Panther Paw News

Friday, July 26, 2024

In This Issue

Abi's Announcements

Open House

Job Opportunities

Renewed Sunday - Summer Picnic

Movie on the Lawn

Important Dates

Lunch and Snack Menu


I am pleased to inform all of our ELC Families that Mrs. Dawnine Haskins has accepted the offer to be our new Assistant Director. We are very excited to have her join the ELC Administrative Team!

Hi there! My name is Dawnine Haskins, also known as Miss D to those who have been a part of the St. John's community during my time here. I am so excited to accept this amazing opportunity to serve St. John's in a whole new way, as the ELC Assistant Director. I look forward to being a support for Abi, our staff, teachers, and families.

I’ve been an ELC teacher at St. John's for 11 years, starting in the 3-year-old classroom, and then moving into Pre-Kindergarten. I also was the Parent Resource Coordinator for the past three years. I love the sense of community here, and I am proud to call St. John's my home. I am eager to continue to serve and grow God’s church!

Please Return Your Key Cards

If you are leaving St. John's ELC, please return your key cards on your child's last day. You can give key cards to your child's teacher or to Ms. Abi. Only ELC families have key cards, so even if your child is continuing onto kindergarten here at St. John's, you will need to return your key cards. Any key cards that are not returned will be deactivated, and you will no longer have key card access to the building if you no longer have an ELC student.

Introducing our Lead Teachers for the 2024-2025 School Year


Ms. Angelica


Ms. Katie


Ms. Kelly


Mrs. Emilie


Ms. Lyndsy


Mrs. Nelly & Mrs. Magui


Ms. Anna

Remember to lock your car!

(Even if you are only coming in for a couple minutes)

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:12-13

Please join us for the ELC Open House on Thursday, August 8th, 4-6pm! This will be an excellent opportunity for you to come in to meet your child's teachers for the 2024-2025 school year and to see the classroom. We will be handing out any information necessary for the start of the school year at the Open House. If you are unable to make it to the Open House, feel free to communicate with your child's Lead Teacher(s) and she can give you the information you need.

Assistant ELC Teacher

We are looking to hire a Full-Time or multiple Part-Time Assistant ELC Teachers to support in one or more of our classrooms for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please click HERE for the full job description and qualifications.

Reach out to Abigail Newell with a resume, and references if you, or someone you know, is interested in applying.

Get ready for an exciting new season at St. John's!  

On Sunday, August 18th, we will celebrate all God is doing in this next season at St. John's as we kick off a new school year, Life Group Season, and a Summer Picnic after our 9:45am service.

During both services, we want to invite those not yet baptized to consider baptism! If you or your children want to be baptized on August 18th, please fill out the baptism form here, and A.J. Vega, our Director of Outreach, will contact you with more details.

Our Summer Movie on the Lawn at Renewal Church will be August 23rd at 7:45pm. More details to come, but we encourage you to mark your calendars and join us for a family friendly movie!

Renewal Church, 3120 Irving St, Denver, CO 80211

Important Dates to Remember

August 5-9 - School Closed - Teacher In-Service and Cleaning

August 8 - ELC Open House, 4-6pm

August 12 - First Day of 2024-2025 School Year

August 18 - St. John's Summer Potluck Picnic

August 23 - Renewal Church Movie on the Lawn, 7:45pm

2024-2025 ELC Calendar

Lunch and Snack Menu

July 29 - August 2

Monday Lunch:

Teriyaki Chicken with Veggies

Brown Rice

Edamame Coleslaw


Snack: Cottage Cheese and WW Cornbread

Tuesday Lunch:

Beef Meat Loaf

WW Biscuit - Small

Mashed Potatoes

Cold Pea Salad

Snack: Lentil Salad and WW Pita

Wednesday Lunch:

Baked WW Chicken Mac and Cheese

Steamed Green Beans

Par Steamed Carrots

Snack: Animal Crackers and Sliced Ham

Thursday Lunch:

Light Curried Red Beans

Brown Rice

Cucumber Salad

Fresh Banana

Snack: Zesty Chex and String Cheese

Friday Lunch:

Pizza Party!

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