Cambridge Camping Presents: The Village Series
The Village Series is a unique workshop series for out-of-school time providers, parents and guardians, and other community members to share perspectives and learn from one another. Cambridge Camping will provide a simple evening meal and child-care so families can eat together, and then enjoy the workshop while children have supervision and playtime. Topics are focused on child development, trauma informed care and diversity, equity and inclusion.
April 27, 6-8PM, Amigos School, Cambridge
PTSD: Post-Traumatic Skills Development with Nathanial McLeroy
May 4, 6-8pm, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge
Building Cultural Competency is Critical for Working with Children with Shilpa Kulkarni
May 25, 6-8pm, Amigos School, Cambridge
Understanding Fight/Flight/Freeze in Young People with Nathanial McLeroy
June 6, 6-8pm, Amigos School, Cambridge
How Trauma Impacts Brain Development with Katiana Nicolas
June 20, 6-8pm, Amigos School, Cambridge
Incorporating Relationship Building into Youth Program Development with Nathaniel McLeroy
Free and open to the public! Please register in advance.
Learn More and Register for the Village Series Here