials: Attached are a bunch of different options for our registration materials (can also be accessed at Spread the word to families! 

Cambridge Youth Soccer: There's still time to sign up on one of their inclusive and fun teams, playing games on Sundays at Danehy Park. See flyer for more info!

The Middle School Network (MSN) and Elementary Out-of-School Time Network (ESON) are programs of the Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time that aim to ensure equitable access and engagement of elementary and middle school youth in out-of-school time experiences in Cambridge. Agenda for Children Out-of School Time is a citywide intermediary situated in both the City’s Human Services and School Departments.

Shawn Proctor

ESON Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

Annie Leavitt

MSN Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

View the MSN/ESON Meeting Dates and Schedule for this Year

Check our Events Calendar for all other professional development opportunities

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