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Experience Sessions like never before at #SEC24 with Event-Ace

Hi Julie,

We are excited to announce that we will use Event-Ace by NoteAffect for the 2024 ESCA Summer Educational Conference #SEC24

Now, you will be able to get the conference session content directly on your digital device.

Simply scan the QR code that will be on the screen before each presentation and the content will be broadcasted lice to your device.

You can make notes, annotate, and highlight directly on the content. You will also be able to ask questions through your device. All of the content and your personalized information will be stored in your web portal that can be accessed during and after the event. 

For more information and to see how Event-Ace works, you can watch the videos below.

Attendee Experience
Web Portal

See you in 4 Days at #SEC24!



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