
April 2024

Volume 31

Issue 4


A Message From Pastor Wright

Spring Is Here!

What does God’s Word have to say about Spring?

"Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone." (Zechariah 10:1)

"then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil." (Deuteronomy 11:14)

God provides through the harvest of His creation. God sends the rain and God created the seeds, the soil and the sunshine. God provides! Spring is when we start to see the crops grow. All this is provision from God.  

He will meet your every need. He has promised to meet all our needs (Philippians 4:19)

But there is a spiritual application as well. Spring is about how God satisfies our physical hunger. But God also wants us to have a hunger for His Word.

"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." (Deuteronomy 32:2)

Thank God for all the material blessing He provides. He provides food, shelter, and clothing. Every good thing we have comes from Him. We should trust in Him and put spiritual things first. We must hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6). We should seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added (Matthew 6:33)

Outdoor Movie "The Hill"

Friday April 19th at 7:30 pm

Join us on Friday, April 19th. We'll begin eating at 7:30 pm and the movie will begin at sundown (approximately 8 PM). 

By popular request, we'll enjoy the movie entitled "The Hill.” Based on a true story of a Texas boy growing up in an impoverished small town, young Rickey Hill chases his dream of becoming a professional baseball player. He faces two enormous obstacles: a degenerative spinal condition and a disapproving pastor-dad (Dennis Quade). This is an inspiring real-life story about the triumph of the human spirit and beating the odds. Family, romance, sports, and faith are all depicted in this feel-good film. 

The historical forecast calls for a low of 62 degrees, so you might want to bring a sweater. Please bring a lawn chair. ERCC will provide hot dogs. Bring a side dish or dessert to share and enjoy watching this inspiring movie with your family and friends!

Please Pray for God’s Leading as We Consider Starting a New Outreach Ministry to Children

On February 8th a group of us at ERCC did a video conference call with Carl and Samantha, a godly couple in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They are leading a very effective outreach ministry to kids of unchurched families living in apartments near their church. 2 years after starting this ministry, up to 40 kids per week come to the church for Bible classes and activities. Their ministry focuses on evangelism through relationships.

We have been praying fervently and seeking God’s guidance regarding how we can be more effective at ERCC. Although no final decision has been made, we are prayerfully considering starting a ministry like the one in Tulsa. We are sending a group to Southwood Baptist Church in Tulsa to be present on Sunday April 14th. The purpose is to observe and learn from their ministry. The ERCC group will include Linda Wright, Kathleen Jasinski, Rose Kline and Caleb Gray. The ERCC group will bring us back a report with pictures and video. Please pray that God will lead us. 

Pictured Above: Unchurched kids brought into Southwood Baptist Church through their ministry of outreach

2-Minute Video Series Starts April 1st "The Cost of Discipleship"

Join Pastor Wright for his new 2-minute video series starting April 1st. When you sign up, you'll receive an email, usually at 6 AM Monday through Friday, with the link for each day’s YouTube video. The videos include a verse of Scripture and an insight by Pastor Wright. The videos usually last less than 2 minutes, and the series will last at least 2 weeks. The theme for this series is "The Cost of Discipleship". If you're already on the distribution list, no action is needed. If you're not on the list, simply send an email to pastor.mark.a.wright@gmail.com and say: “Send me the videos.”

Join us for an intimate time with God on Monday morning April 22nd. The auditorium will be open from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. It's a “come and go” event, so you may stay a few minutes or for 2 hours. There will be no devotion, only prayer. Mostly we'll pray individually, you alone with God. But we'll also spend some time in group prayer. Communion with God is one the sweetest blessings this side of heaven.

We are asking our church family to pray for America. Pray for our youth, the youth in our community, and nation. Pray for repentance across the land. Please pray that God will continue to use ERCC to reach the lost.

Online Videos of March Drama Skits

We thank God for the drama skits presented in our worship services on the last three Sundays of March. A special thanks to all who participated. We thank Dan Guillen for writing the scripts and directing. God used these skits in a powerful way to prepare the audience for the sermon. These skits have been posted online at https://www.facebook.com/groups/EversRoadChristianChurch. People as far away as the Philippines have watched our videos!

Drama Skit presented during Sunday Morning Worship Service on March 17th at Evers Road Christian Church

Men’s Fellowship Event Burgers & Devotion By Hector Peña

Friday, April 12th

All men are invited to the fellowship hall on Friday April 12th at 6:30 pm. We'll enjoy freshly grilled hamburgers and Hector Peña will bring the devotion. This fun and spiritually uplifting time of fellowship will last about an hour and 15 minutes.

Sunday Evening Bible Study

Spiritual Gifts

How can you know what your spiritual gifts are? Join us Sunday evenings in April. Together we'll dig into God’s Word to learn about spiritual gifts and we'll give you guidance for discovering your spiritual gifts.


The Holy Spirit gives us gifts. The purpose of these gifts is for ministry. We are to use these gifts to build each other up in the faith. Your gifts should be used to encourage and help others grow in their spiritual life. Spiritual gifts are vital for the work of an every-member ministry.

