Restaurants & Bars Indoor Service Opens At 50% Capacity This Coming Monday, January 11; Indoor Entertainment Reopens + Other Dial Turns

 Governor Walz has announced the loosening of restrictions including restaurants and bars opening for in-person indoor service at 50% capacity (150 people maximum both indoor and outdoor, 6 people per table maximum) starting on January 11. Bar seating will be open for parties of 2 people with 6 feet of spacing. Reservations are still required and the 10:00 p.m.-4:00 a.m. closure for restaurants and bars will remain in place. Mall food courts following restaurant and bar guidance may open.
Other measures announced beginning January 11 include:
•  Gyms will remain at 25% capacity, but the maximum is increased to 150 people. Masking is still required as well as 9 feet of social distancing. Fitness classes must not have more than 25 people.
•  Indoor entertainment and events open to 25% capacity with a maximum of 150 people. This includes movie theaters, bowling alleys, and amusement. Face coverings are required and food service may not be offered after 10:00 p.m.
•  Outdoor events and entertainment will remain at 25% capacity, but the maximum is increased to 250 people. Social distancing is required.
•  Churches remain open at 50% capacity but with no maximum.
•  Pools may open at 25% capacity with a maximum of 150 people.
•  Youth sports games may resume on January 14. Spectators are allowed at youth/high school sports with a 25% capacity and a maximum of 250 people outdoor or 150 people indoor. Masks are still required. Inter-region tournaments and out of state play is discouraged.
General retail remains open at 100% with COVID precautions including social distancing.
Mayo Clinic Health System is offering a FREE forum: COVID-19 Vaccination Myths and Facts | Friday, January 8 from Noon to 1 p.m. 

Join Mayo Clinic Health System for a community forum that addresses the COVID-19 vaccination. James Hebl, M.D., regional vice president, Mayo Clinic Health System, and Eric Gomez, M.D., infectious diseases, Mayo Clinic Health System, will discuss myths and facts about the new vaccine followed by a Q&A session. During the presentation, participants can submit questions via using the slido code MCHSCONNECT. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required. 
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