2019 - Muñiz Academy celebrates its Fourth Graduation!
With great rejoicing and warm comraderie surrounded by family, teachers and friends at the Museum of Fine Arts, members of the Muñiz Academy Class of 2019, proudly reached out to receive their diplomas and best wishes as they stepped out into their futures.
Headmaster, Dr. Dania Vazquez, sent the graduates forth with these words:
“Now, more than ever, our country needs your voice, your power, your intelligence, your passion…now, more than ever, you are going to need your RAICES* to present your ideas, to advocate with compassion, to triumph over the challenges that face each one of us at the Muñiz, in Boston, in the entire country. Now, more than ever our future is in your hands. And we have full confidence that this class of 2019 will meet the challenge!”

Dr. Lorna Rivera, Director of the Mauricio Gaston Institute at UMASS, Boston and Boston Public School Committee member was the keynote speaker. Dr. Rivera, Dr. Vázquez, board members, and students made their remarks in both English and Spanish, reflective of our dual language community, living and learning in two languages.

Among our 57 graduates, 47 are going to college, 10 are going to Career pathways.
*Raices: responsibility, advocacy,integrity,compassion,excellence and stretch.
Muñiz Academy Scholarship Recipients - 2019
Even before our school officially opened its doors 7 years ago, the Muñiz Academy Scholarship was established. The initial donors were from Margarita Muñiz, for whom the school is named, and conributions in honor of Yohel Camayd Freixas, late husband of one of Ana Perez, a founding Muñiz Academy board member.
Every year, we host is a special ceremony to award scholarships in specific categories of excellence to deserving seniors.
The Scholarship recipients for the Graduates of 2019 are:

  • Academic Excellence: Steffani Castillo - $2,000
  • Leadership: Darla Castaño - $1,000
  • Leadership: Yuleisis Santos - $1,000
  • Perseverance: Randy Campusano - $1,000
  • Perseverance: Jayzlianni Mora - $1,000
  • Perseverance: Eyleen Valenzuela - $1,000
  • Math: Daphne Montero - $500
  • Spanish: Angelica Mordán - $500
Congratulations to these hard-working students. 
Best Wishes as you go forward!
Seven Muñiz Academy Seniors present Proposals for a Better Boston at BPL.
On Thursday, April 25 th , between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Boston Public Library was the setting for a thought-provoking and innovative approach to solving City problems. Seven seniors from the Dual-Language Muñiz Academy in Jamaica Plain presented their solutions to the following:
·       Medical workers need to develop cultural competency presented by Steffani Castillo.
·       How BPS can do their part to end the school-to-prison pipeline presented by Daria Castano.
·       Develop mentorship programs for entrepreneurs of color presented by Jordan Carter.
·       Involve more Latinos into the political process presented by Eyleen Valenzuela.
·       Make martial arts training accessible to all presented by Zulianne Martinez.
·       Create a path to citizenship through social and civic service presented by Yelisis Santos.
·       Improve air quality across Boston presented by Angelica Mordan.
This event, providing an excellent leadership development opportunity for our seniors, was organized by English Humanities Teacher and Debate Coach, Laura Gersch. This event marked the second year of collaboration with the Leventhal Map and Education Center at the Boston Public Library. Through this process, the students also developed a deeper way of working with maps and data as they all created their own maps relevant to their topics from data they researched.
Muñiz Academy 11 th  grader selected to conduct BSO POPS orchestra
The evening of June 6 th  was a significant time in the musical life of Brian González.
Through a generous donation, the Boston Pops gave our school the opportunity to have one of our students the opportunity to conduct the Boston Pops performing Stars and Stripes Forever at their concert on June 6. The Muñiz Academy music faculty selected Bryan Gonzalez, an 11th grade French horn player, for this experience because of his passion and dedication to our music program, and because he aspires to be a professional musician after high school/college. Bryan received a signed baton from Keith Lockhart and he had a private conducting lesson from Mr. Lockhart in his dressing room.  Mr. Lockhart also called Michael Winter, a French horn player from the Boston Pops, to come meet Bryan! After conducting the piece, the audience gave him an immediate standing ovation. He was like a celebrity on the way out of the theater; everyone congratulated him and told him how wonderful he did.
Interview with Steffani Castillo
Muñiz Academy 2019 Graduating Class Valedictorian
Q: What is it that you liked the most about your 4 years at the Muñiz Academy?
A: I really liked the positive support I received from all the teachers who were so respectful of me and my language and background. I spoke no English when I arrived and they helped me to develop my language and literacy in both English and Spanish. The teachers also motivated me to do my best to excel.
Q: Can you cite an experience or two that stands out for you during your time at the Muñiz Academy?
A: I was so happy to have been selected one of 8 students to speak at the main branch of the Boston Public Library in a program that presented “Proposals for a Better Boston”. I worked with Ms. Laura, in Debate and with her instruction and support I gained the skills and confidence needed to give that presentation in front of many people, most of whom were unknown to me. Ms. Laura, through the time I was at the Muñiz Academy, taught to be a good debater. I loved debating!
Also, the summer opportunities that were presented to me have made a real difference in my life. I learned to sail while with a program at Boston Harbor, I enrolled for 2 weeks at Brown University and participated in a study group which focused on the “Black Lives Matter” Movement, studying the health system and the way in which cultural incompetence and lack of communication skills on the part of Doctors minimizes the quality of medical services which immigrants and people of color receive. These two weeks opened my eyes to an area of work that I would like to know more about for my future.
Q: What do you plan to study in college?
A: I think I want to study both Business Management and Psychology. I picture myself in the future working in a large organization or business where I can share my skills and experiences and help others. I have recently come to know of a career known as a Corporate Psychologist. I can use the peer leadership skills that I began to learn here at the Margarita Muniz Academy.
Q: What are your favorite leisure-time activities?
A: I haven’t had time to do this yet, but I would like to play tennis and volley ball. I also love to read novels and watch movies, historical movies are my favorites.
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