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May 2024
Volume 31
Issue 5
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A Message From Pastor Wright
A godly mother’s love may be the closest thing to God’s perfect love that we will see in this world.
Isaiah 49:15: "Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?"
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God created moms with an amazing capacity to love their children. It is the purest love we may ever see on earth. It embodies many of the characteristics that we see in God’s perfect and selfless love.
Thank God for godly mothers.
A godly mother will instill faith in the heart of her child. A godly mother will take her children to church regularly. A godly mother will pray for her children continually. A godly mother will model righteousness to her children. A godly mother is a woman of integrity and character. A godly mother will teach her children the Word of God. A godly mother will speak God’s wisdom to her child.
A godly mother will help her child overcome adversity. A godly mother will often believe in her child when no one else will. A godly mother will support her child when the whole world seems against that child. A godly mother is that cheerleader always there and encouraging her child. A godly mother will help her child prevail over the obstacles in life.
A godly mother will often sacrifice for her child. A godly mother will lose sleep to take care of her child. A godly mother will put herself in harm’s way to protect her child. A godly mother will always seek what is in the child’s best interest. A godly mother will often put her child’s needs before her own needs.
Thank God for our mothers. Thank God that He has placed His love in their hearts.
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Outdoor Movie Night
May 10th at 7:30 pm
Featuring “Unbroken: Path to Redemption”
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Join us on Friday May 10th for this impactful movie. We will begin eating at 7:30 pm and the movie will begin at sundown (approximately 8:13 pm.) ERCC will provide hotdogs. Please bring side dishes and desserts to share with each other. Bring a lawn chair.
“Unbroken: Path to Redemption” is based on a true story about forgiveness, salvation and overcoming adversity through faith in Jesus Christ. In this movie, Evangelist Billy Graham was portrayed by his own grandson Will Graham.
The movie is rated PG-13, only because of thematic content (brief scenes of War, P.O.W. abuse, PTS, alcoholism, and domestic conflict). Dove.org awards Unbroken: Path to Redemption the 12+ Dove Seal of Approval.
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This movie is a standalone story (you will understand it even if you haven’t seen “Unbroken”, which was the first movie in the 2-part series). You may still want to watch “Unbroken,” at home before the Friday, May 10th Movie Night. “Unbroken” (the first of the 2-part series) is a powerful story of perseverance and survival. Louis Zaperini’s plane was shot down over the Pacific, then he spent 47 days starving while lost at sea in a life raft, and then he was tortured as a POW for more than 2 years in Japan during WWII.
Below are some movie reviews of “Unbroken: The Path to Redemption.”
Dove: “Though safely home from WWII, Louis Zamperini battles against overwhelming fear and hate—his greatest adversaries yet—only finding victory through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ.”
Rotten Tomatoes: “Haunted by nightmares of his horrific experiences, World War II hero Louis Zamperini meets Cynthia Applewhite, a young woman who becomes his wife. Zamperini's personal demons soon threaten to destroy his marriage -- until he hears the stirring words of the Rev. Billy Graham in 1949. Embracing his newfound Christian faith, Louis starts to turn his life around by learning to forgive his former oppressors and spreading the message of peace and love.”
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Mother’s Day
May 12th
Our ERCC family will celebrate our mothers on Sunday May 12th in our 10:00 am adult worship. Did you know that churches see one of the biggest attendances of the year on Mother's Day? Mother's Day is a perfect time to invite family members. Bring mom and invite the entire family!
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Memorial Day Sunday
May 26th
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We invite you to bring pictures or memorabilia of family members or friends who lost their lives serving our country. There will be a table in the back of the auditorium for displaying your items. Please label your picture. We want to honor the memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
We will dedicate part of our 10:00 am service on Sunday May 26th to remembering the fallen.
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May Youth Event
Sunday, May 5th
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For the month of May, the ERCC youth will be having a Bible Bowl party! We will meet up in the fellowship hall after church on Sunday, May 5th to play Bible Trivia / Bible Bowl. Make sure you study up on your Bible Trivia because we will have some awesome prizes to win! Pizza and drinks will be provided. The event will begin at noon and last about an hour.
Please let Caleb know by 5 pm on Thursday, May 2nd if your student plans to attend this event after church on Sunday, May 5th.
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On Memorial Day, we invite you to come to ERCC to pray for America, for the lost and for all your personal needs. It will be a “come and go” event. The auditorium will be open for prayer from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. You can stay and pray for 5 minutes or for 2 hours. Mostly it will be individual and silent prayer. You may also want to pray in small groups. You may pray however you feel comfortable—on your knees, sitting, prostrate on your face, or standing. There will be no devotional — only prayer. | |
Vacation Bible School
June 24th - 28th 9:00 am to Noon
What a great opportunity to have an impact for Jesus in the lives of children. We need volunteers. Talk to Caleb and Sydney to sign up.
Invite all the children in your life. Invite nieces and nephews, grandkids, and neighbors.
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Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Join us May 5th and May 19th at 6 pm. We are studying the New Testament passages on spiritual gifts. Pastor Wright is teaching a verse-by-verse study of the gift passages (1 Peter 4; Romans 12; Ephesians 4; and 1 Corinthians 12-14).
We are also using an assessment tool developed by Peter Wagner to help you discover your spiritual gifts. Note — there will be no Sunday evening Bible study on Mother’s Day and on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.
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ERCC Team Trip to
Kids Outreach Ministry
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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On Sunday April 14th, a 4-member team from ERCC traveled to Tulsa Oklahoma to participate in a very effective outreach ministry to unchurched kids. The outreach ministry our team visited is led by Southwood Baptist Church of Tulsa. The purpose of the trip was to watch their ministry in action and learn more about it. The ERCC team consisted of Youth Minister Caleb Gray, Rose Kline, Linda Wright and Kathleen Jasinski. They gave a report to ERCC on Sunday, April 28th.
