ESON & MSN Newsletter

December 2023

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Hello OST Program Providers & Community Partners,

It was so great to see so many of you at the OST Symposium last week and learn so much from the incredible people across the OST community. 

We also had a wonderful November Network Meeting on Nov 1st (on Zoom) focusing on Family Engagement. The group discussed their areas of focus when it comes to engaging with families and how they learned what they now know. During the breakout sessions, participants shared valuable insights and practical strategies for effective communication with immigrant families. Additionally, they shared guidance on training younger staff members on family engagement. Read about the rest of the meeting here!


Next ESON/MSN Meeting

Join us for our next in-person ESON, MSN, and RAY meeting on Wednesday, December 6th! This will be an opportunity for family liaisons, outreach workers, school personnel, AND community programs to all be in the same space to meet each other face to face, talk to other people who you share young people with and share/learn information on resources.

Please RSVP! We don’t usually require this, but we are making a directory for this meeting to help people find each other - and we want your input on the agenda. You’ll also be able to add in any key take-aways you would like to get from the meeting. Click here to RSVP!

When: Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 from 10am – 12pm (with breakfast provided!)

Location: In-person at The Foundry, 101 Rogers St.

Be sure to save the date for these upcoming 2023-24 Joint ESON/MSN Network Meetings!:

  • Feb. 7th (virtual) - Equity, access, and what we mean when we say "high priority" families 
  • Rolling and Summer Resources Fair - March 2nd!
  • Mar. 6th (virtual) - Summer Prep
  • March-April: Summer Workshops in Upper School Classrooms (dates TBD)
  • Apr. 3rd (virtual)
  • May 1st (virtual)

View more about upcoming meeting topics and events here!

ESON/MSN Meeting Schedule

We're Hiring!

As many of you know, our ESON Coordinator, Shawn Proctor has recently moved on to a new position as Manager for The Center for Families. Now, we are looking to fill the position!

This position will serve as the Coordinator of the Elementary School-Out-of-School Time Network (ESON). ESON is a coordinated and committed coalition of Cambridge out-of-school time providers, schools, families, and community partners who work together to provide equitable access to quality learning experiences beyond the school day and school year for JK-5 children.

Interested? Click here to apply or share the link with someone who would be a great fit!

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Khari Milner, 

Opportunities & Resources for You

Do you offer programming during winter break?

Every winter, the Agenda for Children OST puts together a slideshow for students and their families that lists a variety of programs, events, and activities for Elementary/Middle School students that are happening during December/January vacation in Cambridge and surrounding areas.

Want to make sure we include your program? Email Zeena Brown ( with your winter break program info!

Attention Summer Program Providers: Rollin’ N Summer Resources is back!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 1:00-4:30 PM.

Hosted by The Village, CPS, Agenda for Children OST, CFCC, & DHSP, this resource fair helps Cambridge families get ready for summer.

Program providers will be invited to come and set up a table to have families hear about and/or complete applications for summer programs.

Stay tuned for the sign-up form to reserve your table!

Sign up for a table at the Actionable Advocacy Fair

CRLS is hosting their 2nd annual student-led Youth Equity Summit (CRLS YES) on January 24, 12:45-2:30 and you're invited!

This year's focuses are empathy (building understanding with people who are different from us) and action (how can we make our community better?). 

Want to get involved? Sign up to table at the Actionable Advocacy Fair where you can engage youth with opportunities to support our community by working or volunteering with your organization.

OST Networking Contact Form

Interested in continuing your conversations from Network Meetings or want to establish better connections with the OST community, check out our OST Networking Contact Form!

To submit your contact information, please fill out your contact details here. 

Click here to see the current submissions on our expanding network contact sheet.

Wellness Coaches Available to Support Youth In School Spaces

The Wellness Coach Project is a new AmeriCorps service opportunity developed to support students with emotional and behavioral health challenges and to launch careers in

health, education, and human services.

Wellness Coaches:

  • Develop knowledge in child and adolescent development and become proficient in evidence-based behavioral health supports, social-emotional skill-building interventions, and case management approaches.

  • Work (during and after school) in schools and youth-serving organizations with youth facing emotional and behavioral health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and unhealthy eating, sleeping, and screen time patterns.

  • Supervised by licensed mental health clinicians and trained in case management/social services referral skills.

Interested in finding out if your Cambridge school partner has a wellness coach or want more information? Contact Jake Murray:

CPS Strategic “Excel” Tutoring Updates

The district is moving forward with strategic afterschool tutoring (referred to as Excel Afterschool Tutoring) at four CPS school-based sites: Amigos, CSUS, PAUS and Peabody. Young people (identified through assessment and school data) will be doing small group tutoring with CPS staff on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays starting sometime in mid-December.

Some other CPS schools are in planning stages to offer some strategic tutoring this spring. 

Also, in 2024, there will be opportunities for afterschool programs that would like to support tutoring to get formally involved; and CPS will be supporting training to OST staff through their specialists and i-Ready.

Please get in touch with us (Khari at if you have interest and/or questions.

Opportunities for Youth & Families

2023-24 District Climate Survey is now open!

The CPS Family Climate Survey is for CPS parents and caregivers to complete. It opened on Monday, November 27th, and will close on Friday, December 15th.

The climate surveys provide opportunities for CPS families, students, and staff to submit feedback on their experiences within the schools and district.  

Our OST community is supporting this effort to have a diverse range of parents complete the survey. Also, some afterschool programs are hosting "POP UPs" in partnership with the CPS Family Engagement Team to help parents complete surveys at their sites during pick up -- thanks folks!  

Please encourage CPS parents and caregivers to use this link to take the survey

CPS would benefit from hearing our families' input and feedback!

Youth Wellness Resources Map

Are you looking for more resources to help young people with their mental health? Please check out Youth Headspace, a website and mental health campaign curated for youth, by youth that provides information and resources related to mental health. The Cambridge Youth Council (CYC) created this campaign in resource to the results from the 2022 Cambridge Middle Grades and Teen Health Survey.

Youth Headspace includes links to local and national mental health resources. Please check out this Youth Wellness Resources Map! It includes 50 helpful mental health resources for teens.

The website also includes a student-sourced playlist and tips for managing stress. It features the “Well-Beings,” a series of original characters designed by CYC member Sophia Saheli. Each of the five Well-Beings, which include the ‘BFF Otters’ and ‘Self-Actualizing Axolotl’ among others, represent an action you can take to protect your mental health. Collectively, the Well-Beings are a friendly reminder to students that their peers care about them and that there is a resource available to them whenever they need it.

Foundry Family Festival Art Contest

The Foundry Family Festival is looking for a powerful image made by a community artist to use to promote their upcoming Festival! This year’s festival theme is change makers. The festival will explore how art and design can drive social change and inspire community engagement.

Interested art contest applicants must fill out the interest form by December 4th. The winner will receive $250!

The Middle School Network (MSN) and Elementary Out-of-School Time Network (ESON) are programs of the Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time that aim to ensure equitable access and engagement of elementary and middle school youth in out-of-school time experiences in Cambridge. Agenda for Children Out-of School Time is a citywide intermediary situated in both the City’s Human Services and School Departments.

(Position Vacant)

ESON Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

Annie Leavitt

MSN Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

View the MSN/ESON Meeting Dates and Schedule for this Year

Check our Events Calendar for all other professional development opportunities and links to virtual meetings.

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