Panther Paw News

Friday, August 9, 2024

In This Issue

Abi's Announcements

ELC Calendar


Denver Preschool Program

Renewed Sunday - Summer Picnic

Movie on the Lawn


Important Dates

Lunch and Snack Menu

Hello 2024-2025 ELC Families!

ELC Program Hours are from 7:30am-5:30pm. We start the new 2024-2025 school year on Monday, August 12th, 2024. Hopefully you were able to come in and meet with your child's teachers at our Open House last night. If not, your child's teachers are very excited to meet you and your kiddos soon! In this newsletter, I will include several items, that were sent home in folders at the Open House. If you were not able to attend, those folders are waiting for you in your children's classrooms. I find that sometimes having digital copies of items are helpful as well. So please take a look at all the items included below.

Key Card Policy

Here at St. John’s we utilize a key card locking system for the main school hallway and ELC doors. Each ELC household will receive two key cards, labeled with your child’s (children’s) last name. These key cards will give each cardholder access to the entry doors during our ELC drop-off and pick-up windows. The drop-off window will be 7:30am-8:45am, and the pick-up window will be 3:15pm-5:30pm, Monday through Friday. During the drop-off and pick-up windows, your key cards will grant you entry into the main school hallway, the main ELC doors, and the main K-8 school hallway doors (leading out to the Preschool/Pre-K west playground).

If you want to come into the building outside of the drop-off and pick-up windows, you will need to ring the doorbell and an office employee or teacher will need to let you in. Additionally, if you are dropping your child off or picking up you child up between these time frames, you will be asked to wait in the main hallway, and the office employee or teacher will escort your child to or from his/her classroom, and retrieve the classroom’s attendance iPad for you to check your child in or out on the Tadpoles application.

Each household will receive two key cards. If your child has multiple households, please communicate directly with the ELC Director, to ensure that the appropriate number of cards is distributed per household. If one of your key cards becomes lost, someone in your household must contact the ELC Director, who will then fill out a Lost Key Card Form and submit that form to the Director of Operations. Upon submission of a Lost Key Card Form, the key card reported missing will be deactivated. A payment of $50.00 will be required, paid to St. John’s School & Early Learning Center via cash or check, in order to acquire a replacement.

When your child is no longer a student in the Early Learning Center, all key cards must be returned to the ELC Director. If you do not return your key cards, $50.00 per card will be charged to your Blackbaud Tuition account, and will be due by the next draft date. Unreturned key cards will be deactivated when your family leaves the program, and you will no longer have key card access to the building.

Before obtaining your key cards for your household, you must fill in and sign the following form, agreeing to our ELC Key Card Policy. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and secure school for your children and their teachers.

ELC Key Card Policy Signature Sheet

2024-2025 School Year Documents

We have a couple forms that the ELC Office will need for your child to attend our program. If you haven't already, please complete the General Health Appraisal and the Immunization Record for your child, and turn it into the ELC Office or email the forms to Daisy at Please submit all forms by August 12th!

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Micah 6:8

2024-2025 ELC Calendar

Click to Download Calendar

We utilize an app in the ELC called Tadpoles. This app is primarily used for attendance tracking throughout the day, which is a State Licesning requirement. Tadpoles can also be used for when you are marking your students absent, so your child's teachers are aware. Sometimes teachers may even take photos or videos and send them to you throughout the day with Tadpoles. Upon check-out, you will receive a report from that day, which can help you when asking your child about his/her day.

When you drop your child off each day, please find the classroom iPad and type in your pin code to check your child in, please do the same when you pick up your child at the end of the day. Your pin code is set to the last four digits of your phone number that we have on file. Once you get your Tadpoles account set up, you should be able to adjust the pin code as you desire. The email address linked to your child's Tadpoles account will be the email address on file. If you are having difficulties checking your child in or out with your pin code, please send an email to and let Ms. Abi know you're having trouble.

Please do not let your children check themselves in or out, we can only allow parents/guardians to type in their pin codes, per State requirements. Only the primary contacts in your child's TADS enrollment will be given pin codes. If you have authorized others to pick-up your children, they will need to use your pin code to check your child out, unless you'd like Ms. Abi to grant them access with their own pin codes. If that is something you desire, please reach out to her directly. The button below has a letter for families from Tadpoles, to help you set-up your account. Please review.

Tadpoles Family Letter

Denver Preschool Program (DPP) offers tuition credits to Denver families with a 4-year-old, as well as to a limited number of Denver families with a 3-year-old. The web links below explain more about the program and how to apply!

DPP credits are based on attendance, and will start for September tuition, after September attendance is submitted at the end of the month. August tuition will be the regular rate. DPP credits are not applied to your account until 2 months after the credit month because of when the funds are received by the Denver Preschool Program, and the timing of tuition invoices.

For example: The DPP credit funds for September will not be received by St. John's until the end of October. By that time the October 15th invoices will have already gone out. So, the credit will then be applied to your November 15th invoice. By the end of the school year, you will have 2 months worth of credits that will either be applied to the next school year school tuition, if re-enrolled. Or if not re-enrolled, the credits will be sent to you via check.

Please email Melanie at if you have any questions about your DPP credits.

Get ready for an exciting new season at St. John's!  

On Sunday, August 18th, we will celebrate all God is doing in this next season at St. John's as we kick off a new school year, Life Group season, and a Summer Picnic after our 9:45am service.

During both services, we want to invite those not yet baptized to consider baptism! If you or your children want to be baptized on August 18th, please fill out the baptism form here, and A.J. Vega, our Director of Outreach, will contact you with more details.

Join us for a family friendly movie on the lawn at our Highlands Campus!

Renewal Church, 3120 Irving St, Denver, CO 80211

Join Us For SJKidz

St. John's Church

Sundays at 8:00 am or 9:45 am

Preschool/Kinder: Super Duper Picture Party

1st-4th: Get Reel

Important Dates to Remember

August 12 - First Day of 2024-2025 School Year

August 18 - St. John's Summer Potluck Picnic

August 23 - Renewal Church Movie on the Lawn - 7:45pm

September 2 - ELC CLOSED - Labor Day

2024-2025 ELC Calendar

Lunch and Snack Menu

August 12 - August 16

Monday Lunch:

Beef Meat Sauce

WW Pasta

Par Steamed Cauliflower

Par Steamed Carrots

Snack: WW Goldfish Crackers and String Cheese

Tuesday Lunch:

Veggie & Cheese Quiche

WW Fruit Bread

Hash Browns


Snack: Pearled Couscous w/ Parmesan and Sliced Peaches

Wednesday Lunch:

BBQ Chicken Sandwich

WW Roll

Baked Potato

Southern Coleslaw

Mustard Vinaigrette

Snack: Cottage Cheese and Applesauce

Thursday Lunch:

Beef w/Mushrooms


Par Steamed Broccoli

Beet Salad

Snack: Hummus and Pita

Friday Lunch:

Turkey & Cheese Sandwich

WW Bread

Provolone Cheese

Chickpea Salad

Par Steamed Carrots

Snack: WW Banana Bread and Yogurt

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