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am - 9:45 am

Please join us every Sunday morning at 9:00 am for both spiritual food and physical food. ERCC offers 3 adult classes and classes for children and youth. You'll also find tacos, donuts, juice and coffee!

There is a class for everyone!

April Youth Event

Friday, April 26th

In April, the ERCC youth will be gathering for a movie night. We'll be meeting in the fellowship hall on April 19th to watch the recently released Noah's Ark animated movie! Pizza, popcorn, and drinks will be provided. Feel free to start showing up around 5:30 and we'll start the movie at 6 pm. If you or your student plan to attend, please let Caleb know by April 26th at 5 pm. Can't wait to see you there!

Pray for the 500 Families that received a Door-Hanger from our March Outreach 

We thank God and we give Him the glory. We met our goal of inviting 500 families to ERCC ahead of Easter. We distributed the door hanger in the areas close to the church and several members distributed the door hangers in their own neighborhoods. Please pray that God will use these invitations to touch hearts and bring precious souls to Christ. A special thanks to Sandie Ramones for trimming and bagging the door hangers.

Front Side


Thanks to Jim and Adalia Kyrish. They joyfully serve the Lord in a number of ways at ERCC. They pick up the tacos and bring them to our Sunday Morning Bible Study early each Sunday. They have faithfully participated in the flyer and doorhanger distribution. They have also faithfully served in our parking lot ministry during the football games across the street at Neff Middle School. We love you, Jim and Adalia!

Jim and Adalia Kyrish

Apr 7th: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts

  • Lead By Pastor Wright
  • 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Apr 14th: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts

  • Lead By Pastor Wright
  • 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Apr 21st: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts

  • Lead By Pastor Wright
  • 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Apr 28th: Bible Study on Spiritual Gifts

  • Lead By Pastor Wright
  • 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

April Birthdays

1st: Karla Hudson

2nd: Mike Faur

2nd: Kaylie Navejas

9th: Phillip Walton

10th: Wendy Gideon

12th: Cindy Hill

16th: Jose Guerra

20th: Jane Walton

21st: Brenda Barabasz

22nd: Yvonne Nicholas

If you're new to ERCC, please send your birthday (day & month) to Jerry Kline. Email him HERE. We want to celebrate with you!

Bible Verse

Of The Month


Of The Month

Niños de México

ERCC is pleased to provide monthly financial support for the ministry of Niños de México.

Below is information taken from the ministry’s website:

Niños de México is a non-profit mission organization directly supported by churches and individuals throughout the United States. 


The Greater Mexico City Area is one of the largest urban areas in the World with nearly 30 million people. In this metro area, there are thousands of street children.

…Some have been orphaned.

…Others have been abandoned.

…Still, others have been abused.

…All of them need the love of Jesus!!


Since 1967, Niños de Mexico has been giving LIFE to these children one child at a time!! Many of these children have become doctors, ministers, teachers, and more, helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in Mexico!

Today, we are actively involved in sharing Jesus with the children and people of Mexico through our eight children’s homes, medical outreach, and church plants.


Niños de Mexico operates children’s homes in the Mexico City area and the city of Cholula, Puebla. Each home is designed to function as a family. With Christian house parents, their kids, and 11-15 children, Niños’ homes are truly loving and caring places for the children to grow and learn the love of Jesus.

Mark Your Calendar for

Vacation Bible School

June 24th - 28th

We trust God to give us another great VBS in 2024! Please save the date. We need all volunteers on deck for this major event at ERCC. Pray for the leaders Caleb and Sydney Gray, and pray for the children who will attend.

ERCC Facebook Group

We invite you to join our ERCC Facebook Group. It is one of our ministry objectives to use social media to reach more people. This is especially important in relation to young people today. 

A few discussion ideas for using this forum are:

  • What's your favorite thing about church?
  • What is your favorite church event?
  • What was your favorite quote from the service last week?
  • Providing a Praise Report on an answered prayer

We also encourage you to post your ERCC pictures on this page.




If you are a “shut-in”, unable to attend ERCC on Sundays for medical reasons, we want to offer you the CD of each Sunday’s sermon. It will be mailed to you on Monday. If you wish to receive the CDs, please call or text Sandie Ramones at 210-689-9775, and she will add you to the mailing list.

Prayer Warriors Ministry of Intercession

If you would like to participate in this ministry, please send an email to pastor.mark.a.wright@gmail.com.

Each week we send out a prayer list based on the written prayer requests received in our worship gatherings. Our prayer warriors after receiving this list then go to the heavenly Father in intercessory prayer for these requests of our ERCC family. 

Mark Wright

Caleb Gray

Chris Engstrom

Jerry Kline


If you'd like to give to ERCC as a direct bank transfer or use a credit card or debit card, you can use the safe and secure Tithely app. You can also setup your account to make your gift recurring on any schedule you want. Questions? Ask Jerry or send an email HERE.




ERCC Text Messages are used to send out important short-notice news and reminders to your smart phone. Most months, only one or two messages are sent, so you won't be flooded with text messages if you sign up. Stay informed by being on this list!