There are two phases of the ministry: (1) “saturation events” at a local apartment complex; offering activities, Bible lessons and treats to the kids where they live, and building relationships with the kids and their parents; (2) bringing the kids to the church for special activities and Bible teachings on a weekly or regular basis.
Then, over time, the kids' families sometimes begin attending church, furthering the success of the outreach.
We are contemplating doing something similar here at ERCC, but no decision has been made yet. We are praying and seeking God’s will. Let’s pray together that God will use ERCC to reach our local community. Pray that God will give us wisdom and lead us at ERCC. We are seeking God’s guidance at this time.
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All ERCC Men are invited to join us for fellowship, pizza and a devotion by Marshall Pierce. We will meet in the fellowship hall on Friday, May 17th at 6:30 pm. The gathering will last an hour and a half. Come and enjoy fun, pizza, fellowship, and the Word. | |
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am - 9:45 am
Bible study. Fellowship. A Yummy Breakfast. ERCC offers all this at 9:00 am every Sunday. ERCC offers three adult classes and classes for all ages. You need spiritual food and you will enjoy the yummy tacos, donuts, juices and coffee.
| Here are all the classes offered on Sunday mornings: | |
There is a class for everyone! | |
A shoutout to Wynston Williams. He has served in the ERCC drama ministry as well as reciting memory verses on Sunday mornings during the 5th Sunday Family Worship Experiences. Wynston is special because he is only 9 years old and he wants to be a pastor.
Great Job Wynston!
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Wynston Williams
During the 2023 Christmas Play | |
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May 5th: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts
- Led By Pastor Wright
- 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
May 12th: No Evening Activities
May 19th: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts
- Led By Pastor Wright
- 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
May 26th: No Evening Activities
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May Birthdays
1: Ben Martinez
4: Adalia Kyrish
9: Brenda Dyer
13: Jerry Kline
20: Bernie Haoson
26: Tammy Gardner
28: Justin Burkholder
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If you're new to ERCC, please send your birthday (day & month) to Jerry Kline. Email him HERE. We want to celebrate with you! | |
Nagaland Children’s Outreach Ministry
ERCC is pleased to provide regular monthly financial support to the Nagaland Children’s Outreach Ministry.
Below are pictures of the ministry along with excerpts from a recent newsletter.
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Salumka, (greetings) in the Matchless Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is by God’s grace and through your constant prayer and support that the orphanage has been able to provide a safe and secure home for all the orphans that the Lord has placed in my care. I thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, prayers, and financial support. My sincere prayer is that the Lord continues to bless you abundantly and to fulfill your needs according to His richness. As I grow older, I feel like time goes by faster than my earlier days. Sometimes when I watch the children go about their day, it reminds me of my childhood. I’m so speechless watching them grow. It gives me so much joy!
The children are so busy and involved in church and school activities. Seeing them singing, reciting Scripture, performing choreography and praying for others, warms my heart and I know that all the work involved in teaching them is worth it. Praise the Lord! The last two months have been a bit rough because of flu, allergies, coughing and high fevers. It has passed around to all of us but we are finally all feeling better. As a parent it is hard to get any rest when your children are sick. I used this time during sickness to teach the children to pray together, showing concern, love and care. Also teaching them to trust God in all things. Beginning the second week of April they’ll have 1st Evaluation exam. Please keep us in your prayers for good health and for their studies. Tsentsuthung has appeared before the class 12th board exam and is waiting for the result. Reneben will graduate next month with a Master of Divinity , whereas Ajanthung will graduate with his Diploma in Theology. Please continue to keep them in your prayers for their studies. Benjamin is taking driving lessons and he is so thrilled about it.
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- Good health for all at the orphanage
- God’s wisdom and discernment for staff
- For knowledge for the children as they study
- Outcome of elections for the Prime Minister next year
- Safety for all in Nagaland
- God’s will for the weaving school
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ERCC Facebook Group
We invite you to join our ERCC Facebook Group. It is one of our ministry objectives to use social media to reach more people. This is especially important in relation to young people today.
A few discussion ideas for using this forum are:
- What's your favorite thing about church?
- What is your favorite church event?
- What was your favorite quote from the service last week?
- Providing a Praise Report on an answered prayer
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If you are a “shut-in”, unable to attend ERCC on Sundays for medical reasons, we want to offer you the CD of each Sunday’s sermon. It will be mailed to you on Monday. Shut-ins can request copies by sending an email to: CD@eversroadchristianchurch.org or call the church office (210.684.2043) and leave a message.
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Prayer Warriors Ministry of Intercession | |
Each week we send out a prayer list based on the written prayer requests received in our worship gatherings. Our prayer warriors after receiving this list then go to the heavenlheavenly Father in intercessory prayer for these requests of our ERCC family. | |
Chris Engstrom
Jerry Kline
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If you'd like to give to ERCC as a direct bank transfer or use a credit card or debit card, you can use the safe and secure Tithely app. You can also setup your account to make your gift recurring on any schedule you want. Questions? Ask Jerry or send an email HERE. | | | |
ERCC Text Messages are used to send out important short-notice news and reminders to your smart phone. Most months, only one or two messages are sent, so you won't be flooded with text messages if you sign up. Stay informed by being on this list! | | | |
Receive our Monthly Newsletters electronically to your email inbox. They
automatically format to whatever device
you are using, including smart phones!
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