Panther Paw News

Friday, August 23, 2024

In This Issue

Abi's Announcements

Parent Teacher Organization

Movie on the Lawn

Women's Huddle

Denver Preschool Program


Big Breakfast & High Tea

Important Dates

Lunch and Snack Menu

Join us this Sunday!

Please join us for our Traditional Worship service at 8am or our Modern Worship service at 9:45am this Sunday. Children's church will be offered at both services for children 4th grade and younger. This week is Pastor Andrew's first sermon post-sabbatical. He has come back refreshed will be talking about Renewed Priorities. Help us welcome him back by joining us for worship!

Key Cards

Here at St. John’s we put a high emphasis on security. We utilize a key card locking system for many of the doors in the building. ELC families and staff are the only ones who have key card access to the doors. For the ELC families, you only have key card access during specific times of the day and only for specific doors. The drop-off window is from 7:30-8:45am, and the pick-up window is from 3:15-5:30pm (M-F only, no weekend key card access). During the drop-off and pick-up windows, your key cards will grant you entry into the main school entrance hallway, the main ELC doors, and the main K-8 school hallway doors (leading out to the Preschool/Pre-K west playground). PLEASE bring your key card with you when coming into the building. We want to discourage parents from letting people into the building if they do not have a key card. Also, there won't always be someone around at the end of the day to let you in, if you don't have your key card and ring the doorbell, so it is important that you, or whoever is picking up your child has a key card. If you lose your key card you will be charged a $50 replacement fee. I recommend putting it on a lanyard or keep it in your wallet or purse. Whatever works best for you to remember to bring it. Thank you for helping us protect your children and our teachers the best we can!

Remember to lock your car!

(Even if you are only coming in for a couple minutes)

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!"

Psalm 34:4–5, 8

The strength and spirit of our school community thrive because of our dedicated Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO is truly the engine that keeps St. John’s running smoothly, and everything we accomplish together is thanks to the incredible support and involvement of parents like you.

We would like to extend an invitation to all parents to join our PTO. Whether you have a little time or a lot, your contributions make a world of difference. We have made it easy to get involved by providing Sign Up Genius links for your convenience.

Your participation in our events, parties, and gatherings is crucial in making this year our most successful one yet. By joining the PTO, you’ll be directly impacting the experiences and memories created for our children. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant school community.

Please consider joining us in this important effort. Your involvement, no matter how big or small, will be greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide the best possible environment for our students.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to St. John’s. We look forward to working together to make this year truly special.

Show your support here...

Join us for a family friendly movie on the lawn at our Highlands Campus!

Renewal Church, 3120 Irving St, Denver, CO 80211

We’ve all seen the memes that populate the internet: live your truth, follow your heart, you only have one life to live. They sound nice and positive. But what if these slogans are actually lies that unhinge us from reality and leave us anxious and exhausted?  

Join the Women's Huddle in the Community Room on Thursday mornings to read and discuss "Live Your Truth and Other Lies" by Alisa Childers. We will uncover the common lies repeated in our modern culture, hold on to the soul-restoring truths that God's Word offers, and be empowered to live in the way our Creator designed!

Contact Alli Burkholder for more information -

Denver Preschool Program (DPP) offers tuition credits to Denver families with a 4-year-old, as well as to a limited number of Denver families with a 3-year-old. The web links below explain more about the program and how to apply!

DPP credits are based on attendance, and will start for September tuition, after September attendance is submitted at the end of the month. August tuition will be the regular rate. DPP credits are not applied to your account until 2 months after the credit month because of when the funds are received by the Denver Preschool Program, and the timing of tuition invoices.

For example: The DPP credit funds for September will not be received by St. John's until the end of October. By that time the October 15th invoices will have already gone out. So, the credit will then be applied to your November 15th invoice. By the end of the school year, you will have 2 months worth of credits that will either be applied to the next school year school tuition, if re-enrolled. Or if not re-enrolled, the credits will be sent to you via check.

Please email Melanie at if you have any questions about your DPP credits.

Join Us For SJKidz

St. John's Church

Sundays at 8:00 am or 9:45 am

1st-4th: Get Reel

Preschool/Kinder: Super Duper Picture Party

We are excited to invite all of our wonderful dads to a special breakfast morning with their children, hosted in the St. John’s Community Room. This will be a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time together in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

To accommodate your schedules, we are offering two sittings for this event. Please select the time that works best for you and your child. While the focus is on our K-8 students, we warmly welcome any ELC siblings from K-8 families who would like to join—just be sure to register them as well.

We look forward to seeing you there and sharing a delightful morning together on September 13th!

We are delighted to invite all of our wonderful moms to a special high tea afternoon with their children, hosted in the St. John’s Community Room. This will be a lovely occasion to relax and enjoy some quality time together in a warm and elegant setting.

To accommodate your schedules, we are offering two sittings for this event. Please choose the time that works best for you and your child. While the focus is on our K-8 students, we warmly welcome any ELC siblings from K-8 families who would like to join—just be sure to register them as well.

We look forward to sharing a beautiful afternoon with you on September 20th!

Important Dates to Remember

August 23 - Renewal Church Movie on the Lawn, 7:45pm

September 2 - ELC CLOSED - Labor Day

September 13 - Big Breakfast

September 20 - High Tea

October 9-11 - ELC CLOSED - LCMS Rocky Mountain District All-Workers Conference

2024-2025 ELC Calendar

Lunch and Snack Menu

August 26 - August 30

Monday Lunch:

Beef Sloppy Joe

WW Roll

Au Gratin Potatoes

Par Steamed Carrots

Snack: Pinto Bean Dip and 6" WW Tortilla

Tuesday Lunch:

Grilled Cheese

Tomato Soup

Spinach Salad

Italian Dressing

Snack: Yogurt and Applesauce

Wednesday Lunch:

Ham and Turkey Tetrazzini

Sautéed Zucchini

Par Steamed Broccoli

Snack: WW Blueberry Bread and String Cheese

Thursday Lunch:

Chicken Fajita Mix

Sautéed Onions and Peppers

6" WW Tortilla

Pinto Beans

Snack: WW Cornbread and Sliced Turkey

Friday Lunch:

Sliced Ham

Sliced Cheddar

WW Bread

Potato Salad

Melon Wedge

Snack: WW Graham Crackers and Pineapple

"In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. 
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