June 2020 • ESLT News
Dear friend,

It's one of those gorgeous summer afternoons—the sky is clear with a soft breeze flowing through the green trees, and the sun is starting to dip behind the mountains. As I've worked from my home office today continuing ESLT's work to protect this amazing region, I've heard the keeahh-keeahh of a red-shouldered hawk as it soars and circles high above, and the chirp of the hummers as they defend their penstemon and hollyhocks.

I know how lucky and privileged I am to be able to work right now. And I know that when I take a walk into nature for peace and solitude, or go bird watching, or go jogging, my actions won't be questioned, and my life won't be in danger.

ESLT's board and staff are not immune to what is happening in our world, and we know that we want to be a part of the solution. We need to do better in ensuring that all members of our human community are able to live their lives in safety and with respect.

Land conservation originated from the idea that the responsibility we feel to take care of one another can and should be extended to taking care of the land. At Eastern Sierra Land Trust, we build that land ethic into the management of our preserves and conservation easements so the recreation, ranching, tourism, and cultural values of our special region will continue to thrive.

The value of the life and rights of our neighbors is at the moral core of our work, and until there is just treatment of one another, there cannot be just treatment of the land.

We're joining with The Land Trust Alliance, California Council of Land Trusts, The Sierra Cascade Land Trust Council, and many others in the conservation movement to look deeply within our organizations, ask hard questions of ourselves, and welcome new answers.

You know that when we come together, we accomplish amazing things. We welcome community members who care about land conservation and the environment and have interest in or expertise with issues related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion to please reach out to me. We want you to be part of the conversations about how our work in land conservation, stewardship, and education can truly benefit everyone.

Thank you for being so committed and dedicated to protecting the magnificent Eastern Sierra, for helping to build a land ethic that treats all living communities with respect and wonder, and for helping ESLT to become better.
With deep gratitude,

Kay Ogden
Executive Director, ESLT
760-873-4554, kay@eslt.org
Topic: Braiding Sweetgrass , by Robin Wall Kimmerer
[Tonight!] Tuesday, June 30th, 6-7PM

As we practice physical distancing, we can still collect in a powerful place—the magical landscapes of literature. Tonight we'll discuss the second half of Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass . Learn more.
Topic: Marvelous Monarchs
Thursday, July 2nd, 2-3PM

Join special guest Michelle Hunt, Biologist at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Reno! She'll talk about the challenges faced by monarch butterflies and how your garden can support these beautiful pollinators. Learn More .
Email Marie at marie@eslt.org to register for these virtual gatherings.

Our Black Lake Preserve is a stopover for migratory birds, a home for many iconic species like pronghorn and pygmy rabbits, and a gorgeous place for people to explore. Now after three years of careful work, and together with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, we've placed a Wetlands Reserve Easement on Black Lake Preserve.

Have you checked your mailbox or inbox lately? We have some stories to share with you about the land you love, and we hope they brighten your day. In this issue, you can meet the inspiring landowners of ESLT's Sinnamon Meadows, learn about the history of Bridgeport Valley, celebrate a recent wildlife conservation success, and more.

Our work is guided by core values, one of which is to maintain and deeply care for our professional team. We're proud to announce that ESLT has successfully received funds through the Paycheck Protection Program, which helps staff keep working at full capacity.

Do you love the Eastern Sierra? Are you looking for a way to give back to our land and community? Apply today to become ESLT's next AmeriCorps Member! Read more about the opportunity on the AmeriCorps website today, and spread the word to your networks.
Thank you for being a part of the ESLT family! With the help of landowners, volunteers, members, and supporters like you, we're ensuring a bright future for the Eastern Sierra.

Kay, Amanda, Cami, Carissa, Heather, Kristen, Marie, Sara, Sus, and our Board of Directors